Sunday, September 29, 2024
HomeLifestyle10 Random Subjects - A Wholesome Slice of Life

10 Random Subjects – A Wholesome Slice of Life

ChatGPT. The robots are taking over. Have you heard of this? David has it doing all kinds of automation tasks for us and while I’m impressed, I’m also a little freaked out by it. It’s interesting though because it makes all the blog posts I used to spend hours on, the evergreen “how to” and things like that, fairly obsolete. The technology can crank those posts out in less than 60 seconds. So in the blogging/social world it seems to me that all that’s really left is to focus on sharing life experiences, because a robot can’t replicate that… yet.

Unpopular food opinions. This was a topic I shared on IG stories last night and found hugely entertaining. It kicked off with me spending $80 at Publix on about 10 items and sharing my unpopular food opinion: I can’t shop Whole Foods for cheaper than most any other grocery store. Then I asked for your unpopular food opinion and got a slew of responses from Trader Joe’s is overrated, to avocados are gross, that mayo reigns supreme over butter for grilled cheeses, meal planning doesn’t save money, overnight oats make me gag, and more. I loved reading them on and having us all vote on whether we agreed; seriously entertaining! What’s your unpopular food opinion?

BVI Prep. It’s crunch time for BVI packing, which feels so much easier than skiing packing because all you really need is a bathing suit. Ok, maybe a few more items, but we are keeping it simple. We have fins and snorkels for everyone, Keens for all, and I’m so psyched to find the best shorts ever that I bought 2 pairs. They hit me at the right spot (I’m 5’1″), are made of quick dry material, and have zipper pockets.

Allergies. Mine have been tickling me a bit with some sneezes here and there but poor H; she’s been miserable each morning and night with itchy, red, swollen eyes. I have air purifiers pumping, we changed the air filters, I washed all her sheets and pillows, she showers every night, I give her allergy medicine, and it’s still miserable. I just ordered her a kid quercetin/stinging nettle combo but if you have any other tips to try, please let me know. I’ve been keeping a wet rag in the freezer for her to put on her eyes.

House projects. David is pulling out his tool belt and taking on a few projects! Removing wire shelving from the pantry and installing wood shelves, do the same to our shoes closet, and also building out a real mud room with cubbies and a bench. Me? I plan to plant my tomatoes, so we’re all pitching in around here.

Spark aligners. I’m only on day 5 of these new Spark teeth aligners, but they’ve already rid me over jaw clenching and popping in the morning. It must because it acts like a nightguard, but either way, I’m happy. They don’t bother me much during the day except I’m not able to sip tea all day long like I usually prefer. Just water.

Homeschool review. With our end of year testing on the book for the end of May, we are sliding into review mode. I bought Spectrum math books for both kids, and we’re combing through those. My new Beautiful Feet US Geography unit just arrived and I’m so excited! Thinking we will start that in July.

I’m turning 40 in September. As of right now, I’m completely unbothered by the number; it actually kind of feels like a badge of honor. We’ll see if I freak out at all as it gets closer. David keeps asking how I want to celebrate it and I have no idea. Homemade dessert by the kids? Trip to Glacier NP? Hmm… I’ll have to think on it! 😉

Chickens. Does everyone you know have chickens or is it just my friend group? We got to visit my friend, Janna’s, chicks yesterday and they are the cutest. Both K and H are asking when we can get some. One day…

I’d choose the dog. We have a trip to Maine scheduled for July with my family and I’m SO excited about it; I’ve never been and I sure do love those people of mine. However, it’s been a bit of a pain to figure out what to do with Finley for an extended period of time. While bemoaning this fact, David reminded me that I was the one that pushed for the dog. And you know what? I’d choose the dog over and over again. The lovable, crazy ball of fur snoring next to me right now makes me insanely happy. Dogs are the best.

How is that for a random smattering of topics? Tell me, what’s on your mind lately? What’s your unpopular food opinion? I hope you have a great weekend; thanks so much for stopping by!!



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