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HomeLifestyle20 minute Full Physique Energy and Sculpt

20 minute Full Physique Energy and Sculpt

Get ready to rock your entire body with this fun total body workout! This fast and effective workout will have you done in just 20 minutes!

To give you the best workout (at any age) I’ve paired explosive cardio and resistance training. And if you love this, guess what – this is one of the workouts in my Fast Fitness Challenge (available in Rock Your Life)– I’d love to see you there!

This challenge will help you maximize the time you spend training and watch your entire body get stronger, leaner and faster over the course of the program! Not only that, I’ve written custom sequencing into this challenge so that you can follow the right path whether you’re still in your regular cycling years, in perimenopause or post menopause.

Now I won’t sugar coat it, workouts alone won’t solve every challenge we encounter when it comes to hormones changing. But the type of training I’m teaching is the optimal type for you as you go through these life transitions. The strategic sequencing I offer in Rock Your Life will help you optimize recovery and get the best response from your body in the workouts you do.

I’ll tell you right now that you can harness the fat-burning and muscle sculpting potential of your workouts when you surround them with proper recovery, the right fuel (notably protein – our needs increase as we age), and proactive stress management techniques.

I’m all about that “all or something” life (no more “all or nothing!”). So start where you are, do what you can and be consistent. I’ll provide the tools. The strength we build over time comes with important benefits like more body awareness, a strong foundation, and more confidence in ourselves – all aspects of training that serve us long term and make the journey worth it!

Grab some items for resistance – like water bottles, laundry jugs or dumbbells, and an elevated surface and join me for this awesome workout to see what this challenge is like!

The Fast Fitness Challenge is an incredibly effective, time-saving challenge in the 15-20 minute range (I have challenges of all different lengths in Rock Your Life). When you start, you can opt to use any of the 3 calendar tracks you have access to for your life stage. Enjoy time-saving workouts in the 15-20 minute timeframe that sculpt lean muscle and support fat burning.

Start this challenge today!

(Returning to Rock Your Life? Just use the “returning members” button on the same page!)

Full Body Strength and Sculpt

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions

Equipment: weighted objects, optional elevated surface
Pyramid Format: Round 1: 15 seconds | Round 2: 30 seconds | Round 3: 45 seconds | Round 4: 30 seconds | Round 5: 15 seconds. Resting 15 seconds between each movement with an optional bonus move.

Pyramid 1

Bulgarian Split Squat

  • Begin standing, a weighted object in each hand and with one foot on an elevated surface behind you, your feet hip width distance and spaced far apart enough for a good lunge position.
  • Find your optimal foot positioning by sitting on the edge of your elevated surface so that the edge is right where your butt meets your thigh. Extend the working leg out straight; wherever your foot lands is where you should place it during this split squat.
  • Lower yourself down with control by bending your knees to the depth that is comfortable for you (ensure that your front knee isn’t buckling in or bowing out).
  • As you stand up, drive through your front heel and come to standing.
  • Repeat for the duration of the round and switch sides on the next one.
  • MOD: Perform this exercise body weight only, placing your hand against a wall for balance, or performing regular forward lunges on your mat

Rest: Calf Raises

  • Stand with your feet hip distance apart, core braced, chest up, shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall), and a weighted object in each hand at your shoulders or by your sides.
  • Lift your heels off of the mat as high as you can with control, then slowly lower them back down (be mindful that you’re not shifting your weight side to side or leaning forward).
  • Repeat for allotted time.
  • MOD: Remove the weighted objects and complete this move with bodyweight only.

Pyramid 2

Squat to Single Arm Back Pull Row

  • Begin standing with feet hip distance apart, core braced, chest upright and with one weight in each hand.
  • Send your hips back as you come into a squat, bracing your core and keeping your chest up, allowing your knees to track in line with your toes.
  • Drive through your heels, squeezing your glutes to come back to standing.
  • Leading with your elbow, use your upper back and lats to pull the weighted objects, one at a time, up and back as though you are starting a lawn mower.
  • Lower the weights with control and repeat this sequence for the allotted time.
  • MOD: Use an elevated surface behind you as you squat to guide your squat form.

Rest: Jack Press

  • Begin standing with your feet together and core braced. Hold your weighted objects in your hands, arms in a goalpost position and shoulders back and down (as if you are standing against a wall).
  • Jump your feet out wide as you press the weights towards the sky with arms in full extension. Keep your elbows back and your chest open.
  • Jump your feet back together, bringing your arms back to the starting position, and repeat for allotted time.
  • MOD: Remove weighted objects and/or make this move low impact by removing the jump and alternating stepping each foot out and back in.

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Pyramid 3

Biceps and Triceps Variations

  • Bicep Curls

    • Standing and holding weights wiith palms facing forward, a braced core and shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall), bend at the elbows to curl the weights up to shoulder height.
    • With control, lower the weights to the starting position. Be mindful that you’re keeping your elbows in at your ribcage for the duration of the curl.
    • Repeat for allotted time.
  • Hammer Curls

    • Begin standing with weighted objects in both hands and palms facing your sides.
    • With a braced core and shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall), bend your arms at the elbows to curl the weights up to shoulder height.
    • With control, lower the weights back to the starting position. Be mindful that you’re keeping your elbows stationary at your ribcage for the duration of the curl.
    • Repeat for allotted time.
  • 45 Degree Curls
    • Begin standing with weighted objects in both hands and palms facing away from you.
    • With a braced core and shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall), outwardly rotate your forearms about 45 degrees and bend at the elbows to curl the weights up to shoulder height.
    • With control, lower the weights to the starting position. Be mindful that you’re keeping your elbows stationary at your ribcage for the duration of the curl.
    • Repeat for allotted time..
  • Tricep Kickbacks
    • Stand with your core braced, chest up, shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall), and weighted objects in both hands.
    • Hinge forward at the hips at a 45 degree angle with your body with a flat back, and engage between your shoulders, so they’re not rounding forward. Allow your dumbbells to hang beneath your chest and keep your head and neck in a neutral position.
    • Draw your elbows up and back beside your ribcage and perform tricep kickback by kicking your arms straight back, rotating your palms towards the ceiling, and contracting your triceps.
    • Keep your elbows beside your ribcage as you bend your arms and repeat the kickback from a hinged position for allotted time.
  • Overhead Tricep Extension
    • Begin in a standing position with core braced and shoulders back and down (as if they were against a wall).
    • Hold one weighted object overhead with both hands (or two lighter weighted objects in both hands) so that your arms are straight overhead.
    • Slowly lower the weight behind your head by bending your elbows, being mindful of not letting the elbows flare out too much.
    • Once your forearms move beyond parallel to the floor, bring the weight back up to the starting position and repeat.
    • Your upper arms should remain in place throughout the movement so that your elbows aren’t moving too far forward or backward.
    • Repeat for allotted time.

Rest: Skaters

  • Begin standing tall with your core braced and chest upright.
  • Step your right foot back behind you and over to the left as your left knee bends (your right knee will line up behind your left heel).
  • Bend both knees to lower down into your lunge position, ensuring that your chest remains upright and your front knee does not shoot out over your toe.
  • Drive through your front heel and laterally hop to the other side to softly land on the ball of your right foot and repeat the curtsy on the other leg. Alternate back and forth.
  • MOD: Take the jump out of the move and make it low impact by alternating curtsy lunges or reverse lunges.

Pyramid 4

Sumo Squat to Press

  • Begin by standing with your feet wider than hip distance, allowing your feet to turn out naturally, holding a weighted object in each hand at your shoulders.
  • Brace your core and send your hips back, keeping your chest up tall (don’t bend forward), weight back in your heels and knees tracking in line with your toes.
  • As you drive through your heels, squeezing your glutes to power back to standing, press the weights straight up overhead with your palms still facing each other.
  • Lower the weights back to starting position as you come back down into a sumo squat.
  • Repeat for the allotted time.
  • MOD: Use an elevated surface behind you as you squat to guide your squat form.

Rest: Side Kicks

  • Begin by standing with your feet hip width distance, core braced, chest upright, and hands in a fighting stance.
  • Lean slightly to the left, feeling stable and strong through the left leg, and powerfully kick your right leg straight out to the right side by first lifting the knee up and then driving through the heel, as if you were kicking a door shut.
  • Plant you right foot back down and switch sides.
  • Continue alternating sides for the allotted time.

Great job Rockstar! The time and energy you invest in yourself and your health makes a huge difference! Let me know what you thought of today’s workout in the comments below.

Looking for support and a consistent plan to follow? Check out what Rock Your Life, (my home workout studio and women’s fitness community) has to offer! Take a look at Jolene, a Rock Your Life member who shared this with us:

“It’s been one year since I took back my life and my health. I’m so proud of how far I’ve come. I’m in the best shape of my life. The first picture was me not keeping up with my son, I was tired all the time, my body hurt. Now I feel amazing. I have so much energy and I sleep so much better. I feel like a warrior! I have more confidence than I ever had and for the first time I feel healthy and fit AND I have a 6 pack!
Don’t ever give up on your goals!”

Get everything you need to reach YOUR goals in Rock Your Life, my online gym studio!

You have access 24/7 – It’s the gym that never closes, and the one you can take with you everywhere you go!

  • Class library with over 1000 classes of all types so you can reach your fitness goals and have all the tools to maintain them!
  • Challenge programs – over 50 different challenges that you can start anytime as a member, including 30 day challenges, 14 day, 21 day, 7 day and 5 day challenges of all types of training to sculpt and strengthen your body and mind!
  • Healthy recipes to inspire you with new ideas for easy cooking and fueling your body with the building blocks it needs to thrive
  • Top tier support in our private women’s fitness community where you can get your questions answered online or via email – our members are our VIP’s!

Click Here to start your journey today!

(Returning to Rock Your Life? Just use the “returning members” button on the same page!)

The post 20 minute Full Body Strength and Sculpt appeared first on The Betty Rocker.



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