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HomeLifestyleYour Weekly Horoscope for March 10 to March 16

Your Weekly Horoscope for March 10 to March 16

Your weekly horoscope for March 10 to 16, 2024, delivers a chance to begin again. The week starts off with you deep in your feels thanks to a new moon in Pisces on March 10. Arriving in the final zodiac sign, this new moon signifies a moment of surrender and a reminder that sitting with your feelings is what leads to healing, growth, and evolution.

Under these moonbeams, you can close out cycles that you don’t want to bring with you into the upcoming astrological new year once Aries season kicks off later this month. This is also a powerful new moon for setting intentions surrounding some of your deepest dreams and desires. Where do you want to be one year from now?

As communication-oriented Mercury in Aries forms a supportive sextile with transformative Pluto in Aquarius that same day, you could engage in conversations that feel empowering or even life-changing. You’re feeling inspired to take risks and go after what you want.

Venus, the planet of relationships and resources, enters Pisces on March 11, bringing more relief and support when it comes to money and close connections.

Venus, the planet of relationships and resources, enters Pisces (one of its favorite zodiac signs) on March 11, bringing more relief and support when it comes to money and close connections. You may learn about a job opportunity, explore a deeper side of a romantic relationship, or begin a new creative undertaking.

The week closes out with the first quarter moon in Gemini on March 16, marking a moment of change. This lunation brings you back to the new moon from March 10: Who and what was holding your attention then? Today, you’re ready to act on an intention you set or get realistic about what it’s going to take to bring a dream to life.

To get a closer look at what these cosmic shifts mean for you, scroll to find your zodiac sign’s weekly horoscope for March 10 to 16, 2024 (and be sure to read for your sun sign and your rising sign for the best idea of what to expect).

Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full March 2024 monthly horoscope, or take a look at your yearly 2024 horoscope to get a broader picture. 

Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope from March 10 to 16, 2024

  • Sunday, March 10: New moon in Pisces
  • Sunday, March 10: Moon enters Aries
  • Sunday, March 10: Mercury in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius
  • Monday, March 11: Venus enters Pisces
  • Tuesday, March 12: Moon enters Taurus
  • Thursday, March 14: Moon enters Gemini
  • Saturday, March 16: First quarter moon in Gemini

Weekly horoscope by zodiac sign for March 10 to 16, 2024


aries horoscope slide

Slowing down never sounded so good, Aries. The new moon in Pisces on March 10 invites you to reconnect with your intuition, and you could find that the guidance you’ve been searching for arrives in a meditative practice or even a dream. You’re also learning to accept that nothing lasts forever, which stirs deep emotions from within. Take time to care for yourself as you process any endings—you’re clearing space for fresh starts around the corner.

You’re also feeling bold enough to express your wants and desires that same day, as Mercury, in your sign, connects with Pluto in Aquarius. This is a powerful day for manifestation and reaching out to people in your network for support.

When Venus, the planet of love and balance, enters Pisces on March 11, you could feel nostalgic when it comes to love. You might be reminiscing or pining over a past lover—or perhaps you’re dreaming about an ex. If you’re in a relationship, you might opt for more alone time; you need to fill your cup first before you tend to someone else.


taurus horoscope

You’re feeling inspired and like anything is possible, Taurus, under the new moon in Pisces on March 10. You might wake up to the DM you’ve been waiting for or suddenly feel a burst of motivation when it comes to a personal project you want to pursue. Chance meetings might also take place, so practice your elevator pitch!

Luck is on your side over the next few weeks, once your planetary ruler Venus enters Pisces on March 11. You’re positively magnetic, and others can’t help but notice your ideas. It’s an ideal time to network, go on a date, or invest in budding relationships within a new space or community you’ve recently joined.

The first quarter moon in Gemini on March 16 encourages you to take action on a goal you set under the new moon in Pisces. Today, you’re recognizing what it’s going to take—in terms of your time, energy, or finances—to bring this desire to life.


gemini horoscope

You’re more ambitious than ever, Gemini, under the new moon in Pisces on March 10. This is the day to stroke your own ego and hold space for how far you’ve come. You’re likely stepping into a new role of authority or gaining recognition.

When Mercury in Aries mingles with Pluto in Aquarius on the same day, there’s buzz around your ideas. Conversations could feel especially substantial and transformative. And as Venus, the planet of blessings and relationships, enters Pisces on March 11, it could bring more support or attention for a personal or professional project. Embrace your next 15 minutes of fame, and accept the incoming praise!

The week winds down with a first quarter moon in Gemini on March 16, which has you making a decision regarding the next step on your path. You’re breaking away from what others expect of you and choosing to act in alignment with your own desires.


cancer horoscope

You’re filled with excitement at the start of the week, Cancer, when the new moon in Pisces lights up your ninth house of expansion, possibility, and perspective. You’re considering all of the possibilities that lie ahead of you and recognizing there’s so much to be hopeful for. This can also coincide with the start of an important conversation or the seeding of your next exciting idea.

On the same day, no topic is off the table when Mercury in Aries syncs up with Pluto in Aquarius. You’re having deep discussions (or even participating in important negotiations) and feeling more emotionally and financially secure in the process.

After Venus, the planet of values and balance, enters Pisces on March 11, you have extra charm and tact when it comes to articulating your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and ideas. Over the next few weeks, you might also be presented with a few opportunities that have the potential to expand your horizons.


leo horoscope

Your weekly horoscope for March 10 to 16 has you feeling more secure, Leo. The new moon in Pisces on March 10 encourages you to release any emotional baggage and embrace self-acceptance. You’re exploring more intimacy in some of your romantic or close relationships, and new contracts or deals could be up for negotiation.

On the same day, you could feel ready to share your dreams with a VIP or powerful collaborator when Mercury in Aries connects with Pluto in Aquarius. A boss or colleague might start to see you in a new and more positive light.

You’re thinking more about who and what you’ll need to take the next step toward one of your dreams under the first quarter moon in Gemini on March 16. This could also mean exciting developments for an intention you set under the March 10 new moon.


virgo horoscope

Your heart is open, Virgo, under the new moon in Pisces on March 10. New, significant relationships may be forming—relationships that feel destined or meant to be—and you’re feeling encouraged about what the future holds. On the same day, you’re back in the driver’s seat of your life when Mercury in Aries links up with Pluto in Aquarius; if tasks have been piling up on your to-do list, you’re ready to tackle them.

The next day, when Venus, the planet of love, enters your relationship sector, you’re feeling more sentimental about a lover or excited about a developing connection.

The first quarter moon in Gemini on March 16 asks you to consider the important people in your life—perhaps a creative business partner, or a lover—before making any life-altering decisions. Even if you’re presented with a thrilling opportunity, try to think long-term (and big-picture) before acting.


libra horoscope

Support is all around you under the new moon in Pisces on March 10, Libra; all you have to do is ask for it. This cosmic energy also helps you set new priorities in your everyday life and kick unsupportive habits to the curb.

On the same day, you could share a more vulnerable side of yourself when Mercury in Aries mingles with Pluto in Aquarius. Perhaps you’re ready to explore some of your sexual kinks or open up to a friend about some of your fears or a past heartache.

After Venus, a planet of support, enters Pisces on March 11, you can find a healthier work-life balance. You’re also making more progress on a major project or obligation that’s been utilizing a lot of your energy.

Your daily habits and activities could shift under the first quarter moon in Gemini on March 16. You might consider adopting a new evening workout routine or attending a community workshop series that focuses on one of your hobbies.


scorpio horoscope

You’ve got that lovin’ feeling, Scorpio. The new moon in Pisces on March 10 fills your day with romance and helps you build your bond with a lover. Or if you’re single, you may be ready to re-enter the dating world or refresh your dating-app profiles.

On the same day, you could make some adjustments at home or in your personal life to feel more grounded when Mercury in Aries links up with Pluto in Aquarius. Maybe you’re rearranging furniture to liven up your space or changing up your morning routine.

You’re full of luck for the next couple weeks, starting on March 11, when Venus enters Pisces. Romantically, you could stand out, and people may be drawn to you like a moth to a flame. This is also the one transit a year that gives you an advantage when it comes to your manifestation skills: It’s time to set intentions and go after what you want!


sagittarius horoscope

You’re experiencing a sense of closure, Sagittarius, and you’re focused on your healing under the new moon in Pisces on March 10. It’s time to let go of the excess or anything that’s standing in the way of bringing your goals to fruition. These skies are sentimental, so schedule some alone time to process any big feelings that emerge.

That same day, you’re also ready to ask for what you want when Mercury in Aries mingles with Pluto in Aquarius. Conversations could feel empowering; if you have an important email to send or message to share with the world, today’s the day to do it.

When Venus, the planet of relationships, begins its transit in Pisces on March 11, it brings more harmony to your personal relationships. Over the next few weeks, you might spend more time with family members (family trip, anyone?) or choose to nest at home. Beautifying your living space is a focus, as is spending time with trusted loved ones.


capricorn horoscope

Your March 10 weekly horoscope has you excited to pursue a new idea, Capricorn. The new moon in Pisces that day activates your mind, leaving you curious and ready to explore any new concept that may be taking up your mental space. You might also sign up for a weekly class or commit to using your voice in a new way, through writing or speaking.

If you find yourself in a position where you need to negotiate, know that the odds are in your favor starting March 11, when Venus enters Pisces. You’re met with promising news and support over the coming weeks—if you’re single, a potential romantic partner could slide into your DMs. You could also get inspired to plan a last-minute getaway.

The first quarter moon in Gemini on March 16 asks you to make a decision or commitment. You might agree to help someone in your life who really needs it and choose to sacrifice some of your personal time in the process. Or perhaps you’re changing your daily routine to allow for more time to pursue your heart’s calling.


aquarius horoscope

New financial prospects are on the horizon, Aquarius, under the new moon in Pisces on March 10. Maybe you recently accepted a raise or bonus, or you’ve dreamed up a new source of income to help support yourself. These moonbeams can leave you feeling more confident in your talents, gifts, and what you have to offer.

You’re ready to share a more authentic side of yourself and your personal story when Mercury in Aries meets with Pluto, in your sign, on the same day. Your vulnerability can lead to personal breakthroughs and opportunities today or lay the foundation for deeper relationships and potential contracts in the future.

Once Venus, the planet of finances and love, enters Pisces on March 11, you might be in talks for a promotion or interviewing for other job opportunities. This is also an aligned time to get back on track with your financial goals.


pisces horoscope

You’re ready to show the world a new side of yourself, Pisces. The new moon on March 10 is in your sign, allowing you to shed your proverbial skin and embody a more authentic sense of self. You might set new goals, experiment with your style, or adopt a new role or title through a certification or course you’ve recently finished.

When Venus, the planet of support and relationships, enters your sign on March 11, it lends you extra charisma and charm. This also gives your love life a boost over the next few weeks—so don’t be surprised if people try to woo you left and right. This energy can also land you in the right place at the right time, so put yourself out there.

The first quarter moon in Gemini on March 16 encourages you to make a change in your personal life. You might contemplate a move or recognize that some family relationships or boundaries require an adjustment. This is also a powerful day to turn inward and connect with your intuition for guidance on your path.



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