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HomeLifestyleWeekly Horoscope: January 21 to 27, 2024

Weekly Horoscope: January 21 to 27, 2024

Last week, Pluto moved back into Aquarius after entering the change-agent sign for the first time in our lives last year. (Psst: This is one of the biggest astrological events of 2024.) And along with Pluto, we’ve officially entered a new era. As you find your footing in unfamiliar territory, your weekly horoscope for January 21 to 27, 2024, brings moments of illumination and solutions to the forefront.

Your vibe shifts from carefree to serious on January 23 when Venus, the planet of relationships, enters no-nonsense Capricorn. You may be planning for the future or be focused on establishing a more solid foundation and structure in your closest ties.

A full moon in vibrant Leo takes over the skies on January 25, urging you to take up space and recenter your desires. Asking your inner child or teen for guidance can be both helpful and healing under these moonbeams. The following day, on January 26, the sun in Aquarius squares off with Jupiter in Taurus, delivering a stroke of luck and an important turning point regarding some of your personal beliefs and goals. And on the same day, Uranus, the planet of revolution and innovation, also ends its retrograde in Taurus—meaning, zero planets will be retrograde (hooray!) for several weeks. Sudden breakthroughs and ideas may come through when you least expect it.

Sudden breakthroughs and ideas may come through when you least expect it.

You’re initiating a new cycle regarding boundaries and your time when Mercury and Mars, both in Capricorn, meet at the same point in the sky on January 27. This is also very ambitious energy and can have you committing to a new project or goal. Whatever you choose to set in motion has the potential to withstand the test of time when Venus in Capricorn forms a supportive sextile with Saturn in Pisces on the same day. This is a productive day to address commitments in your closest relationships and discuss the next steps with partners and collaborators.

To get a closer look at what these cosmic shifts have in store for you, read on to find your zodiac sign’s weekly horoscope for January 21 to 27, 2024. (Note: You’ll want to check your sun sign and your rising sign for the best idea of what to expect.)

Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full January 2024 horoscope, or take a broader look at your yearly 2024 horoscope

Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope from January 21 to January 27, 2024

  • Monday, January 22: Moon enters Cancer
  • Tuesday, January 23: Venus enters Capricorn
  • Wednesday, January 24: Moon enters Leo
  • Thursday, January 25: Full moon in Leo
  • Friday, January 26: Sun in Aquarius square Jupiter in Taurus
  • Friday, January 26: Uranus retrograde in Taurus ends
  • Saturday, January 27: Mercury in Capricorn conjunct Mars in Capricorn
  • Saturday, January 27: Moon enters Virgo
  • Saturday, January 27: Venus in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces

Weekly horoscope by zodiac sign for January 21 to 27, 2024


The symbol for the aries zodiac sign, which resembles a ram.

Here comes some recognition, Aries. If you’ve been pouring a lot of your energy into a professional or personal project, others start to dole out the accolades on January 23, when Venus, the planet of blessings, moves into Capricorn. The next few weeks mark a beneficial time for asking for a raise or highlighting your gifts and talents to a wider audience.

The full moon in Leo on January 25 brings a turning point to a creative project, perhaps by way of some good news. If you’re single, you may also feel ready to take the next step with someone you’ve been dating.

Your financial world is feeling a little luckier on January 26 when the sun in Aquarius squares Jupiter in Taurus, and Uranus ends its retrograde. Some form of surprising support may show up for you—or perhaps you’re discussing a new work contract or project. This is also a beautiful day to establish a healthier relationship with yourself and nurture your sense of self-confidence.


You’re feeling more hopeful about what the future holds, Taurus, when Venus enters Capricorn on January 23. Some promising conversations may begin, or ongoing discussions can feel productive and inspiring. In terms of love, you’re seeking more adventure and are eager to nurture an intellectual connection over the coming weeks.

The full moon in Leo on January 25 brings the culmination of an important personal matter. You could experience a change in your living situation or shifts within your family dynamics. You may also be feeling more sensitive as you’re better able to witness your own growth and release the past in the process.

You could find yourself agreeing to a new collaborative project or committing to one of your dreams on January 27 when Venus in Capricorn mingles with Saturn in Pisces. This is also a productive time to establish healthy boundaries in any partnerships, and to share them candidly, as communicative Mercury and active Mars meet up in Capricorn.


Your weekly horoscope for January 21 to 27, 2024, is bringing financial relief, Gemini. When Venus, the planet of harmony and finances, enters Capricorn on January 23, it highlights your eighth house of shared resources. If you’ve been racking up the bills lately, the next few weeks promise better budgeting or new contracts… or perhaps more stability to a friend or partner’s finances.

The full moon in Leo on January 25 asks you to share some feelings or information you’ve been keeping to yourself—doing so can illuminate a new path forward.

Sudden insight and clarity could arrive through an intuitive practice or your dreams on January 26 when Uranus ends its retrograde in Taurus. This is the day to ask your spirit team and the universe for signs and messages—you have a direct connection to the other realms. Someone else may be ready to invest in you or one of your ideas on January 27 when Venus in Capricorn sextiles Saturn in Pisces. You’re feeling grateful for what you’ve been building and the mark you’re leaving on this world.


Love is in the air, Cancer, on January 23, when Venus, the planet of relationships and harmony, enters Capricorn. You could be taking an exciting next step with a romantic partner… or land a really exciting business opportunity. Over the coming weeks, your focus is on nurturing the most important bonds in your life.

A financial matter resolves on January 25 under the full moon in Leo. You could be making an important purchase or investment, or perhaps you’re in discussions for a raise or promotion. There is a shift in the way you support yourself, which can leave you feeling fulfilled and proud of who you are and what you do.

You’re communicating with clarity and precision on January 27 when Mercury and Mars meet in Capricorn. You could be establishing healthy boundaries, choosing to leave a partnership you’ve outgrown, or beginning a new project.


When Venus enters Capricorn on January 23, there’s more ease and harmony in your daily life and routine, Leo. If you feel like you’ve been burning the candle at both ends, relief arrives. Over the coming weeks, you can find a more supportive work-life balance and also receive some recognition for your hard work and effort.

The dramatic full moon in your sign on January 25 marks your once-a-year personal reset. You could hit a personal goal, switch up your appearance, or take on a new role or title. This is also a sensitive time as you reflect on how far you’ve come and what pieces of yourself you’re ready to leave behind as you enter a fresh chapter.

Some exciting developments (or shake-ups) could take place in your professional life on January 26 when Uranus ends its retrograde in Taurus. You have a higher chance of going viral today, so if you have important news to share with the world and your fans, today is the day to do it.


Luck is on your side, Virgo, starting January 23 when Venus, the planet of harmony and blessings, enters Capricorn, highlighting your fifth house of romance and pleasure. The next few weeks bring a wave of creative inspiration and maybe even some flirty banter your way. Self-expression and daring to put your ideas and creative projects out there will lead to expansion.

The full moon in Leo on January 25 reminds you that resting is key to your success. If you’ve been overdoing it, it could catch up with you today. This is a wonderful day to proactively schedule some self care (like a massage) or set aside time for a meditative practice. You’re also gaining access to your subconscious and becoming more aware of how you’re getting in your own way and the habits you’d be wise to break.

You might be ready to tell someone you love them or discuss the next step in your romantic relationship on January 27 when Venus in Capricorn connects with Saturn in Pisces. Creative projects and romantic connections blossom today. You could also receive some support for one of your personal pursuits or land an exciting contract or collaborative opportunity.


You’re feeling a greater sense of ease in your personal relationships on January 23, Libra, when Venus, the planet of harmony, enters Capricorn. Over the next few weeks, you may be focused on beautifying your living space and spending meaningful time with loved ones. You could also experience some exciting professional accomplishments or otherwise get a boost in your public reputation.

The full moon in Leo on January 25 brings one of your dreams to fruition. This is a beautiful day for embodying a deeper sense of gratitude, asking for support, and sharing your creative ideas with others. This lunation can also bring a little drama and spice to your romantic or platonic relationships.

A financial matter begins to resolve on January 26 when Uranus ends its retrograde in Taurus. You could learn about a new source of support or surprising contract. This is also a powerful day for releasing any karmic baggage that’s been weighing you down.


Here comes the good news, Scorpio. When Venus, the planet of blessings, enters Capricorn on January 23, you’ll feel equipped with the tact and charm necessary to speak your desires into existence. You may be socializing more with friends and witnessing some of those bonds deepen. If you’re negotiating any contracts, now is the time to assert your worth.

As the full moon in Leo arrives on January 25, you could reach a major turning point in your career or with a personal project. This is an important moment of recognition and praise—don’t shy away from the spotlight. This lunation may also coincide with a new partnership or expansive changes in your close relationships.

You could be setting your mind to something new and pouring all of your effort and energy into it on January 27 when Mercury and Mars meet in Capricorn. Perhaps you’re learning a new skill (or brushing up on an old one), signing a contract, or simply setting new boundaries with others.


The shift of values-oriented Venus into Capricorn on January 23 has you feeling back on track with your budget, Sagittarius. The next few weeks may bring new work opportunities your way, too. If you’ve been considering asking for a raise or promotion, this is an aligned time to do so. You may also find yourself feeling a greater sense of confidence in who you are and the gifts you offer this world.

The full moon in Leo on January 25 marks a significant shift in a conversation or discussion. New information may be revealed that helps you understand the next steps on your path. You could also be changing your day-to-day routine and priorities in a big way in order to reach some of your goals for the future.

You’re feeling more grounded and secure on January 27 when Venus in Capricorn meets with Saturn in Pisces. You could be discussing values and foundational desires within your personal relationships. You’re also better able to give yourself the recognition you may have been seeking from others, and in the process, your faith in yourself grows.


The sun may have just moved out of your sign, but when Venus moves into your sign on January 23, you’re just as blessed, Capricorn. Over the next few weeks, you’ll have the ability to seek the resources and support necessary to make exciting progress on some of your personal goals. The arrival of Venus in your sign can also bring a little extra harmony and luck to your close one-on-one relationships.

The full moon in Leo on January 25 may feel emotional, as you’re tasked with confronting feelings of projection, expectations, jealousy, and what no longer serves you. This is an aligned time to befriend your shadow side and search for lessons and wisdom in its presence.

You’re going after what you want on January 27 when Mercury and Mars, both in your sign, begin a new cycle. This ushers in a wave of inspiration and the determination to achieve whatever you set your mind to. If you’ve been making excuses for yourself or someone else, you may also choose to break free from whatever or whomever you’ve outgrown.


You’ll want to lean into your intuitive nudges, Aquarius, when Venus enters Capricorn on January 23. You’re more attuned to the signs and synchronicities around you now, and your spirit team is speaking to you directly through your dreams and spiritual practices. In turn, the next few weeks are an aligned time to catch up on rest. Beautiful ideas can blossom during your moments of solitude.

Dramatic and potentially exciting shifts take place in your close relationships on January 25 under the full moon in Leo. You may choose to take the next step with a romantic partner—or you may feel called to leave a partnership that feels limiting. This can also manifest as the start or end of a contract or collaborative project.

Your intuition is paying off—literally—on January 27 when Venus in Capricorn connects with Saturn in Pisces. An idea that came through a dream or during a meditation may be worth investing in and could potentially lead to a new source of income.


When Venus, the planet of harmony, enters Capricorn on January 23, it highlights your 11th house of social networks and friendships, Pisces. That means others may be willing to show up for you and support your desires over the next few weeks—as long as you’re willing to ask. If you’re single, you could also meet someone of romantic interest through friends or networking.

The full moon in Leo on January 25 helps you kick old habits to the curb and integrate new behaviors that will bring you a greater sense of flow in your daily life. You could also be wrapping up a major personal or professional project or obligation that’s required much of your effort and time. Now is a moment to reconsider how you nurture yourself on the daily.

An ally, friend, or colleague could show up for you when you need it most on January 27, as Venus in Capricorn connects with Saturn in Pisces. You’re feeling grateful for those in your circle who are committed to helping you reach your goals.



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