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HomeTourismPresidential Practice is again on observe on the Douro line

Presidential Practice is again on observe on the Douro line

The Presidential Train, with its rich history and pivotal role in hosting distinguished guests, exemplifies the intertwining of tradition and modern diplomacy. Initially introduced as the “Royal Train” in 1890, its significance soared when, two decades later, it was recommissioned as the Presidential Train. This stately mode of transport gained particular prominence during the Estado Novo era, serving as a dignified conveyance for heads of state and their entourages. The unveiling of a new tourist product marks a collaborative effort between CP – Comboios de Portugal, the National Railway Museum Foundation (FMNF), and the culinary expertise of Chef Chakall. Comprising six vibrant blue carriages, this venture promises to redefine luxury travel, offering passengers an immersive and indulgent experience through the picturesque landscapes of Portugal. 

The train played a crucial role in historical events, notably facilitating the visits of esteemed figures such as Queen Elizabeth II and Pope Paul VI to Portugal. With a lineage deeply rooted in regal origins and adapted for contemporary diplomatic functions, the Presidential Train remains an emblematic entity that has gracefully traversed the tracks of time, preserving the nation’s heritage while serving as a symbol of diplomatic distinction.


From the opulent interiors to the meticulous attention to detail, each journey aboard the Presidential Train carries a sense of gravitas, embodying the weight of the responsibilities borne by the office of the president. As a mobile symbol of authority, the Presidential Train traverses the tracks of history, leaving an indelible mark on the collective memory of the nation it serves. This unique mode of presidential travel serves as a historical and ceremonial conveyance, transporting the head of state with a blend of elegance and security. Beyond its utilitarian function, the Presidential Train is an emblematic representation of a country’s heritage, seamlessly melding tradition and modernity. 

The picturesque Douro Valley unfolds, with terraced vineyards, meandering Douro River, and rolling hills, illustrating the breathtaking scenery witnessed during the Presidential Train journey.

Embarking on the Presidential Train is akin to stepping into a living, breathing time capsule, where the rhythmic clatter of wheels on tracks seems to echo the footsteps of history. As the journey commences at the illustrious São Bento Station, the air is imbued with an aura of timeless elegance. The station itself, a marvel of architecture, sets the stage with its iconic tile panels that intricately narrate the history of Portugal.  Each carriage on this extraordinary train serves as a sanctum of secrets, bearing witness to the comings and goings of kings and presidents. The interiors are a testament to opulence and refinement, transporting passengers into a bygone era where leather-clad seats and polished wood evoke a sense of regal nostalgia. Amidst this atmosphere, gastronomy metamorphoses into an art form, with skilled chefs crafting culinary masterpieces that reflect the essence of Portuguese culture.

The picturesque Douro Valley unfolds, with terraced vineyards, meandering Douro River, and rolling hills, illustrating the breathtaking scenery witnessed during the Presidential Train journey.

As the Presidential Train gracefully departs from São Bento Station, it embarks on a mesmerizing journey through the enchanting Douro Valley. The rhythmic clatter of the wheels becomes a harmonious melody as the train navigates the undulating tracks, revealing panoramic views that unfold like pages from a storybook. Along the route, the train elegantly dances with the Douro River, its proximity at times so intimate that it seems to share a fleeting kiss with the water below. This magical interplay between the train and the river imparts a surreal sensation, as if the carriages themselves are gliding along the water’s surface. 

The picturesque Douro Valley unfolds, with terraced vineyards, meandering Douro River, and rolling hills, illustrating the breathtaking scenery witnessed during the Presidential Train journey.

The Douro Valley, adorned with terraced vineyards and picturesque landscapes, unfurls like a living canvas, offering passengers a front-row seat to the natural beauty that defines this region. Through these moments of ethereal connection, the Presidential Train transforms into a vessel of dreams, carrying its passengers on a voyage where the boundaries between land and water blur, and the journey itself becomes a poetic celebration of the symbiotic dance between man and nature.

The picturesque Douro Valley unfolds, with terraced vineyards, meandering Douro River, and rolling hills, illustrating the breathtaking scenery witnessed during the Presidential Train journey.

The Douro River, winding its way through the valley’s contours, is not merely a waterway but a living chronicle, narrating the profound history of Portuguese viticulture. The terraced vineyards, meticulously carved into the hillsides, stand as a testament to generations of winemaking expertise, their rows of grapevines weaving a narrative that spans centuries.

The picturesque Douro Valley unfolds, with terraced vineyards, meandering Douro River, and rolling hills, illustrating the breathtaking scenery witnessed during the Presidential Train journey.

As the Presidential Train continues its journey, it becomes a channel through which passengers can immerse themselves in this living heritage. The rhythmic noise of the wheels becomes a symphony, harmonizing with the whispers of the Douro’s stories, creating an unforgettable experience that resonates with the essence of Portugal’s natural beauty and cultural richness. The Douro Valley, seen from the windows of the Presidential Train, is a timeless ode to the intertwined legacies of the people and the land they call home.

The Presidential Train in the Douro

The picturesque Douro Valley unfolds, with terraced vineyards, meandering Douro River, and rolling hills, illustrating the breathtaking scenery witnessed during the Presidential Train journey.

These 20 exclusive trips are a privilege reserved for only 72 passengers per trip who value history, elegance, and, above all, exclusivity.

The picturesque Douro Valley unfolds, with terraced vineyards, meandering Douro River, and rolling hills, illustrating the breathtaking scenery witnessed during the Presidential Train journey.Chef Chakall

Under the culinary stewardship of Chef Chakall, the Presidential Train transcends mere transportation, elevating itself to a moving gastronomic odyssey. With a deft touch, Chef Chakall reinvents Portuguese culinary traditions, transforming each meal into a sensorial masterpiece that tantalizes the taste buds and pays homage to the country’s rich gastronomic heritage. The dining car becomes a stage where flavors dance in harmony, marrying innovation with the timeless essence of Portuguese cuisine.

The picturesque Douro Valley unfolds, with terraced vineyards, meandering Douro River, and rolling hills, illustrating the breathtaking scenery witnessed during the Presidential Train journey.

The picturesque Douro Valley unfolds, with terraced vineyards, meandering Douro River, and rolling hills, illustrating the breathtaking scenery witnessed during the Presidential Train journey.

The dining experience becomes a symphony of tastes, a celebration of Portugal’s diverse culinary landscape. From the first bite to the last, passengers are taken on a journey through the flavors of the nation, savoring the essence of each region traversed by the train. 


A highlight of the trip is the visit to Quinta de Vargelas, where passengers are treated to a sensory immersion in the region’s history and wine culture. The historic winery opens its doors, unveiling the secrets of winemaking traditions that have withstood the test of time. Here, guests indulge in a Port wine tasting, an artfully curated experience perfectly paired with a local dish that captures the very essence of the Douro’s gastronomic legacy.

The picturesque Douro Valley unfolds, with terraced vineyards, meandering Douro River, and rolling hills, illustrating the breathtaking scenery witnessed during the Presidential Train journey.

As the Presidential Train embarks on its return journey to Porto, passengers are enveloped in an enchanting atmosphere, enhanced by the soulful notes of live music. Against the backdrop of the Douro landscapes parading past their windows, passengers are treated to an exclusive selection of the region’s finest wines. The tasting experience is complemented by an array of Douro’s culinary treasures, ranging from traditional sweets to the most exquisite sausages and cheeses. This authentic celebration of local flavors transforms the train into a rolling banquet, where every bite and sip becomes a tribute to the terroir and a toast to the rich tapestry of northern Portugal’s gastronomic heritage. The Presidential Train not only offers a luxurious mode of travel but also becomes a moving feast, an immersive celebration of Portugal’s culinary richness against the picturesque backdrop of the Douro Valley.

The picturesque Douro Valley unfolds, with terraced vineyards, meandering Douro River, and rolling hills, illustrating the breathtaking scenery witnessed during the Presidential Train journey.

Enjoy the best the Douro has to offer by booking the dream trip aboard the Presidential Train, available exclusively between March 23rd and June 2nd. Experience the enchanting landscapes and rich gastronomic heritage of northern Portugal during this limited-time offering. To secure your place on this extraordinary journey, we invite you to contact us via email at [email protected]. Immerse yourself in a unique blend of history, luxury, and exquisite flavors as you traverse the Douro Valley on board the Presidential Train. Don’t miss the opportunity to savor the best the Douro has to offer—reserve your spot now and embark on a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

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