Monday, October 7, 2024
HomeLifestyle13 Causes Why Massive Children Are Superior

13 Causes Why Massive Children Are Superior

I shared something a week ago on IG that seemed to resonate, so I wanted to elaborate on it here, as it’s something that has crossed my mind a lot over the past few months.

Big kids are awesome.

I remember having babies and thinking that this was the best it got. Wearing them, snuggling them, having them nap on you, having other people ohh and aww at your precious baby. The BEST.

I remember seeing friends with elementary aged children and thinking how far away that seemed. And secretly wondering if they wished they were back in the time of babies, too.

I begged for time to slow down because how could it get any better than adorable babies?

But as we know, time slows down for no one, so years passed and suddenly I find myself here with two incredible big kids, ages 11 and 8. Younger me is giving present-day-me a sympathetic wide eyed look and wondering “do you miss your little babies?”

In some ways, yes. Part of me will always cherish the baby stage. And the toddler stage. And the preschool stage. Each one has it’s challenges certainly, but also it’s adorable perks. But another part of me wants to shout from the rooftop: Do not fear your children getting older; BIG KIDS ARE AWESOME. Why?

  • Big kids are inquisitive and thoughtful about the world around them. They pick up on things you might have stopped noticing years ago.
  • Big kids engage you in interesting conversations in questioning why things are the way they are. The encourage you to wonder and look up answers to things like what percentage of the air we breathe is actually oxygen?
  • Big kids can largely take care of their physical needs. They can bathe themselves, use the restroom themselves, feed themselves, put on their own coats and shoes. You may not even realize what a mental load all that is for you until you no longer have to do it.
  • Big kids can help in a way that is actually helpful, whether it’s emptying the dishwasher, walking the dog, sweeping the floor, prepping veggies, or doing their own laundry.
  • Big kids mean you don’t have to plan life around naps or feeding schedules. You can easily grab food out and bedtimes can be pushed later without consequence. The freedom is as wonderful as you imagine it might be.
  • Big kids bubble over with excitement and joy about simple pleasures like going to the movie theater or cooking dinner together. There is a sweet spot (so I’m told; we’ll see how long it lasts) of when your kids are really fun to be around and they want to be around you.
  • Big kids take in the world with wonder, which makes them so much fun to travel with. You get to see the world through their eyes and it makes it that much more shiny and magical. Plus they can carry their own luggage.
  • Big kids have their own interests they want to pursue and you get to help them then watch their eyes light up when they nail that guitar chord, make that goal, or master that code they’ve been working on.
  • Big kids don’t need car seats and can buckle and unbuckle themselves. Do you know how many errands you can run when your crew can hop in and out of the car quickly with you? Or what it’s like when you can travel and just hop in an Uber, sans car seats?
  • Big kids can keep up with you physically. They can be your walking partner or your wakeboarding buddy.
  • Big kids can play the games that you want to play, too. No mindless Candyland, they can take you on (and beat you, too) in Catan, Trekking the World, and Spades.
  • Big kids’ sports are actually exciting to watch. Sure little kids bumbling around the field is adorable, but watching a game where both sides know which direction they are supposed to be heading is more engaging.
  • Big kids ask thoughtful questions and want to hear your answers about what life was like when you were growing up, how you and dad met, and how you decided what you wanted to do for a job. It’s fun to reflect on your own life through their curious eyes.

If you’re like I was and somewhat dreading the day your babies would need you less and be more self sufficient, let me assure you, it just keeps getting better. Cherish (or survive… we all have ages and stages we enjoy more than others) those early years; they have their precious moments for sure. But don’t fear your kids getting older.

I found a helpful practice in this wild ride of motherhood is to do my best to embrace the ages and stages as they come; breathing deeply through the trying moments and savoring the sweet ones.

What has been your favorite age to parent? Or your toughest?



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