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HomeTourismDIY Web site Updates | Tourism Tiger

DIY Web site Updates | Tourism Tiger

When is the last time you gave your website the attention it deserves? As the face of your business, it is essential that it clearly articulates what you offer, as well as looks professional and appealing. Website updates are always useful to your business. The more current and comprehensive your website’s photos, text, and testimonials are, the better. Up-to-date websites help you convert visitors into buyers. Here at Tourism Tiger, we suggest you examine your website 3 times per year.

We always recommend professional help with website updates and redesigns whenever possible. Professionals bring invaluable expertise to enhance your Search Engine Optimization. They ensure your site is professional,  impactful, and functioning correctly. Contact us(opens in a new tab) today for advice on getting the most loyal customers from your site as possible.

If you want to get your hands dirty, there are some DIY tasks you can work on for yourself, if you prefer. All you need is a computer and basic knowledge of the back end of your website! These simple and quick-to-enact recommendations will make a big difference in the user experience of your website… because your website deserves to be a star!

Photo Refresh

In the travel and tourism realm, a picture is not just worth a thousand words… it is the key to unlocking a traveler’s imagination! People who are planning vacations want to be able to picture themselves having a great time on your tours. Photos go a long way towards helping them do so.

Go through your site and review the photos currently on display, looking from the perspective of one of your prospective clients. Are there images of what they will see on the tour? Are there images of people like them, having a memorable time? Both of these ideas are important components of constructing the fantasy for your site visitors.

Do you have fresh, current images of what you do? Get them on your site! Current, high-quality photos are just a phone click away.

Start a Blog

Blogs are a great way to boost your search engine performance and drive visitors to your site. Your blog can be an opportunity to explain in greater detail and from different angles the benefit of the product that you are selling. Blogs allow you to communicate who you are, what you do, and why you love doing it.

You might have an existing blog or be new to the world of blogging. Either way, create a plan and keep those posts coming! Read here(opens in a new tab) for some inspirational ideas to keep your blog fun for you and your readers.

Review the Tone of Your Home Page

As your business grows, it adapts and changes. The tone of your home page may have been perfect two years ago, but does it still capture what you want to tell site visitors about your tour company? Take some time to read over your home page and make sure it is communicating who you are and what your company is doing well, right now. Also, spend some time thinking about the different types of people who visit your site(opens in a new tab) and make sure that your home page speaks to all of them.

Upload New Testimonials

The more current the testimonials on your site, the more trust they will instill in your potential customers. Take a look through your Facebook page, Trip Advisor profile, and Google listing and see if you have gotten any stunner reviews in the last year. If yes, make sure to highlight them on your website!

Write New Tour Pages

Are you doing any new tours (or anything new with existing tours) that aren’t represented on your website? Make sure to keep in mind that, although you know a lot about the topic, you are communicating with people who don’t. Try to put yourself in their shoes. Also, keep in mind there are different personalities who will be booking your tours. Check out Tourism Tiger’s blog post on how to write a successful tour page(opens in a new tab) for some pro tips from one of our best content creators.

Fully Redesign Your Website

Has your business grown and evolved so much that it is time for a new website? Even if you hire out the design process, which we recommend that you do, a new website is a project. You will need to set aside time to think about your business. You will need to contribute the expertise and input that will make the site yours. We here at Tourism Tiger(opens in a new tab) would be happy to help!

As your business grows and changes, your website should evolve as well. Capitalize on these easy DIY suggestions to keep your site fresh.

When you are ready for a new website- we are here to help you! Contact us(opens in a new tab) to discuss how our expertise can benefit your business.



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