Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeLifestyle85% Of Ladies With PCOS Are Additionally Vitamin D Poor — Here...

85% Of Ladies With PCOS Are Additionally Vitamin D Poor — Here is Why

Whether you’ve been diagnosed with PCOS or not, ensuring your vitamin D status is sufficient [hint: the golden standard is a 25(OH)D serum level of 50 ng/ml or higher] can help support your hormonal, metabolic, and whole-body health. To achieve vitamin D sufficiency, the average person needs to consume 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 (not D2) daily.

The problem? Getting adequate vitamin D from just food and safe sun exposure is practically impossible. A high-quality vitamin D supplement, however, can help you reach and maintain healthy vitamin D status effectively and efficiently. 

Not sure what to look for in a quality vitamin D supplement? Check out mindbodygreen’s top list of vetted vitamin D supplements—we’ve scoured the market for the best products for you.



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