Monday, September 23, 2024
HomeLifestyleWe’ll Simply Be Sitting Fairly in Nordstrom’s Magnificence Division

We’ll Simply Be Sitting Fairly in Nordstrom’s Magnificence Division

Pinch me. 

No, really. So surreal that I’m writing a blog post announcing that The Skinny Confidential products are officially in stock at Nordstrom

Once again, this is a huge milestone that is possible because of YOU. We’re ecstatic, super proud, so excited, and wouldn’t you know it – here we are just in time for the holidays.

Nordstrom hits all the spots. It’s nostalgic, warm and fuzzy, but at the same time fresh, youthful and on the pulse. Personally, it’s one of my favorite department stores, but more than that it’s also been our community’s go-to. The retail partnership is incredibly synergistic- the tools are meant to be in the beauty department. I mean, there’s nothing better than a Nordstrom silver box during the holidays, right! 

And now, that box can be filled with a pink, preventative beauty tool to give to your loved ones or yourself. 

So here’s the deal.

You’ll be able to get the ice roller and PINK BALLS at all 93 US Nordstrom locations. At Nordstrom online, you’ll be able to buy:

Hot Mess ice roller

Pink Balls face massager

Hot Shave razor

Hot Shave cream

Sleeping bag

Stalk it all in the beauty section, right where we belong.

Thank you thank you thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I’m so incredibly proud of this community and forever grateful for all your support, always.

x, Lauryn

Stalk us at Nordstrom:



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