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HomeLifestyleHow To Do Detox Physique Wraps At House

How To Do Detox Physique Wraps At House

If you’ve been on the blog or listening to The HIM & HER Show with Lauryn and Michael, then you know how important it is to detox regularly

Detoxing supports lymphatic drainage, which you know we are all about. Lymphatic drainage helps rid the body of toxins. That’s why Lauryn created Le Spoon and Pink Balls – to support lymphatic drainage from your body and face as you sculpt and lift. 

Detoxing makes you feel so fucking good–it gives you energy, and it gets those nasty toxins out of your body so you can live your best life. In fact, Dr. Daryl Gioffre just came on the podcast for the 3rd time and told us that being able to efficiently detox is way more important than the nutrients you put in your body. For more, be sure to listen.

Anyway, now that you’ve got your face sculpting and body sculpting game on point, why not try another method to help you feel your best?

That’s where detox body wraps come in. 

Detox body wraps are a relaxing way to give yourself some hard-earned TLC while detoxifying and cleansing your body. The problem? Not everybody has time to go to the spa. So today we’re sharing a guide on how to do detox body wraps at home.

How To Do Detox Body Wraps

♡ Gather your materials. 

You’re going to need a few different materials to get started making THE BEST body wrap you can make at home. 

Start by gathering the following:

Elastic bandages

Safety pins

1 cup of Epsom salts

3 cups water

½ cup Aloe vera

3 Tbsp oil or body serum

♡ Make your detoxifying solution.

Mix together your salts, water, aloe, and oil or body serum. We recommend a glass or stainless steel bowl.

♡ Soak your wrap.

Now that you’ve got the solution made, you can begin soaking your wrap in the solution. 

♡ Prepare your space. 

If you’re aiming for some TLC, you should have a clean, protected space. Studies have found a clean space = less stress on you. So cleanse your area, get the right energy going with some music, Palo Santo or candles, and get ready to relax.

♡ Prepare yourself.

Take a shower before you begin, ensuring you are clean and clear from any environmental residue. 

HOT TIP: you’ll boost the effects of the detox wrap by exfoliating before your shower. You can do this with the Butter Brush, which also supports lymphatic drainage.

♡ Begin wrapping.

Take the wrap out of the solution and begin wrapping your body. For a full body detox, begin with your feet. You can also do a mini-detox by wrapping just your torso. And remember, not too tight.

As you wrap, make sure every part of your skin is covered. Secure the wraps with your safety pins as you continue wrapping upward. You can wrap everything below your neck.

♡ Rest and relax.

Now it’s time to let the wrap work its magic. Just sit and allow the wrap to work. You’ll likely be sweating, but that’s part of the process. You can sit in the wrap for up to an hour.

♡ Drink LOTS of water.

While you’re letting the wrap work, you’ll want to be replenishing the fluids you’re losing. Drink tons of water, or better yet replenish your electrolytes with Kroma’s Cranberry Elixir or these Acid-Kicking Minerals (Lauryn loves Strawberry Kiwi flavor). 

♡ Remove your wraps.

This one’s pretty self-explanatory. Remove the wraps, towel dry yourself, and take a cool shower to lower your body temp.

♡ Reapply body serum and body sculpt.

You know how much we love supporting our lymphatic drainage with Le Spoon. Apply your favorite body serum and sculpt away.

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Benefits of Detox Body Wrap

+ They assist your body in removing toxins.

Detox body wraps make you SWEAT (like, SERIOUSLY sweat). And as you’re sweating, things like heavy metals and chemicals are being released from your body. 

+ They boost your circulation.

Wrapping your body compresses your skin, which boosts your circulation. 

+ They can make your skin look glowy AF.

Because of the compression, you may experience boosted circulation, increased collagen production, and a decrease in the appearance of cellulite all of which make you GLOW.

+ They help you to relax.

Doing a detox body wrap helps you to just sit and slow down in a world that moves fast. It gives you that extra “me” time you might be looking for, all while making your body feel better. And a body that feels good means a brain that feels good, too.

+ They can improve joint and muscle pain.

Compression is a positive in more ways than one. This powerful tool boosts circulation, which can support those with chronic joint and muscle pain.

+ They stimulate lymphatic drainage.

Helping you sweat gives clogged lymph nodes a path for leaving your body. 

The benefits of detoxing are SO good.

We know you just can’t get enough. Lucky for you, Lauryn’s got more tips and tricks for detoxing, from talking with Yovana Mendoza on Detoxes & Finding Healthy Balances In Life to her daily pink detox drink

x, The Skinny Confidential team

+ learn more about the benefits of detoxing here.

++ 9 signs you need more self care.

{ft. image via Pellequr}




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