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HomeLifestyleThe Skinny Confidential Group Vacation Traditions

The Skinny Confidential Group Vacation Traditions

I have scoured the internet, talked to friends and talked to family about some of their holiday traditions so you guys can integrate some of them into your festivities. I’ve compiled a list for you BUT I would still love to know what all your favorites are. Spill everything in the comments below.

My favorite is still the Christmas Pickle, but that’s just me.

What you do is get a pickle ornament to hang in your tree on Christmas Eve, then on Christmas morning, whoever finds the pickle first will have a year of good fortune. It’s so fun & out of the box- I love it. If you have kids, or there are kids around, the first kid to find the pickle gets an extra present from Santa. Such a fun way to start Christmas morning.

I bet this is a tradition so many people do that has evolved over time into something unique for each family. So if that’s you, I NEED to know all the different ways you guys practice this tradition. Tell me everything.

Anyway, below are some beloved traditions from myself, my team and YOU.

The Skinny Confidential Community Holiday Traditions:

+ Actually, I guess my most favorite tradition is my family Christmas card photo shoot. Every year we choose a movie & reenact the poster for it so our card is like this parody of a movie. It’s always so funny- as you can see from the pic above.

+ There’s also nothing better than drinking hot toddies while wrapping presents. This is one of my favorite things that I used to do with my godparents. What’s better than getting shit done while you get a little tipsy?!

+ One of our team members, her husband and kids take a time lapse video of them decorating their tree together every year. It’s such a fun memory to look back on.

+ Matching pajamas: does it get any cuter?! A total must for a Christmas Eve movie night and magical morning.

+ a cookie swap is so fun & is a little something extra to add to a Christmas gathering with all your girlfriends. Basically, everyone bakes the same amount of cookies – recipe of their choice ( I would for sure make these )- then everyone trades so you end up with TONS of different types of cookies. This is so perfect if you do a lot of hosting or have family in town because you don’t have to spend hours & hours baking a billion different recipes.

On an Instagram post I asked you guys what your favorite holiday traditions are &, as always, you guys delivered. Seriously love this community…

@samwise.may – we always buy an ornament that reminds us of each other and exchange them on Christmas Eve!

@reneedumont – We watch A Christmas Story and drink wine every time someone tells Ralphie he will shoot his eye out.

@one.blueiris – My husband reads How The Grinch Stole Christmas while his dad plays the song on the guitar. So much fun!

@karaokeislandvacays – Singing “Last Christmas” and “Let It Snow” at every karaoke dive bar I can find.

@chandlerfcarlson – My family always does a big Italian feast on Christmas Eve! My great-grandma’s best friend was from Italy ( her name was Santa! ) so we make Italian in her honor. We do homemade pizzas ( homemade dough, sauce & meatballs ), spaghetti with homemade sauce & meatballs, salad & bread. It’s amazing.

@amandamayfoltz – Building a kickass gingerbread town!! Last year was the London bridge. This year will be New York skyline.

There are LITERALLY SO MANY MORE amazing ones. You guys have to go read them. Some are so cute & heartwarming, others are so funny & cool. Just love everything you guys come up with.

Also, so glad to hear that tons of you love The Christmas Pickle too.

Let me know your holiday traditions below, it’s always fun to have something to do together with your family.

x lauryn,

+ Be sure to check out my Favorite Things of 2023 post – that’s right, just like Oprah.

+ Check out this post on how to make Christmas morning magical for your kids.




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