Tuesday, September 17, 2024
HomeLifestyle10 Issues I Love Sunday

10 Issues I Love Sunday

This past week, I traveled out of the country for the first time in a long time. We went somewhere tropical for a few days for our 10-year anniversary, and although it was so nice to have some adult time, we missed our son and talked about him pretty much the whole time. Lol. It was a very relaxing trip. Many books were read.

We got home in time to catch up on a little work, throw the clothes in the laundry, and prep for Oscar’s second birthday party (yesterday).

It was Pixar Cars themed, as he is obsessed. And I cannot believe my baby is 2 years old already. Time is flying by. And here are 10 things I’ve been loving lately.

1. Just finished Beach Read, which was a bit on the nose to be reading this past week at the beach, but I have no shame. Such a fun book! I love this author.

And speaking of fantastic authors, a beautiful and inspiring non-fiction book I got recently is Elemental by Andi Eaton Alllerman. If you are in need of some soothing, grounding rituals in your life I HIGHLY recommend this book or you can check out her podcast!

2. Currently obsessed with this cuticle oil. It has a satisfying click as it dispenses oil. I am easily impressed, I guess.

3. For Oscar’s birthday, I made a Thunder Hollow dirt cake (from Cars 3) from a plain bakery cake and this dirt cake tutorial from Childhood Magic.

4. For his birthday, we got Oscar a sandbox for the backyard. He’s obsessed already. If you need me, I will be covered in sand all summer as we continue to work on not throwing sand. 😉

5. I love these resin earrings.

6. Just bought myself these sandals after I saw my therapist wearing the same pair in white. She has great style in addition to being a great therapist.

7. I keep getting an Instagram ad for these jeans and, well, it’s working. I’m thinking about buying them. But are they cool or are they wacky? They look cool on the model, but will they look silly on me? Idk.

8. If you’re shopping for Father’s Day, here’s a gift guide with unique DIY ideas.

9. I recently bought this sofa arm tray and I love it. Ha! Our sectional is so comfy, and when I’m all snuggled into the corner I can’t reach the coffee table to get my drink … so I bought this to solve the issue. It works great for holding sippy cups, too. 😉

10. We have four of these light fixtures in our home—I love the modern vibe.

P.S. Here are some recent posts in case you missed them!



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