Monday, September 23, 2024
HomeLifestyle10 Issues I Love Sunday

10 Issues I Love Sunday

We did it! We took our son on his first plane ride/first international trip/first trip to the beach. It was an overall success, but as all toddler parents can likely guess it was not without a few tough moments and meltdowns. But, great memories were made and it was so fun seeing his reaction to everything. I also have always loved the ocean ever since I was a kid, so any chance I get to go is always fun for me too. The beach nearby had these beautiful shells, I call them unicorn horns, and Oscar and I made many “flower gardens” in the sand with them. Anyway, we are home and I immediately started decorating for Halloween (of course). Here are 10 things I’ve been loving lately.

1. Just bought this sweater shaver. If you thrift sweaters as often as I do, or just hang on to great sweaters for years, this is a MUST.

2. Refreshing some of my skincare routine as I run low on things; bought this moisturizer and this toner. Love them!

3. Pulled out Oscar’s “spooky books” for Halloween and two favorites are Not a Pumpkin and Halloween ABCs. If you need more board books, for your kids or gifts, these two are great. Also here is more Halloween books and activities.

4. I ordered the Half Baked Harvest pumpkin candle and I cannot wait until it comes in the mail! The description makes me think I am going to LOVE this candle and oscillate between burning it constantly and also trying to “save it” as I’m that kind of psycho.

5. Currently reading The Last Mrs. Parrish and loving it.

6. We used this travel stroller for our international trip with our toddler recently. It folds up and can fit under the plane seat, or more overheads. It was super easy to use and kind of a life saver.

7. Just bought a couple more plain wood bird houses, to add to our spooky village. So far, I pick the theme for Oscar since he’s still so little and this year he’s making a monster theme house (different colors of green with stick on google eyes).

8. Soup season is in full swing at my house and I love using the larger Halloween mugs in my collection for soup bowls.

9. I ordered another ILIA multi-stick in At Last. This is a beauty product I have been using for years and have ordered multiple times as it runs out. I use it on my cheeks and lips and this color is perfect for my complexion, but it comes in lots of colors.

10. I want to make a version of this Dollar Tree Halloween wreath. So cute, and Dollar Tree was my first job when I was 16 years old, so it will always hold a special place in my heart. Lol.

P.S. Here are some recent posts in case you missed them!



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