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HomeLifestyleYour Weekly Horoscope for February 11 to 17, 2024

Your Weekly Horoscope for February 11 to 17, 2024

Buckle up because your shadow side is demanding attention: Your weekly horoscope for February 11 to 17, 2024, promises to shine a light on the parts of yourself you’d rather reject or ignore. You could experience tension in a new area of your life when Mars, the planet of action and frustration, enters Aquarius on February 12. The next few weeks require you to break free from old ways of operating, even if it scares you.

Fortunately, you can get some relief the next day when Venus in Capricorn forms a supportive sextile with Neptune in Pisces. These are two of the most romantic planets, and when they sync, there’s more compassion and understanding in the air. This is a day to wear your emotions on your sleeve… and tell someone you love them.

You’re hit with all the big feels on February 13 when Mars aligns with Pluto in Aquarius for the first time in our lifetime.

You’re hit with all the big feels on February 13 when Mars aligns with Pluto in Aquarius for the first time in our lifetime. While Mars is the planet of anger and energy, Pluto rules over destruction, catharsis, transformation, and rebirth. You may feel motivated to take action based on some of your fears or outdated coping mechanisms—and that might mean removing the things or people that no longer serve you from your life.

That’s not exactly the best vibe heading into Valentine’s Day (and you’d be all the wiser to postpone your celebrations). Thankfully, some respite arrives a couple days later, when Venus, the planet of relationships and harmony, enters Aquarius, on February 16. If you’re in a romantic relationship, you could be focused on nurturing your intellectual connection with a partner, and if you’re single, you could meet someone through the internet, friends, or a networking event.

That same day, you could also learn information that changes your perspective or current plan as Mercury in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus. Conversations are anything but conventional—and could build on threads or ideas discussed on February 8, when the sun also clashed with Uranus. Changes to your regular routine are unavoidable, but every sign’s weekly horoscope for February 11 to 17, 2024, could also surface some surprising news worth celebrating.

Your relationships could experience some passion and drama on February 17 when Venus in Aquarius connects with Pluto in Aquarius for the first time in our lifetime. Jealous behavior and power struggles could arise. You may be ready to have a difficult conversation about a topic you’ve been avoiding and deepen your bond with a friend or partner—or maybe you’re ready to end an unsupportive relationship for good.

To get a full picture of what these cosmic shifts have in store for you, read on for your zodiac sign’s weekly horoscope for February 11 to 17, 2024. (Note: You’ll want to check your sun sign and your rising sign for the best idea of what to expect.)

Looking for more cosmic insights? Check out your monthly February 2024 horoscope, or take a look at your yearly 2024 horoscope

Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope from February 11 to 17, 2024

  • Monday, February 12: Moon enters Aries
  • Monday, February 12: Mars enters Aquarius
  • Tuesday, February 13: Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces
  • Tuesday, February 13: Mars in Aquarius conjunct Pluto in Aquarius
  • Wednesday, February 14: Moon enters Taurus
  • Friday, February 16: Venus enters Aquarius
  • Friday, February 16: First quarter moon in Taurus
  • Friday, February 16: Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus
  • Friday, February 16: Moon enters Gemini
  • Saturday, February 17: Venus in Aquarius conjunct Pluto in Aquarius

Weekly horoscope by zodiac sign for February 11 to 17, 2024


aries zodiac sign

You’re ready to call out any haters in your social circle, Aries, when Mars and Pluto meet up in Aquarius on February 13. The energy is punchy, reactive, and intense, but you’re also so done entertaining any friends who are really frenemies.

The first quarter moon in Taurus on February 16 invites you to take inspired action on one of your dreams. You could feel eager to invest some of your own resources and funds into that side hustle or accept a new work opportunity.

On the same day, Mercury’s square with Uranus brings an unexpected edge to your conversations; your personal values may not align with those of a collaborator or friend. Fortunately, you’re feeling bold and ready to stand firm in your ethics and beliefs.

You could be mingling with VIPs on February 17 when Venus and Pluto join together in Aquarius. Some of your professional relationships are deepening, and with that, you could find new ways to wield more influence and power at work.


taurus zodiac sign

For you, Taurus, the rare meetup of Mars and Pluto in Aquarius on February 13 can cause tension in your professional life to reach a fever pitch. It’s time to call out that toxic boss or address any behavioral cycles that are impeding your success. The first quarter moon, in your sign, on February 16 reminds you that your dreams mean nothing if you don’t put yourself first. Your needs matter, and your weekly horoscope for February 11 to 17, 2024, has you ready to prioritize them and ditch any semblance of feeling selfish for doing so.

That same day, you could learn something—or share something—that changes the trajectory of your life when Mercury in Aquarius bumps into Uranus in Taurus. Maybe an unexpected career opportunity lands in your lap… or you reveal a secret that shocks your friends or coworkers. In any case, you could begin a powerful new alliance or relationship when Venus and Pluto meet up in Aquarius on February 17.


gemini zodiac sign

You’re ready to take action on some of your big ideas, Gemini, starting February 12 when Mars enters Aquarius. Over the next few weeks, you could find yourself investing your energy into learning something new or traveling. This is also an aligned time for negotiating and pursuing a new passion project.

The next day, someone is giving you credit where credit is due when Venus in Capricorn merges with Neptune in Pisces. You’ve made a lot of progress toward a project, goal, or accomplishment, and it’s time to bask in the glory of a job well done.

The first quarter moon in Taurus on February 16 helps you realize that a change in your daily habits and routine is needed. You may need to set some new boundaries to better protect your time. That same day, you can experience a drastic mental breakthrough when Mercury in Aquarius clashes with Uranus in Taurus. You’re seeing your own self-defeating patterns more clearly and can set change in motion.


cancer zodiac sign

You’re confronting demons from your past, Cancer, when Mars and Pluto sync up in Aquarius on February 13. It’s easy to feel consumed by obsessive thoughts or to act from a place of fear. Engaging with the parts of yourself that you choose to ignore and suppress, and giving them space and compassion to exist, can be healing. Fortunately, on the same day, Venus in Capricorn mingles with Neptune in Pisces, which can add a layer of softness and understanding to conversations with loved ones.

The first quarter moon in Taurus on February 16 helps you discern who and what is deserving of your resources and energy. Perhaps there’s a friendship you’re ready to let go of or a personal goal (like hitting a PR at the gym) into which you’re willing to invest more time and energy.

You could feel open to exploring a more intimate side of your desires when Venus and Pluto meet up on February 17. Perhaps you choose to share one of your kinks with a lover. Long-buried feelings of jealousy can also pop up with a close friend or lover, so be mindful of projection and the potential for unhealthy power dynamics.


leo zodiac sign

Beware of enemies coming out of the woodwork, Leo, when Mars and Pluto link up in Aquarius on February 13. Jealous onlookers are eager to take you off your high horse and bring you down to Earth. The resulting power struggles can stir up some of your insecurities and lead you to act out of fear or anger rather than rationality.

Things calm in the following days, though, as the first quarter moon in Taurus on February 16 brings progress to any commitments you may have launched under the new moon in Aquarius last week. And the same day, you could land an exciting opportunity out of the blue as Mercury in Aquarius rams into Uranus in Taurus. All communication incorporates an element of surprise on this day, so why not take a risk and send a pitch to your dream brand partner, client, or collaborator?

You could be struggling with poor relationship patterns on February 17 when Venus and Pluto connect in Aquarius. Perhaps you’re feeling especially territorial over a lover, sparking feelings of jealousy. (Resist the urge to look through a partner’s phone!)


virgo zodiac sign

Bad habits be gone, Virgo. On February 13, you’re refusing to make excuses for yourself anymore when Mars and Pluto have their rare meet-up in Aquarius. You may also notice the effects of not prioritizing your well-being. Setting firm boundaries may be necessary if any obligations or responsibilities are infringing on your physical, mental, or spiritual health. Luckily, Venus, a planet of support and harmony, enters Aquarius on February 16, bringing relief. Your hard work isn’t going unnoticed, and you’re able to restructure your routine to set yourself up for success rather than exhaustion.

That same day, however, you’re likely to encounter some unexpected drama as Mercury in Aquarius clashes with Uranus in Taurus; maybe someone at work is dropping the ball or piling all their responsibilities onto you, and it’s time to call them out.

You could find love in an ordinary place when Venus and Pluto join together in Aquarius on February 17. If you’re dating, you might feel overwhelmed by an instant spark. The skies are steamy today, even if you’re just out grocery shopping or hitting the gym.


You’re feeling more rooted in your daily life, Libra, when Venus in Capricorn mingles with Neptune in Pisces on February 13. A family member or loved one could be ready to show up for you today when you need it most.

Your fears could also bubble to the surface that day, when Mars and Pluto meet up in Aquarius. When it comes to your romantic relationships, you’re going to have to resist the temptation to jump to conclusions. You may also feel the urge to share some of your passions with others, but struggle with how that will be received.

The first quarter moon in Taurus on February 16 encourages you to dare to be vulnerable. Relationships flourish through intimacy, and you’re ready to show someone a new side of yourself, perhaps including a window into your past. You could also be feeling more laser-focused on your next passion project, whether it’s starting a blog or volunteering with an organization that’s meaningful to you.


Your voice and ideas are satisfying to others, Scorpio, when Venus in Capricorn syncs with Neptune in Pisces on February 13. If you’ve been sitting on your next million-dollar idea, this is a day to take action or pitch someone with influence who can help bring your desire into reality. Heartfelt conversations can unfold; your weekly horoscope for February 11 to 17, 2024, could have you ready to tell someone you love them!

Come the Mars-Pluto conjunction on February 13, you’re feeling more reactive and emotional—you could wind up fighting with a family member. But, bringing some of your family secrets or generational patterns to light can lead to cathartic release.

You could engage in some unsettling conversations on February 16 when Mercury in Aquarius rams into Uranus in Taurus. Conflicts with family can continue, perhaps even with someone unexpected. But you also may be considering moving or taking the next step with a lover.

A karmic connection may show up in your world on February 17 when Venus meets up with Pluto in Aquarius. If you’re single or dating, you could feel ready to go all in on someone—just don’t lose yourself in the process.


You may want to beautify your living environment, Sagittarius, when Venus in Capricorn sextiles Neptune in Pisces on February 13. You recognize your sense of comfort has a direct correlation with your productivity; it’s worth penciling in a dedicated break to cozy up in a blanket and watch your favorite show.

You could also feel ready to have some hard conversations that day when Mars and Pluto, both in Aquarius, unite. Writing and other forms of creative or artistic expression can help you confront your fears, secrets, and anything else you’ve been avoiding.

You’re making productive changes to your everyday routine on February 16 under the first quarter moon in Taurus. Perhaps you commit to engaging in a just-for-fun hobby on a daily basis, or you sign up for virtual cooking or art classes.

Transformative conversations unfold in your closest relationships on February 17 when Venus and Pluto, both in Aquarius, sync up. Information you share or learn today can be healing or triggering, with the power to deepen bonds or stir jealousy.


On February 13, you could feel like you’ve won the lottery, Capricorn—and maybe you did!—when Venus, in your sign, connects with Neptune in Pisces. Luck seems to come more easily today, and you have the ability to access deep levels of creative inspiration from within. Maybe you’re feeling more confident in your personal style or even receiving some flirty admiration.

Your expenses could rise over the coming weeks with Mars now moving through Aquarius, so be sure to set boundaries around your budget. (Loud budgeting, anyone?) You can also use this time to negotiate a raise and advocate for your worth.

You could be pouring your energy into a passion project—something deeply meaningful, like writing a book or starting a side gig—under the first quarter moon in Taurus on February 16. And come February 17, the Venus-Pluto conjunction has you experiencing a powerful revelation in your financial world. Perhaps you learn about an opportunity with a major company or feel empowered to shake a scarcity mindset.


You’re done hiding, Aquarius, when Mars and Pluto link up in your sign for the first time in our lifetime on February 13. You’re ready to face your fears regarding self-expression and taking up space. It may be time to share a new side of yourself with the world, and it may feel steamy, thought-provoking, or even triggering to others. If you’re met with any resistance, though, it’s on you to assert your truth—and boundaries.

The first quarter moon in Taurus on February 16 encourages you to get started on a personal goal, whether that’s committing to a new workout routine or taking on a new hobby. You’re putting yourself first again on February 17 when Venus and Pluto, both in your sign, sync up. Today, your needs and values in your closest relationships are what you must prioritize. If any manipulation, jealousy, or obsession is cropping up in your romantic life, this is the day to own your part or call someone else out.


Your charm can earn you support, Pisces, when Venus in Capricorn syncs up with Neptune in Pisces on February 13. Opportunities, investors, and people who are willing to go to bat for your ideas will surround you. You’ll just have to watch out for overcommitting or overdoing it as Mars enters Aquarius that same day. Your schedule and commitments can feel more hectic than normal over the next few weeks—don’t be afraid to say no in favor of protecting your well-being.

An intuitive breakthrough could arrive on February 16 when Mercury in Aquarius clashes with Uranus in Taurus. This is a powerful day to pay attention to your dreams and any serendipitous synchronicities or signs—like thinking of someone before they call or having a particular song stuck in your head.

You may be pining over an old lover on February 17 when Venus and Pluto sync up in Aquarius. Reflecting on the past is normal—but be careful you aren’t forming a strong attachment to someone who isn’t meant for you.



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