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HomeLifestyleLearn how to Make Crispy Peanut Ginger Cookies: Grandma’s Favourite Recipe

Learn how to Make Crispy Peanut Ginger Cookies: Grandma’s Favourite Recipe

I was once again raiding my grandmother’s recipe boxes and found her personal favorite cookie filed in the wrong section. I almost had forgotten about these delicious crispy peanut ginger cookies with molasses, fragrant spices and crunchy peanuts. Since my grandfather didn’t care for ginger, she would make them special for us each time that we visited her. In this post, I’ll share these chewy spice cookies with peanuts so that you also can enjoy them at your house!

Why These Peanut Cookies Deserve to Earn a Place in Your Recipe Box

The number one reason is because how utterly scrumptious these cookies are with molasses, fragrant spices and the peanuts that contribute extra crunch.

These firmer cookies are perfect for dunking into coffee or milk without falling apart.

Another reason I love them is how easy this recipe is to make. You just do a bit of sifting and basically mix everything together. There is no need to pull out your electric mixer. I use a fork to mix all the ingredients before loading my cookie trays.

Tips and Variations for Peanut Ginger Cookies

These cookies can be stored well in the freezer. I just put another zip-lock bag away. You don’t need to worry about wrapping them individually because they won’t crumble into pieces. These are sturdy even when you stuff them in that bag in the freezer.

If you have a small family, live alone or don’t trust your willpower with many yummy cookies around, you can cut this recipe in half. Reducing this recipe will give you about two dozen cookies.

Those individuals that need to watch their diet due to health conditions would appreciate this recipe uses canola oil, which is better than shortening with all its trans fat that could increase your LDL, the bad cholesterol. In fact, canola oil is the healthier choice when comparing it to other vegetable oils. The original recipe called for shortening, but I switched over to the canola oil and never noticed a difference in taste.

For those needing to reduce the amount of sodium in their diets, you also are covered because you can substitute the unsalted peanuts for this recipe. Honestly, they taste very good plain too and in these cookies. I keep both at our house so I please everyone.

Gobbling up these special treats in my grandma’s kitchen brings back so many happy memories. Even now I can close my eyes and smell them baking while all the grandkids sat around the table impatiently waiting for her kitchen timer to ring. I hope that you give grandma’s crispy peanut ginger cookies a try because they truly are special.

Crispy Peanut Ginger Cookies

3 cups of sifted flour
1 teaspoon of baking soda, leveled
1 teaspoon of ginger
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
½ teaspoons of ground cloves
1 cup of sugar
2/3 cup of canola oil
2 large eggs
½ cups of molasses (dark, light or blackstrap)
1 cup of salted or unsalted peanuts

Sift together in a large mixing bowl: the flour and baking soda.

Stir in the ginger, cinnamon, cloves, and sugar to the mixing bowl next.

To that mixing bowl, add the eggs, oil and molasses. Mix those ingredients thoroughly until well combined.

Finally stir in the peanuts and mix until all the ingredients are incorporated.

Shape the cookie dough using a full teaspoon or rolling the dough into small balls. I prefer rolling into small balls of dough from the teaspoon and pressing them down a little with your hand.

Place on greased cookie sheets.

Bake in a 350-degree oven for about 12-15 minutes, depending on how your oven is regulated and the size of the cookies that you shape.

Test with a toothpick to see if anything sticks for determining doneness.

Allow to cool in the pan for about one or two minutes before removing.



Learn how to make these delicious crispy peanut ginger cookies with molasses, fragrant spices, and crunchy peanuts. This easy recipe is from my grandmother, who made them special for us each time that we visited her.


Dessert, Snack




canola oil cookies, chewy spice cookies, crispy peanut ginger cookies, easy cookie recipe, grandma’s cookie recipe, molasses cookies, peanut ginger cookies

Author: Mary Balandiat

  • 3
    of sifted flour
  • 1
    of baking soda
  • 1
    of ginger
  • 1
    of cinnamon
  • ½
    of ground cloves
  • 1
    of sugar
  • 2/3
    of canola oil
  • 2
    large eggs
  • ½
    of molasses
    dark, light or blackstrap
  • 1
    of salted or unsalted peanuts

  1. Sift together in a large mixing bowl: the flour and baking soda.

  2. Stir in the ginger, cinnamon, cloves, and sugar to the mixing bowl next.

  3. To that mixing bowl, add the eggs, oil and molasses. Mix those ingredients thoroughly until well combined.

  4. Finally stir in the peanuts and mix until all the ingredients are incorporated.

  5. Shape the cookie dough using a full teaspoon or rolling the dough into small balls. I prefer rolling into small balls of dough from the teaspoon and pressing them down a little with your hand.

  6. Place on greased cookie sheets.

  7. Bake in a 350-degree oven for about 12-15 minutes, depending on how your oven is regulated and the size of the cookies that you shape.

  8. Test with a toothpick to see if anything sticks for determining doneness.

  9. Allow to cool in the pan for about one or two minutes before removing.

  10. ENJOY!

You also may want to try my soft ginger cookies with iced with confectioners’ sugar topping, chewy oatmeal cookies with raisins and crystallized ginger, moist peanut butter cupcakes with nutty frosting, and my peanut butter banana bread. These are all so delicious! Check them out. You can also find more great recipes in my search box!

Visit Beauty Cooks Kisses Blog for more home-tested recipes from my kitchen as well as other helpful posts to better your life!



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