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HomeLifestyle80 Gratitude Affirmations for Discovering Success

80 Gratitude Affirmations for Discovering Success

The ICONIC Tony Robbins talks about ACHIEVEMENT vs. FULFILLMENT. And we’re here for it. Basically, if you live a life achieving all your goals, but don’t find any fulfillment in them, then what’s the point? We want to live fulfilled lives where we are happy with all we have and aren’t looking for the next best thing.

Yes, growth is important. You want to have a mindset that is geared toward personal growth. But wanting to grow doesn’t mean you’re not able to enjoy and love whatever stage you’re in. Because then, what is the point of any of it, right?

That’s where gratitude comes in. Without gratitude, it’s easy to get caught up in all of life’s negativity and the world’s MORE MORE MORE culture. You can forget how good you have it in an instant. And as a result, feel worn down and unhappy. This invites negative vibes into your space, which is not the move for a healthy state of mind.

Living in a state of gratitude helps you focus on the good, boosts positivity, and shifts your mindset so you’re inviting all the good energy in. But finding ways to be grateful can be hard, especially if you’re out of practice. Luckily, gratitude affirmations are a quick, easy way to help you express and practice gratitude. They’re a great place to start your gratitude practice whether you’ve been in a slump lately or you’re a grateful guru. That’s why today, we’re sharing a round up of gratitude affirmations that can help you build a fulfilled and thankful life. 

All you need to do is say, think, feel, or write down these affirmations on a regular basis. You can meditate to them, or simply repeat them to yourself in your own way. The main goal here is that you want to put these affirmations into your mind and energy, so that they start to manifest.

80 Gratitude Affirmations

Gratitude Affirmations for an Abundant Life

I am worthy of what I desire.

I choose to share my gifts with the world.

I am open to limitless possibilities.

I attract miracles into my life.

I am open to receiving unexpected opportunities.

I believe in myself and my power.

I am happy with what I have.

I allow abundance into my life.

I see beauty all around me.

I am grateful for the abundance I receive.

Everything I need is within me.

Gratitude Affirmations for Family

My family is a source of strength and support in my life.

I cherish my family time.

My family is a team.

I am grateful for each of my family members.

My family brings something unique to the table.

I am surrounded by the positive energy of my family.

My family is a blessing and a gift.

I am grateful for my memories with my family.

My family accepts me for who I am.

My family is safe and loving.

Gratitude Affirmations for Friends

My friends are kind.

I am a wonderful friend.

My friends love and respect me.

I love and respect my friends.

I trust my friends and my friends trust me.

My friends and I have each other’s backs.

My friendships bring happiness.

My friends are a gift from the universe.

Making friends is easy for me.

I feel confident around my friends.

New friends are always coming into my life.

My friendships align with the greater good.

I use kind words with my friends.

Gratitude Affirmations for Health

I am invested in my body’s well-being.

I am committed to nourishing myself.

My food will nourish my body.

I am deserving of optimal health.

I am in harmony with my body.

Every breath I take heals me from the inside out.

Each day, my health improves in every way.

My health is a reflection of the love I give myself.

My thoughts are kind and compassionate towards my body.

I make healthy choices.

I am deserving of positive mental health.

I cultivate my well-being daily.

I am grateful for my senses.

Gratitude Affirmations for Love

I am letting love into my life.

I am deserving of all the love life has to offer me.

My heart is open.

I am fully and completely open to receiving love.

I pay attention to the love I already have.

I am worthy of love and care.

The ground I walk brings me closer to the love I seek.

The more love I give, the more love I receive.

Gratitude Affirmations for Money

I am in control of my financial well being.

Money flows easily and frequently.

I visualize financial peace.

My life is filled with wealth.

Building wealth is a process.

My actions create prosperity.

My money works hard for me.

Money is on its way to me now.

Gratitude Affirmations for Self Love

I am grateful for my body.

I bring the light to every situation.

I am eternally grateful to be myself.

Each day is a constant opportunity to be kinder to myself.

I deserve good things.

I am grateful for the beauty I see in myself.

I am in a constant state of learning.

Today, I am finding peace with myself.

Gratitude Affirmations for Career

I am grateful for every opportunity.

I know what I’m doing.

I deserve to live my dream.

I am capable and knowledgeable.

My dream job is on its way to me.

I am achieving my career goals.

I am confident in my ideas and talents.

Mistakes are okay. They show I am learning.

You deserve to have a fulfilled life.

Practicing gratitude can lead to fulfillment. That makes finding happiness a hell of a lot easier. We know it can be hard to be grateful all the time, but it’s so important to know how to be grateful, even in hard times. It is a GAME CHANGER.

Want another boost to your gratitude practice? The Skinny Confidential Planner has a daily section to write what you’re grateful for. Even that micro-practice of gratitude can be enough to get your day going in a whole new direction. Schedule time for your gratitude affirmations today. Remember small, daily habits can lead to big changes so start right now.

Do you have a favorite gratitude affirmation? Let us know below. We’d love to hear what’s bringing you fulfillment and helping you keep a positive mindset.

x, The Skinny Confidential team

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