Monday, October 7, 2024
HomeLifestyleUnfold Skinny, Baking, & Prioritizing

Unfold Skinny, Baking, & Prioritizing

Historically, this has left me feeling frustrated that I can’t keep up with ALL the things, but now with my wise 40 years of life experience, I don’t get overly bothered by it. Well, actually, I do, but I know to check myself before I wreck myself faster than I used to. I know to take a minute to breathe and prioritize. Somehow acknowledging that some balls are going to drop make it less frustrating.

So, what’s happening you may ask? Well, some of it would be filed under vague blogging, which no one likes, so I won’t spend much time talking about the emotional stuff that is not my story to tell or the exciting project that I can’t share yet. I can talk about Kaitlyn’s black belt training, which is very demanding and strict and if I miss one deadline, the whole thing goes kaput and she can’t test for her black belt next month.

I’m rolling with regular homeschool (which is going well but definitely takes a couple hours of my undivided attention each day) and extra curricular activities (Run club! TKD! Theater! Piano! Guitar! Soccer! Voice lessons!… are we over committed at the moment… perhaps…).

We are roughly 6 weeks into our kitchen renovation and probably still have at least 2-3 more weeks to go since we are moving some lights, waiting for some cabinet doors, and flattening out our ceiling which currently has an odd, unnecessary angle to it. The kitchen is functional though, so it’s not bothering me, minus the fact we are living in a construction zone.

Then there is feeding the crew (does yours like to eat food three times a day, too?!), keeping up with regular exercise, some doctor’s appointments like a gut health check for one child and a mammogram for me (I mentioned I was 40, right?), and other day to day life happenings. You get it- normal life stuff, but a lot to juggle. If I was writing this a decade ago, I’d probably say something like #tooblessedtobestressed because it’s true, I feel excited and happy about life, but now it’s cringe to say such things, right?

Anywho (not cringe to say that, I’m hoping… ) Some balls have to be dropped right now and it’s been mostly blog related. Family is my first priority so I’m using that as my north star and then trying to keep my head afloat over here when I can. I’m fully aware that no one’s world stops when I miss a blog post or take a couple days away from IG, but from a personal accountability level, it bothers me. I like to show up and be reliable, but I’m also trying to grow into the person that acknowledges that she can’t do all the things all the time. Can you relate?

David walked in the house laughing the other day asking if I have been channeling my stress into baking, and looking around at the loaf of sourdough bread, the buttermilk cornbread, the two sourdough pizza crusts, and the yellow cake with chocolate icing that I had helped Hailey bake, I couldn’t help but ponder, perhaps I am? I suppose there are worse ways to cope. Anyway, we’re eating well currently!

A few random lightning round thoughts before I go make lunch…

  • This cheese grater has been a HUGE value add to our kitchen. The kids have always liked shredding cheese but I’ve always worried about them shredding fingers, too. This thing is completely kid safe and is FUN to use. No more buying pre-shredded cheese for us. Word on the street is that the other blades included are great for veggies. Can’t wait to try it!
  • While I am still a content Butcher Box customer, I decided to try Wild Pastures (referral ink for $20 off your order), too. I put in an order and so far am impressed with the packaging (sealed nice and tight) and quality (very tasty). I’ve only just started to work my way through my delivery though, so more thoughts to come down the line.
  • Spring weather is arriving here in NC and Hailey and I are both a year into allergy shots. I’m praying she gets complete relief and doesn’t have her usual month of torture from red, itchy, swollen eyes. I am hoping I get some relief, too. I had 2 systemic reactions over the course of my shots, so while I’m at my maintenance level, it’s not as concentrated as “normal.” I’m fine with that because systemic reactions are scary and I have a slight feeling of panic whenever I get my shot now, so I’m grateful and fine to stay at the lower dosage; just hoping it also offers some relief.
  • I finished The Women by Kristin Hannah and wow, I love her books. It was tough to listen to some parts and gain better insight into the role of women in the Vietnam War, but it was engaging and I really enjoyed it. I am now back on my nonfiction preference and about 5 chapters into Outlive by Peter Attia. Really, really enjoying learning more about metabolic function and how to build our health for a hopefully longer health span.
  • Breakfast I can’t get enough of lately- baking a thin breakfast casserole with cottage cheese on Sunday, then slicing and keeping it in the fridge. Then putting a square on a toasted bagel with cream cheese and a turkey sausage patty in the morning. Plus 2 Brazil nuts and a wellness shot. It ends up being roughly 35 g of protein.
  • Also appreciating making a batch of soup on Sunday, freezing it in Souper Cubes, then putting a frozen cube in my mini slow cooker at breakfast so have hot, homemade soup ready by lunch time.
  • Exercise is consistent. Doing strength about 5 days a week and trying to do better about adding in some cardio (mostly interval running/walking) and stretching. I am walking all the time because the weather is so gorgeous and Finley loves it, too.

I feel I’ve babbled on long enough. How’s 2024 going for you? Cruising right along? Juggling it all well enough? Thriving? Surviving? Any things rocking your world currently?



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