Sunday, October 6, 2024
HomeLifestyleA Wednesday Afternoon Verify-In - Peanut Butter Fingers

A Wednesday Afternoon Verify-In – Peanut Butter Fingers

Hi, hi! How are ya? I’m coming at you today with an old school-style in-the-moment blog post. I love when I have the chance to chat with you guys in real-time. It takes me back to the early days of blogging before kid craziness took over and blogging in real-time on a daily basis became unrealistic.

Today has been all over the place but we have a two-hour break at home before it’s time to pick up Chase so I’m taking advantage of this breather to blog at the kitchen counter while Ryder and Rhett play nearby.


Today began at 6 a.m. when I woke up, got dressed and ran through the day’s to-do list over a cup of coffee.

(Duster Cardigan: Amazon / Sweatshirt: Free People / Workout Top: Amazon / Leggings: Lululemon / Quilted Bag: Free People / Boots: UGGs)

We’ve been all over the place today and everything kicked into high gear right around 7 a.m. when Chase, Pepper and I left to take Pepper to the vet.

Pepper has a few stubborn baby teeth remaining in her mouth that concerned our vet so she needed to get them removed this morning. She was a little nervous when we brought her in but the vet called me about 20 minutes ago and said she did wonderful under anesthesia. We get to pick up our girl around 3 p.m. and plan to spoil her with a lot of love and soft foods over the course of the next week.

After Pepper’s drop-off, Chase and I made our way to his school where we walked in together and he joined his classmates before school officially began while I had a quick parent/teacher conference. I adore Chase’s school and his teacher is wonderful and it was fun to hear a little bit about how he’s doing  so far this year from his teacher’s perspective. I also love any chance I get to peek around his classroom and couldn’t help but smile when I saw this little sign he made about his talents.

“I am a STAR because I can play soccer and make birdcalls.” If that isn’t Creature Man Chase in a nutshell.

Our conference was done within 20 minutes and I then walked to a nearby local bagel shop to meet up with Ryan, Rhett and Ryder at 8:30 a.m. We had a super-quick breakfast date before Ryan headed into work which felt like a nice little mid-week treat!

After saying goodbye to Ryan, we swung by Rhett and Ryder’s preschool to drop off a big box of toys, school supplies and cleaning supplies. The boys’ preschool is still closed following the fire that happened in the school building two weeks ago and is relying on donations in order to reopen. We are completely in awe of the way the church, preschool families, community and teachers have rallied around our little preschool and I’m blown away by the fact that the school will be opening again on Monday.

I’ve been a member of our preschool’s board for three years and learning more about the behind-the-scenes operations of the preschool, helping out in any way I can and noticing the immense amount of time and effort that goes into handling something like this only makes me love and appreciate the school our boys love so much even more. This morning, I saw several teachers cry when a retired teacher brought an entire SUV filled with labeled school supplies to the gym to donate. So, so incredible.

After dropping off our box and saying hello to the teachers we adore so much, we made our way to Burn Boot Camp where I met up with my friend Lauren for an upper body workout while Ryder and Rhett played in child watch.

After boot camp, we made our way to Sweetwater Farms for a playdate with a bunch of the kids from the boys’ preschool since our kids have been missing each other while the school has been closed.

The boys loved seeing their buddies and visiting with the animals and after about two hours, we said our goodbyes and headed home for lunch.

I had hoped that a little break at home after a busy morning would mean that Rhett and Ryder would be in the mood for a little downtime and quiet play. Thankfully this worked out well for me and gave me the chance to quickly type up this blog post and chat with all of you. A treat for me for sure!

Plans for the rest of the day include picking up Chase and Pepper, piano lessons for the big kids and hopefully some playtime outside at home because it’s absolutely gorgeous outside today. Time to get to it!

I hope you all enjoy the rest of your Wednesday!



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