Saturday, September 21, 2024
HomeLifestyle10 Issues I Love Sunday

10 Issues I Love Sunday

Happy weekend, friends. I know Valentine’s Day has come and gone, but I hope you’ll tolerate this photo of some cookies my son and I made this past week.

I feel like pink and red should be a combo we use all year long. And, here’s 10 things I’ve been loving lately.

1. I was craving a hair change but didn’t want to do anything major/permanent because I know I always just go back to what works, BUT my hair dresser told me about this coloring shampoo and I tried it.

She had used the pink version in her blonde hair and it looked adorable. I tried lavender and although it took two applications before I really got it, then I REALLY loved it.

2. Is anyone else watching Poker Face? I think it’s really fun.

3. Made sugar cookies with Oscar for V-day and he loved it. I had to reorder meringue powder after I finally used up my stash. It lasts a long time—I only make royal icing sugar cookies for holidays.

4. I replaced our regular shower curtain with a curved shower curtain. It’s great! It makes it feel like you have so much more space in your shower (ours is a shower/tub combo).

5. After a number of snow days last month, we bought a stair slide for Oscar and it’s a hit! If you’ve never seen these before, check it out, it’s hilarious. Very desperate parent move, but here we are.

6. I love these hoop earrings.

7. Bought a banana bread candle from this Etsy shop and could not recommend it more!

8. Speaking of banana bread, we recently posted a big roundup of breakfast recipe ideas.

9. Recently bought a friend this stained glass panel and now I want to order another one for my office window.

10. Anthropologie is having a sale—I love these coasters.

P.S. Here are a some recent posts in case you missed them!



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