Saturday, October 5, 2024


PROBIOTIC TALK- we’ve discussed the importance of probiotics in the diet for years. I still get so many questions about it, and number one is: what probiotic do I take. If you’ve been following for a while you know it’s JUST THRIVE.

So as always, let’s get very, VERY specific.

The benefits of a daily probiotic are major. If you don’t already take one and are interested be sure to consult your health care provider first.

MOVING ON: probiotics & I have been having a love affair for a long time now. The supplement, yes, but also kimchi, kombucha, saurkraut, you get it.

It all started YEARS AGO when I was on antibiotics for almost 6 weeks that I really understood the importance of a daily probiotic.

First of all, if you’re like me you get a yeast infection if you don’t take a probiotic while on an antibiotic- TMI? Never on this blog. Yeast infections are horrific. There’s nothing worse. The whole egg situation, legs spread, sweating (who knows what I mean here?) HA!

Well actually, maybe a UTI is worse? Who knows. They’re both horrid. Anyway, for me a probiotic is my preventative plan- I never get a yeast infection from antibiotics anymore because of my daily probiotic.

To really get into bacteria here: it mainly grows from stress, antibiotics, & chlorinated water. Probiotics (also known as an acidophilus) are beneficial bacteria & microorganism that live in the gut. AKA ‘good bacteria.’

They help with digestion & REALLY, REALLY help absorb nutrients from food. Which is great, because that’s a big reason why even eat food. Right? The healthy, good bacteria helps eliminate nasty shit in the gut like bad bacteria, chemicals, & toxins.

ALSO TO TAKE A TWIST- I think it’s important to understand the fundamental difference between an acidophilus & a probiotic: “Acidophilus is a form of a probiotic. It is mainly used to aid digestion and repopulate the digestive tract with good bacteria. Probiotics, those with a mix of acidophilus and other types of good bacteria, are considered broad-spectrum, meaning they work better when combined to aid more than one type of problem within the digestive tract. Probiotics that are most effective have a billion or more active organisms.” { via }

Tons of scientists and experts now know that SO many diseases/problems/issues start in the gut. When we fix our gut, insane results follow. Personally, when I take probiotics or eat kimchi I notice brighter eyes, clear skin, more energy, less bloating- the list goes on really.


When you’re choosing the right probiotic for you- do your research. For me, Just Thrive is the best one I could find, that works for me. It actually lives as it goes through our body, and just so you know, most probiotics don’t. They don’t survive the trip from your mouth to your gut. And you don’t need to keep them in the fridge which makes them so easy to travel with (love these).

ultimate probiotic prebiotic silver fern | by the skinny confidential


Mood, Anxiety, & Depression:

95% of Serotonin ( the happy neurotransmitter ) originates from the gastrointestinal tract. When imbalances in bacteria are present this can lead to real alterations to our brains, causing brain fog, depression, mood swings, and anxiety.

Probiotics make positive changes to the gut by policing and restoring the growth of good microbes to your flora. Restoring a disrupted gut flora can help fight anxiety & depression.

Metabolism & Weight Loss:

The body typically responds to food in one of two ways, it will either burn it for energy or store it as fat. The secret for this decision is short-chain fatty acids ( SCFAs ), the more your body produces SCFAs the more fat and food it will burn.

Sugar & Hunger Cravings:

The bad bacteria in your gut love sugar and will actually signal your brain to eat more sugar. This “gut brain connection” is what causes those powerful sugar cravings. Meanwhile, poor nutrient absorption causes your body to keep signaling for more food so it can get the nutrients it needs.

We want to replace the bad bacteria in your gut with good bacteria, stopping the sugar cravings all while helping your body to more effectively break down and absorb nutrients. Better nutrient absorption means your body will be satisfied with much less food!

The founders of Just Thrive have been on The Skinny Confidential HIM & HER Show twice and these episodes are loading with information on why probiotics are so important. Their most recent appearance was last week and here are some of the top takeaways:

How dopamine works in the brain and gut: 

Dopamine is a chemical made in the gut and brain, and is meant to give your focus or attention to positive responses. When we’re constantly distracted or constantly seeking dopamine rushes (constantly checking your phone, eating unhealthy foods etc.), we develop a resistance to it, which leads to more and more distractions and higher stress. 

The link between inflammation and stress: 

Things that stimulate your nervous system (stress, cortisol and other chemicals), lead to your fight or flight response being activated, which turns off your digestive system, rest response, and repair response, leading to inflammation in the body. 

Things you can do to eliminate stress, enhance your focus, and manage your life better: 

Stress can be internal or external, but the effects of it are led by your gut and your brain. Taking a daily probiotic and practicing mental health activities like meditation will help you learn how to reduce your stress and manage your focus. 

Be sure to listen to the whole episode if you’re interested in improving your memory, focus, mood and overall health, this is the episode for you. And while we’re here if you’ve recently taken antibiotics here is an entire protocol from Dr. Daryl Gioffre on how to heal your gut afterwards. I’ve had to take antibiotics a couple times over the last 2 years, unfortunately so this protocol has been a lifesaver.

Another amazing supplement that Michael got me on to is Athletic Greens. It has your daily vitamins, minerals, prebiotics and probiotics in one scoop. So along with AG1, Just Thrive probiotics, Dr. Daryl’s protocol (and minerals), and probiotic foods, I feel confident I’m getting all the probiotics I need. And you know we’ve got codes for you to shop:

Just Thrive – SKINNY for 15% off

AG1 – SKINNY for 1 year supply of d3 and k2, plus 5 free travel packs

Get Off Your Acid – SKINNY for 20% off your first purchase

Do you take a probiotic? What’s your favorite way to get them in?

x, Lauryn

+ The best foods for lymphatic drainage.

++ Everything I eat in a day.




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