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HomeLifestyleMadatyayadi Chikitsitam Adhyaya (Therapies of alcoholism and so on.)    

Madatyayadi Chikitsitam Adhyaya (Therapies of alcoholism and so on.)    

7th chapter of Chikitsasthanam of Ashtanga Hridayam is named as Madatyayadi Chikitsam Adhyayah. This chapter deals with the explanation of ‘treatment of alcoholism etc’.

The topics covered in this chapter include –

–        Treatment principle of improper use of wine in madatyaya (alcoholism)
–        Comparison between wine and poison
–        Effects of consuming large quantities of wine
–        Role of wine in establishing normalcy of tissues
–        Time period for treating madatyaya (alcoholism)
–        Vataja Madatyaya Chikitsa
–        Pittaja Madatyaya Chikitsa
–        Kaphaja Madatyaya Chikitsa
–        Ashtanga Lavana
–        Kapittha Panaka
–        Harshini Kriya
–        Ksira Prayoga
–        Yukta Madya
–        Madya prasamsa – greatness of wine
–        Judicious drinking of wine
–        Conditions wherein wine should be consumed and avoided
–        Need of wine to digest meat
–        Simily of garlic in terms of wine
–        Tolerance power of the person who drinks wine
–        Various benefits of wine
–        Activities to be done after drinking wine
–        Ways of enjoying drinking wine in a proper method
–        Methods of consuming wine in proper ways
–        Wine for Vata predominant persons
–        Wine for pitta predominant persons
–        Wine for kapha predominant persons
–        Wines suitable for different dosha personalities
–        Time of intake of wine in different dosha personalities
–        Principles of treating intoxication and fainting
–        Sannyasa Chikitsa – treatment of coma

Pledge by the author(s)

अथातो मदात्ययादिचिकित्सितं व्याख्यास्याम: व्याख्यास्याम: ।
इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षय: ।
After having offered prayers to the God, henceforth we are going to explain the chapter pertaining to the explanation of ‘treatment of alcoholism etc’. Thus say (pledge) Atreya and other sages.

Treatment as per doshas in madatyaya (alcoholism)

यं दोषमधिकं पश्येत्तस्यादौ प्रतिकारयेत् ।
कफस्थानानुपूर्व्या च तुल्यदोषे मदात्यये ॥ १ ॥
पित्तमारुतपर्यन्तः प्रायेण हि मदात्ययः ।
In alcoholism when all the doshas are found to be equal whichever the dosha found to be predominant should be treated first; then treatment should be administered at seats of kapha first, because alcoholism generally has aggravation of pitta and Vata at its terminal stages.

Treatment principle of improper use of alcohol in madatyaya (alcoholism)

हीनमिथ्यातिपीतेन यो व्याधिरुपजायते ॥ २ ॥
समपीतेन तेनैव स मद्येनोपशाम्यति ।
The disease (alcoholism) which develops from inadequate, improper and excess use of any one kind of alcohol, gets relieved by the proper use of the same.

Comparison between alcohol and poison

मद्यस्य विषसादृश्याद्विषं तूत्कर्षवृत्तिभिः ॥ ३ ॥
तीक्ष्णादिभिर्गुणैर्योगाद्विषान्तरमपेक्षते ।
Because of similar action of alcohol to poison, poison possesses powerful properties and actions such as penetrating (deep into the tissue) etc., needs another kind of poison for the cure of disorders caused by the first poison.

To treat poison arising due to animals and insects, the poison of plant origin is used and vice versa. Similarly, to treat the ill effects of alcohol, alcohol can be used.

Effects of consuming large quantities of wine

तीक्ष्णोष्णेनातिमात्रेण पीतेनाम्लविदाहिना ॥ ४ ॥
मद्येनान्नरसक्लेदो विदग्धः क्षारतां गतः ।
यान् कुर्यान्मदतृण्मोहज्वरान्तर्दाहविभ्रमान् ॥ ५ ॥
मद्योत्क्लिष्टेन दोषेण रुद्धः स्रोतःसु मारुतः ।
सुतीव्रा वेदना याश्च शिरस्यस्थिषु सन्धिषु ॥ ६ ॥
जीर्णाममद्यदोषस्य प्रकाङ्क्षालाघवे सति ।
यौगिकं विधिवद्युक्तं मद्यमेव निहन्ति तान् ॥ ७ ॥
By ingestion of large quantity of wine which possesses properties such as: penetrating, heat producing, sour, causing burning sensation the moisture in the essence of food, undergoes excess cooking and burning. It assumes the properties of caustic alkali and produces mada – intoxication, tṛṭ – thirst, moha – delusion, jvara – fever, antardāha – burning sensation inside the abdomen, vibhrama – and severe giddiness vata getting obstructed in its passage by other doshas aggravated by wine, produces severe pain in the head, bones and joints. When these symptoms become old or not produced by wine (by drinking again) and such a desire (for drinking) becoming less, they (symptoms) get relieved by the same wine itself used judiciously and in the prescribed manner.

Effects of consuming large quantities of wine

क्षारो हि याति माधुर्यं शीघ्रमम्लोपसंहितः ।
मद्यमम्लेषु च श्रेष्ठं दोषविष्यन्दनादलम् ॥ ८ ॥
Alkali attains sweetness soon by getting mixed with sour; among sour things wine is the chief and sufficient to liquefy and mitigate the doshas.

Role of wine in establishing normalcy of tissues

तीक्ष्णोष्णाद्यैः पुरा प्रोक्तैर्दीपनाद्यैस्तथा गुणैः ।
सात्म्यत्वाच्च तदेवास्य धातुसाम्यकरं परम् ॥ ९ ॥
Wine by its properties such as penetrating hot etc; described earlier (vide chapter 6 of nidanasthana) digestion kindling etc. action, (vide chapter 5 of sutrasthana) and by nature of becoming habituated / accustomed, it will be the best material to restore the normalcy of the tissues.

Time period for treating madatyaya (alcoholism)

सप्ताहमष्टरात्रं वा कुर्यात्पानात्ययौषधम् ।
जीर्यत्येतावता पानं कालेन विपथाश्रितम् ॥ १० ॥
परं ततोऽनुबध्नाति यो रोगस्तस्य भेषजम् ।
यथायथं प्रयुञ्जीत कृतपानात्ययौषधः ॥ ११ ॥
The treatment for alcoholism should be done for seven or eight days only; by that period (effect of time), the wine localized in abnormal passage (places other than alimentary tract) gets digested. The diseases which continue even after this period should be treated by administering appropriate therapies which is prescribed for alcoholism.

Vataja Madatyaya Chikitsa

तत्र वातोल्बणे मद्यं दद्यात्पिष्टकृतं युतम् ।
बीजपूरकवृक्षाम्लकोलदाडिमदीप्यकैः ॥ १२ ॥
यवानीहपुषाजाजीव्योषत्रिलवणार्द्रकैः ।
शूल्यमांसैर्हरीतकैः स्नेहवद्भिश्च सक्तुभिः ॥ १३ ॥
उष्णस्निग्धाम्ललवणा मेद्यमांसरसा हिताः ।
आम्राम्रातकपेशीभिः संस्कृता रागषाडवाः ॥ १४ ॥
गोधूममाषविकृतिर्मृदुश्चित्रा मुखप्रिया ।
आर्द्रिकार्द्रककुल्माषशुक्तमांसादिगर्भिणी ॥ १५ ॥
सुरभिर्लवणा शीता निर्गदा वाच्छवारुणी ।
स्वरसो दाडिमात् क्वाथः पञ्चमूलात्कनीयसः ॥ १६ ॥
शुण्ठीधान्यात्तथा मस्तु शुक्ताम्भोऽच्छाम्लकाञ्जिकम् ।
अभ्यङ्गोद्वर्तनस्नानमुष्णं प्रावरणं घनम् ॥ १७ ॥
घनश्चागुरुजो धूपः पङ्कश्चागुरुकुङ्कुमः ।
कुचोरुश्रोणिशालिन्यो यौवनोष्णाङ्गयष्टयः ॥ १८ ॥
हर्षेणालिङ्गने युक्ताः प्रियाः संवाहनेषु च ।
In madatyaya (alcoholism) with predominance of vata, wine should be administered which is prepared from flour mixed with the powder of – bījapūraka – Citrus medica, vṛkṣāmla – Garcinia pedunculata, kola – Ziziphus mauritiana, dāḍima – Punica granatum, dīpyaka – Carum roxburghianum, yavānī – Trachyspermum ammi, hapuṣā – Juniperus communis, ajājī – Cuminum cymini, vyoṣa – Piper longum, Piper nigrum and Zingiber officinale three types of salt, ardraka – Zingiber officinale, flour of corns should be consumed as food, along with roasted meat green vegetables and made in fats, and soup of fatty meat added with fats, sours and salt consumed warm is beneficial and raga and sadava (sour and sweet syrups) processed with tender fruits of Mangifera indica and Spondias pinnata; different kinds of soft snacks prepared from Triticum aestivum and Vigna mungo, pleasing to the mouth (tasty) contain within them ārdrika – Coriandrum sativum, ārdraka – Zingiber officinale, kulmāṣa – Cassia absus, śukta – Tamrindus indica and meat etc; accha vāruṇī – Borassus flabellifer and Phoenix dactylifera liquor which is clear, sweet smelling, salty, cold and free from defects; fresh juice from dāḍima – Punica granatum decoction of Laghu pancamula; śuṇṭhī – Zingiber officinale, dhānya – Coriandrum sativum whey (watery part of curds) sour water sour gruel free of precipitate oil massage, powder massage, bath with warm water, thick coverings (blankets etc), fumigation with thick paste of aguru – Aquilaria agallocha, paṅkaśca aguru kuṅkumaḥ – anointing the body with mud, Aquilaria agallocha and Crocus sativus; joyful embrace by woman who has beautiful breasts, thighs and hips and warmth of youth such women being engaged for massaging the body- all these are beneficial.

Pittaja Madatyaya Chikitsa

पित्तोल्बणे बहुजलं शार्करं मधु वा युतम् ॥ १९ ॥
रसैर्दाडिमखर्जूरभव्यद्राक्षापरूषजैः ।
सुशीतं ससितासक्तु योज्यं तादृक् च पानकम् ॥ २० ॥
स्वादुवर्गकषायैर्वा युक्तं मद्यं समाक्षिकम् ।
शालिषष्टिकमश्नीयाच्छशाजैणकपिञ्जलैः ॥ २१ ॥
सतीनमुद्गामलकपटोलीदाडिमै रसैः ।
In alcoholism with predominance of pitta, drinking of wine added with plenty of water, sugar, and honey; juice of dāḍima – Punica granatum, kharjūra – Phoenix dactylifera, bhavya – Dillenia indica, drākṣā – Vitis vinifera, parūṣajaiḥ – Grewia asiatica cooled, added with sugar; solution of corn flour or sweet syrup prepared in the same way, wine mixed with decoction of herbs of sweet group (vide chapter 10 of sutrasthana) added with honey. śāliṣaṣṭikaṃ – Oryza sativa harvested in 60 days, consumed with the soup of meat of śaśa – rabbit, aja – goat, eṇa – deer, kapiñjalaiḥ – bird grey partridge, satīna – Pisum sativum, mudga – Vigna radiata, āmalaka – Emblica officinalis, paṭolī – Trichosanthes dioica and dāḍima – Punica granatum.

Pittaja Madatyaya Chikitsa

कफपित्तं समुत्क्लिष्टमुल्लिखेत्तृड्विदाहवान् ॥ २२ ॥
पीत्वाम्बु शीतं मद्यं वा भूरीक्षुरससंयुतम् ।
द्राक्षारसं वा संसर्गी तर्पणादिः परं हितः ॥ २३ ॥
तथाग्निर्दीप्यते तस्य दोषशेषान्नपाचनः ।
When the patient has thirst and burning sensation, the kapha and pitta which have increased should be expelled out (by vomiting). Drinking plenty of cold water or wine mixed with juice of Saccharum officinarum or juice of Vitis vinifera; samsargi (regimen of diet after purificatory therapies) such as tarpana etc. are ideal; by these the digestive power becomes augmented which cooks the residue of the doshas and the food.

Pittaja Madatyaya Chikitsa

कासे सरक्तनिष्ठीवे पार्श्वस्तनरुजासु च ॥ २४ ॥
तृष्णायां सविदाहायां सोत्क्लेशे हृदयोरसि ।
गुडूचीभद्रमुस्तानां पटोलस्याथवा रसम् ॥ २५ ॥
सशृङ्गवेरं युञ्जीत तित्तिरिप्रतिभोजनम् ।
When there is cough with expectoration of sputum mixed with blood, pain in the flanks and region of the breast, thirst, burning sensation during digestion and oppression in the region of the heart and chest (nausea); guḍūcī – Tinospora cordifolia, bhadramustā – Cyperus rotundus, paṭola – Trichosanthes dioca – their juice, with saśṛṅgavera – Zingiber officinale should be consumed, followed by a meal of meat of Tittiri bird.

Pittaja Madatyaya Chikitsa

तृष्यते चाति बलवद्वातपित्ते समुद्धते ॥ २६ ॥
दद्याद्द्राक्षारसं पानं शीतं दोषानुलोमनम् ।
जीर्णेऽद्यान्मधुराम्लेन च्छागमांसरसेन च ॥ २७ ॥
पाटल्युत्पलकन्दैर्वा स्वभावादेव वा हिमम् ।
When the thirst is severe, and there is predominance of vata and pitta, he should be given with juice of Vitis vinifera to drink, made cold, it enables doshas to move downwards after this is digested, one should consume meat juice of goat with sweet and sour herbs.

Pittaja Madatyaya Chikitsa

तृष्यल्पश पिबेन्मद्यं मन्दं रक्षन् बहूदकम्।
मुस्तादाडिमलाजाम्बु जल वा पर्णिनीशृतम्॥२८॥
पाटल्युत्पलकन्दैर्वा स्वभावादेव वा हिमम्।
When the thirst is mild, he should drink wine added with more of water, reserving (avoiding) the intoxication; water boiled with mustā – or drink Cyperus rotundus, dādima – Punica granatum, lājāmbu – and Parched rice or water boiled with Desmodium gangeticum and Uraria picta or with pātali – Trichosanthes dioica, utpala kandairva – tuber of Nymphaea stellata which are by nature cold in potency.

Pittaja Madatyaya Chikitsa

मद्यातिपानादब्धातौ क्षीणे तेजसि चोद्धते ॥ २९ ॥
यः शुष्कगलताल्वोष्ठो जिह्वां निष्कृष्य चेष्टते ।
पाययेत्कामतोऽम्भस्तं निशीथपवनाहतम् ॥ ३० ॥
By drinking wine in excess, the ap dhatus (watery tissues) get decreased and tejas (heat) gets increased. He who develops dryness of the throat, palate and lips, protrusion of the tongue and moves his head sideward (restlessly) should drink, water as much as he likes, which is cooled by fanning over it.

Pittaja Madatyaya Chikitsa

कोलदाडिमवृक्षाम्लचुक्रीकाचुक्रिकारसः ।
पञ्चाम्लको मुखालेपः सद्यस्तृष्णां नियच्छति ॥ ३१ ॥
Fresh juice of the five sours viz, kola – Ziziphus mauritiana, dāḍima – Punica granatum, vṛkṣāmla – Garcinia indica, cukrīkā – Rumex vesicarius, cukrikā – and Oxalis corniculata smeared inside the mouth relieves the thirst immediately.

Pittaja Madatyaya Chikitsa

त्वचं प्राप्तश्च पानोष्मा पित्तरक्ताभिमूर्छितः ।
दाहं प्रकुरुते घोरं तत्रातिशिशिरो विधिः ॥ ३२ ॥
अशाम्यति रसैस्तृप्ते रोहिणीं व्यधयेत् सिराम् ।
The heat generated by drinking wine, associated with pitta and rakta, gets localized in the skin and causes severe burning sensation. There, intense cold measures should be administered. Still if it does not subside, the rohini sira (vein which is slightly red in color) should be cut (and blood let out) after strengthening the patient with sufficient quantities of meat soup.

Kaphaja Madatyaya Chikitsa

उल्लेखनोपवासाभ्यां जयेच्छ्लेष्मोल्बणं पिबेत् ॥ ३३ ॥
शीतं शुण्ठीस्थिरोदीच्यदुःस्पर्शान्यतमोदकम् ।
Madatyaya (alcoholism) with predominance of kapha, should be treated by emesis and fasting, drinking the cold decoction of – śuṇṭhī – Zingiber officinale, sthirā – Terminalia chebula, udīcya – Pavonia odorata, duḥsparśā – Alhagi camelorum or of any other (similar) herbs.

Kaphaja Madatyaya Chikitsa

निरामं क्षुधितं काले पाययेद्बहुमाक्षिकम् ॥ ३४ ॥
शार्करं मधु वा जीर्णमरिष्टं सीधुमेव वा ।
रूक्षतर्पणसंयुक्तं यवानीनागरान्वितम् ॥ ३५ ॥
When there is no ama (undigested materials) in the alimentary tract, the patient being hungry, he should drink Makshika type of honey or Sharkara type of honey, or fermented liquid fermented sugar-cane juice which is mixed with dry (fat free) tarpana (flour dissolved in water) added with Trachyspermum ammi and Zingiber officinale.

Kaphaja Madatyaya Chikitsa

यूषेण यवगोधूमं तनुनाऽल्पेन भोजयेत् ।
उष्णाम्लकटुतिक्तेन कौलत्थेनाल्पसर्पिषा ॥ ३६ ॥
शुष्कमूलकजैश्छागै रसैर्वा धन्वचारिणाम् ।
साम्लवेतसवृक्षाम्लपटोलीव्योषदाडिमैः ॥ ३७ ॥
He should eat food prepared from yava – Hordeum vulgare, godhūmaṃ – or Triticum aestivum along with little quantity of thin soups of kulattha – Dolichos biflorus made warm, processed with little quantity of sour, pungent and bitter substance and very little of ghee or with soup of dry Raphanus sativus; with goat meat juice or with soup of meat of animals of desert-like lands, mixed with amlavetasa – Garcinia pedunculata, vṛkṣāmla – Garcinia indica, paṭolī – Trichosanthes dioica, vyoṣa – Piper longum, Piper nigrum and Zingiber officinale, dāḍima – Punica granatum.

Kaphaja Madatyaya Chikitsa

प्रभूतशुण्ठीमरिचहरितार्द्रकपेशिकम् ।
बीजपूररसाद्यम्लभृष्टनीरसवर्तितम् ॥ ३८ ॥
करीरकरमर्दादि रोचिष्णु बहुशालनम् ।
प्रव्यक्ताष्टाङ्गलवणं विकल्पितनिमर्दकम् ॥ ३९ ॥
यथाग्नि भक्षयन् मांसं माधवं निगदं पिबेत् ।
Oblong pieces of green vegetables together with more of Zingiber officinale and Piper nigrum, fried in sour juices of Citrus medica etc., devoid of moisture; should be given to eat, karīra – Capparis decidua, karamarda – Carissa carandas which are tasty and very green, added with more of astanga lavana (described in the next verse) and prepared in different ways should be partaken, meat should be consumed by maintaining the strength of digestive fire and wine prepared from honey which is unspoilt should be drunk.

Ashtanga Lavana

सितासौवर्चलाजाजीतिन्तिडीकाम्लवेतसम् ॥ ४० ॥
त्वगेलामरिचार्धांशमष्टाङ्गलवणं हितम् ।
स्रोतोविशुद्ध्यग्निकरं कफप्राये मदात्यये ॥ ४१ ॥
sitā – sugar, sauvarcala – black salt, ajājī – Cuminum cyminum, tintiḍīka – Rhus parviflora, amlavetasam – Garcinia pedunculata – each one part; tvak – Cinnamomum zeylanica, elā – Elettaria cardamomum, marica – Piper nigrum, half part each, powered together is known as astanga lavana, is beneficial in madatyaya with predominance of kapha; it clears the channels and augments the digestive fire.

Kaphaja Madatyaya Chikitsa

रूक्षोष्णोद्वर्तनोद्घर्षस्नानभोजनलङ्घनैः ।
सकामाभिः सह स्त्रीभिर्युक्त्या जागरणेन च ॥ ४२ ॥
मदात्ययः कफप्रायः शीघ्रं समुपशाम्यति ।
Madatyaya with predominance of kapha gets relieved soon by dry and heat massage trampling by foot, bath, bhojana, fasting, and company of sensuous women and judicious avoidance of sleep.

Kaphaja Madatyaya Chikitsa

यदिदं कर्म निर्दिष्टं पृथग्दोषबलं प्रति ॥ ४३ ॥
सन्निपाते दशविधे तच्छेषेऽपि विकल्पयेत् ।
The treatment indicated so far, in respect of each dosha separately should be adopted for the ten kinds of sannipata (Tridoshas increased with varying levels) and also for the remaining kinds.

Kapittha Panaka

त्वङ्नागपुष्पमगधामरिचाजाजिधान्यकैः ॥ ४४ ॥
परूषकमधूकैलासुराह्वैश्च सितान्वितैः ।
सकपित्थरसं हृद्यं पानकं शशिबोधितम् ॥ ४५ ॥
मदात्ययेषु सर्वेषु पेयं रुच्यग्निदीपनम् ।
Sweet syrup prepared from the juice of kapittha – Limonia acidissima added with powder of tvak – Cinnamomum zeylanicum, nāgapuṣpa – Messua ferrea, magadhā – Piper longum, marica – Piper nigrum ajāji – Cuminum cyminum, dhānyaka – Coriandrum sativum, parūṣaka – Grewia asiatica, madhūka – Glycyrrhiza glabra, elā – Elettaria cardamomum, surāhva – Cedrus deodara and sugar approved by the moon (made cool by keeping it in moonlight) is a cordial drink in all types of alcoholism, improves taste and digestive fire.

Harshini Kriya

नाविक्षोभ्य मनो मद्यं शरीरमविहन्य वा ॥ ४६ ॥
कुर्यान्मदात्ययं तस्मादिष्यते हर्षणी क्रिया ।
Wine, causes intoxication neither without disorganizing / vitiating the mind nor without destroying the (tissues of) body. Hence all methods which bring pleasure / happiness are desired (required).

Ksheera Prayoga

संशुद्धिशमनाद्येषु मददोषः कृतेष्वपि ॥ ४७ ॥
न चेच्छाम्येत् कफे क्षीणे जाते दौर्बल्यलाघवे ।
तस्य मद्यविदग्धस्य वातपित्ताधिकस्य च ॥ ४८ ॥
ग्रीष्मोपतप्तस्य तरोर्यथा वर्षं तथा पयः ।
मद्यक्षीणस्य हि क्षीणं क्षीरमाश्वेव व पुष्यति ॥ ४९ ॥
ओजस्तुल्यं गुणैः सर्वैर्विपरीतं च मद्यतः ।
पयसा विहते रोगे बले जाते निवर्तयेत् ॥ ५० ॥
क्षीरप्रयोगं मद्यं च क्रमेणाल्पाल्पमाचरेत् ।
न विक्षयध्वंसकोत्थैः स्पृशेतोपद्रवैर्यथा ॥ ५१ ॥
तयोस्तु स्याद्घृतं क्षीरं बस्तयो बृंहणाः शिवाः ।
अभ्यङ्गोद्वर्तनस्नानान्यन्नपानं च वातजित् ॥ ५२ ॥
If the diseases caused by wine, do not subside even after purifactory and palliavative therapies, because with the decrease of kapha, debility and lightness (emaciation) of the body developed for the person who has been over-burnt (with increased heat) by wine and having great increase of vata and pitta. Just like the rain is to the tree, (beneficial) which has been tormented by summer, milk is to him (highly beneficial) who has been emaciated due to excessive consumption of wine, the milk quickly nourishes the person who has been emaciated by wine. Because all its qualities are similar to those of ojas and opposite to those of wine. After the diseases (madatyaya-alcoholism) gets cured (by the use of milk), when the strength is regained, milk consumption should be stopped; use of wine should gradually be commenced in small quantities, so that he may not be troubled by viksaya and dhvamsaka-diseases and complications (vide chapter 6 of nidana sthana); for these, as remedy, the use of medicated ghee, milk and nourishing enema are beneficial, so also oil massage, dry massage, bath and foods and drink which mitigate vata.

Yukta Madya

युक्तमद्यस्य मद्योत्थो न व्याधिरुपजायते ।
अतोऽस्य वक्ष्यते योगो यः सुखायैव केवलम् ॥ ५३ ॥
The person who drinks wine in the proper way does not suffer from diseases caused by wine (over-drinking). Hence, the proper way of drinking wine is described further, which is meant to bring happiness and comfort.

Madya prashamsa: Greatness of wine

आश्विनं या महत्तेजो बलं सारस्वतं च या ।
दधात्यैन्द्रं च या वीर्यं प्रभावं वैष्णवं च या ॥ ५४ ॥
अस्त्रं मकरकेतोर्या पुरुषार्थो बलस्य या ।
सौत्रामण्यां द्विजमुखे या हुताशे च ह्वयते ॥ ५५ ॥
या सर्वौषधिसम्पूर्णान्मथ्यमानात्सुरासुरैः ।
महोदधेः समुद्भूता श्रीशशाङ्कामृतैः सह ॥ ५६ ॥
मधुमाधवमैरेयसीधुगौडासवादिभिः ।
मदशक्तिमनुज्झन्ती या रूपैर्बहुभिः स्थिता ॥ ५७ ॥
यामास्वाद्य विलासिन्यो यथार्थं नाम बिभ्रति ।
कुलाङ्गनाऽपि यां पीत्वा नयत्युद्धतमानसा ॥ ५८ ॥
अनङ्गालिङ्गितैरङ्गैः क्वापि चेतो मुनेरपि ।
तरङ्गभङ्गभ्रूकुटीतर्जनैर्मानिनीमनः ॥ ५९ ॥
एकं प्रसाद्य कुरुते या द्वयोरपि निर्वृतिम् ।
यथाकामं भटावाप्तिपरिहृष्टाप्सरोगणे ॥ ६० ॥
तृणवत्पुरुषा युद्धे यामास्वाद्य त्यजन्त्यसून् ।
यां शीलयित्वाऽपि चिरं बहुधा बहुविग्रहाम् ॥ ६१ ॥
नित्यं हर्षातिवेगेन तत्पूर्वमिव सेवते ।
शोकोद्वेगारतिभयैर्यां दृष्ट्वा नाभिभूयते ॥ ६२ ॥
गोष्ठीमहोत्सवोद्यानं न यस्याः शोभते विना ।
स्मृत्वा स्मृत्वा च बहुशो वियुक्तः शोचते यया ॥ ६३ ॥
अप्रसन्नापि या प्रीत्यै प्रसन्ना स्वर्ग एव या ।
अपीन्द्रं मन्यते दुःस्थं हृदयस्थितया यया ॥ ६४ ॥
अनिर्देश्यसुखास्वादा स्वयंवेद्यैव या परम् ।
इति चित्रास्ववस्थासु प्रियामनुकरोति या ॥ ६५ ॥
प्रियातिप्रियतां याति यत्प्रियस्य विशेषतः ।
या प्रीतिर्या रतिर्वा वाग्या पुष्टिरिति च स्तुता ॥ ६६ ॥
देवदानवगन्धर्वयक्षराक्षसमानुषैः ।
पानप्रवृत्तौ सत्यां तु तां सुरां विधिना पिबेत् ॥ ६७ ॥
That which bestowed great splendor to the Ashvins, power of knowledge which gives valour to Indra, supremacy to Visnu, weapons to Makaraketu (Manmatha) and fulfillment of pursuits of life, to Balarama, that which is invited and appreciated by the Brahmanas to the sautramani (soma sacrifice) who offer alcohol to fire as oblations; that which was born along with Laksmi / auspiciousness, moon and amrta (nector) from the great ocean filled with all the herbs and churned by the gods and demons; that which bestows exhilarating (intoxicating) power which is present in many forms such as honey, madhava, maireya, sidhu, gauda, asava etc., by tasting which, the charming woman carry the same name (of being charming) by drinking which even chaste family women also become exhilarated greatly, by drinking which even sages getting tormented by the god of love, beat their curved brows, falling in love with women, and then derive pleasure, and happiness to both (couple); by drinking which as much as they desire, brave men fight with valour the army apsaras (celestial damsels) feel exhilarated, by drinking which, warriors sacrifice their life in wars just like grass; that which even though used by men for long periods, in different forms, yet sought for daily bringing joy, as if consumed for the first time, for its ecstacy of pleasure; by drinking which, persons do not get troubled by grief, emotion, lack of pleasures and fear; without which assemblies, festivals and gardens become lusterless (do not give pleasure); without remembering it often, persons grieve; persons even though displeased with things still compare them as heavenly after drinking consider that even Indra (King of minor gods) is not as happy as them; that which bestows unexplainable pleasures; by drinking which, persons assume themselves as physicians; which, in many colorful ways, imitates the beloved (wife) by which the beloved (wife) becomes more liked; which is praised as the most liked, which yields love and pleasure; bestows speech (helps in speaking without hurdles), and bestows nourishment. Such appreciation is done by the Gods, demons, gandharvas, yakshas, raksasas, and manusa (humans) such as sura (wine) should be consumed judiciously in the proper manner.

Judicious drinking of wine

सम्भवन्ति न ते रोगा मेदोऽनिलकफोद्भवाः ।
विधियुक्ताद्ऋते मद्याद्ये न सिध्यन्ति दारुणाः ॥ ६८ ॥
Diseases arising from (aggravation of) fat tissue, vata and kapha, do not affect the person who drinks alcohol judiciously; these dreaded diseases do not get cured also in persons who do not drink judiciously.

Conditions wherein wine should be consumed and avoided

अस्ति देहस्य सावस्था यस्यां पानं निवार्यते ।
अन्यत्र मद्यान्निगदाद्विविधौषधसंस्कृतात् ॥ ६९ ॥
There are many conditions of the body in which drinking wine is to be avoided, except by those who are not suffering from any disease and that wine which is prepared from different kinds of herbs.

Need of wine to digest meat

आनूपं जाङ्गलं मांसं विधिनाऽप्युपकल्पितम् ।
मद्यं सहायमप्राप्य सम्यक् परिणमेत्कथम् ॥ ७० ॥
How can the meat of animals of marshy or desert-like regions, though prepared in the proper manner get properly digested without the help of wine?

Simily of garlic in terms of wine

सुतीव्रमारुतव्याधिघातिनो लशुनस्य च ।
मद्यमांसवियुक्तस्य प्रयोगे स्यात्कियान् गुणः ॥ ७१ ॥
What will be benefit of administering Allium sativum which is extolled as curing dreaded diseases arising from vata, to the person who is deprived of wine and meat?

Tolerance power of the person who drinks wine

निगूढशल्याहरणे शस्त्रक्षाराग्निकर्मणि ।
पीतमद्यो विषहते सुखं वैद्यविकत्थनाम् ॥ ७२ ॥
Doctors appreciate and praise that the person who has drunk wine, undergoes easy extraction of foreign bodies, located deep inside, the application of sharp instruments (for surgical preparation), alkaline cautery, fire cautery and undergoes treatment for poisoning, comfortably.

Various benefits of wine

अनलोत्तेजनं रुच्यं शोकश्रमविनोदकम् ।
न चातः परमस्त्यन्यदारोग्यबलपुष्टिकृत् ॥ ७३ ॥
There is nothing better than wine to augment the digestive fire and appetite, to relieve grief, exertion and mental tension and to bestow health, strength and nourishment.

Various benefits of wine

रक्षता जीवितं तस्मात्पेयमात्मवता सदा ।
आश्रितोपाश्रितहितं परमं धर्मसाधनम् ॥ ७४ ॥
Hence persons desirous of preserving life for long time, should drink judiciously; that will be good for all who are depending on him, and is best for pursuing the path of righteousness.

Various benefits of wine

स्नातः प्रणम्य सुरविप्रगुरून् यथास्वं वृत्तिं विधाय च समस्तपरिग्रहस्य ।
आपानभूमिमथ गन्धजलाभिषिक्तामाहारमण्डपसमीपगतां श्रयेत् ॥ ७५ ॥
स्वास्तृतेऽथ शयने कमनीये मित्रभृत्यरमणीसमवेतः ।
स्वं यशः कथकचारणसङ्घैरुद्धतं निशमयन्नतिलोकम् ॥ ७६ ॥
विलासिनीनां च विलासशोभि गीतं सनृत्यं कलतूर्यघोषैः ।
काञ्चीकलापैश्चलकिङ्किणीकैः क्रीडाविहङ्गैश्च कृतानुनादम् ॥ ७७ ॥
मणिकनकसमुत्थैरावनेयैर्विचित्रैः ॥ ७८अ ॥
सजलविविधलेखक्षौमवस्त्रावृताङ्गैः ॥ ७८ब् ॥
अपि मुनिजनचित्तक्षोभसम्पादिनीभि: ॥ ७८च्॥
चकितहरिणलोलप्रेक्षणीभिः प्रियाभिः ॥ ७८द्॥
स्तननितम्बकृतादतिगौरवादलसमाकुलमीश्वरसम्भ्रमात् ।
इति गतं दधतीभिरसंस्थितं तरुणचित्तविलोभनकार्मणम् ॥ ७९ ॥
यौवनासवमत्ताभिर्विलासाधिष्ठितात्मभिः ।
सञ्चार्यमाणं युगपत्तन्वङ्गीभिरितस्ततः ॥ ८० ॥
तालवृन्तनलिनीदलानिलैः शीतलीकृतमतीव शीतलैः ।
दर्शनेऽपि विदधद्वशानुगं स्वादितं किमुत चित्तजन्मनः ॥ ८१ ॥
चूतरसेन्दुमृगैः कृतवासं मल्लिकयोज्ज्वलया च सनाथम् ।
स्फाटिकशुक्तिगतं सतरङ्गं कान्तमनङ्गमिवोद्वहदङ्गम् ॥ ८२ ॥
तालीशाद्यं चूर्णमेलादिकं वा हृद्यं प्राश्य प्राग्वयःस्थापनं वा ।
तत्प्रार्थिभ्यो भूमिभागे सुमृष्टे तोयोन्मिश्रं दापयित्वा ततश्च ॥ ८३ ॥
धृतिमान् स्मृतिमान् नित्यमनूनाधिकमाचरन् ।
उचितेनोपचारेण सर्वमेवोपपादयन् ॥ ८४ ॥
जितविकसितासितसरोजनयनसङ्क्रान्तिवर्धितश्रीकम् ।
कान्तामुखमिव सौरभहृतमधुपगणं पिबेन्मद्यम् ॥ ८५ ॥
After taking bath, offering obeisance to the gods, brahmana and proceseptors, after attending to his professional work and others required of him, the person should enter the drinking chamber, which has been sprinkled with scented water and which is near to the dining hall; lean leisurely on a beautiful cot, surrounded by friends, servants and beautiful women who are pleasing, and hearing to group of story-telling travelers proudly praising his successes through stories and eulogies; playful women exhibiting their charms with their attractive walk, songs, dances, playing of musical instruments, attractive girdle wear, sound of moving anklets, reverberated by the notes of the game of (playful) birds, surrounded by women wearing ornaments of gems and gold, of different designs, wet linen cloth, having various designs on it covering their body parts who are capable of distracting the minds of even the sages; Lovable women who are endowed with even unsteady eyes resembling a deer; moving slowly due to the weight of the breasts and buttocks and moving hesitatingly by the fear of the master, captivating with their fluctuant youthful mind, intoxicated by the wine of youth and joyous activities and who are thin moving hither and thither, and serving wine. Wine cooled by the air of tender leaves of Borassus flabellifer and petals of Nelumbo nucifera (made as fan) and by adding very cold things (Santalum album, Vetiveria zizanioides etc.) which by its very sight captivates the mind and exciting lust when consumed, mixed with the juice of Mangifera indica, camphor, (kasturi) musk, scented by placing well bloomed flowers of Jasminum sambac in it, filled into vessels (tumbler) made of rock crystal or shells, and waves developing (in the drinking tumbler); in such a delicious wine exhilarates the body just as the god of love. Before drinking the person should consume either talisadi churna (chapter 5 of Chikitsa sthana) or eladi churna or recipe which is good for the heart or which retard aging offer wine who ask for it, sprinkle the ground with wine mixed with water and then drink. The person remaining courageous and disciplined, performing these activities daily neither inadequately nor in excess, ensuring all suitable comforts should indulge in wine keeping all necessary things ready at hand. Wine which has been enriched in its qualities reflection acquired by the beloved wife, who has eyes resembling the petals of the well bloomed white lotus flower emitting sweet smell just like the mouth of the wife, and attracting flocks of the bees should be consumed.

Activities to be done after drinking wine

पीत्वैवं चषकद्वयं परिजनं सन्मान्य सर्वं ततो ॥ ८६अ ॥
गत्वाहारभुवं पुरः सुभिषजो भुञ्जीत भूयोऽत्र च ॥ ८६ब् ॥
मांसापूपघृतार्द्रकादिहरितैर्युक्तं ससौवर्चलै:॥ ८६च्॥
द्विस्त्रिर्वा निशि चाल्पमेव वनितासंवल्गनार्थं पिबेत् ॥ ८६द्॥
After drinking, two casaka (wine soup) he should offer farewell to his friends, etc., granting gifts to them, then go to the dining hall, take meals in the presence of good physicians, with more of meat, sweet cake, ghee, Zingiber officinale and other greens (vegetables) added with black salt. At night, wine should be consumed twice or thrice, in little quantities to please the wife.

Ways of enjoying drinking wine in a proper method

रहसि दयितामङ्के कृत्वा भुजान्तरपीडनात् ॥ ८७अ ॥
पुलकिततनुं जातस्वेदां सकम्पपयोधराम् ॥ ८७ब् ॥
यदि सरभसं सीधोर्वारं न पाययते कृती ॥ ८७च्॥
किमनुभवति क्लेशप्रायं ततो गृहतन्त्रताम् ॥ ८७द्॥
The person, who is sitting in a secret place, keeping his wife on his lap, getting excited by squeezing her between the shoulders, making her to sweat and shake her breasts, if he does not drink wine at least once quickly, what else does he enjoy in this troublesome life of a householder?

Methods of consuming wine in proper ways

वरतनुवक्त्रसङ्गतिसुगन्धितरं सरकम् ॥ ८८अ ॥
द्रुतमिव पद्मरागमणिमासवरूपधरम् ॥ ८८ब् ॥
भवति रतिश्रमेण च मदः पिबतोऽल्पमपि ॥ ८८च्॥
क्षयमत ओजसः परिहरन् स शयीत परम् ॥ ८८द्॥
Wine made more fragrant by the smell of the mouth of the wife appearing like the fluid formed by the melting of ruby. In persons who are exhausted by sexual intercourse, though wine consumed in small quantity and causes decrease of ojas (essence of the tissues), so the person should go to sleep only after avoiding such decrease (by drinking milk, use of rasayanas etc)

Methods of consuming wine in proper ways

इत्थं युक्त्या पिबन्मद्यं न त्रिवर्गाद्विहीयते ।
असारसंसारसुखं परमं चाधिगच्छति ॥ ८९ ॥
Therefore one should drink wine skillfully and will not be left behind by (does not get deceived by) trivargas (three pursuits – righteousness, wealth and desire) will obtain immense happiness (pleasure) in this worthless / lusterless world (creation).

Methods of consuming wine in proper ways

ऐश्वर्यस्योपभोगोऽयं स्पृहणीयः सुरैरपि ।
अन्यथा हि विपत्सु स्यात्पश्चात्तापेन्धनं धनम् ॥ ९० ॥
उपभोगेन रहितो भोगवानिति निन्द्यते ।
निर्मितोऽतिकदर्योऽयं विधिना निधिपालकः ॥ ९१ ॥
तस्माद्व्यवस्थया पानं पानस्य सततं हितम् ।
जित्वा विषयलुब्धानामिन्द्रियाणां स्वतन्त्रताम् ॥ ९२ ॥
विधिर्वसुमतामेष भविष्यद्वसवस्तु ये ।
यथोपपत्ति तैर्मद्यं पातव्यं मात्रया हितम् ॥ ९३ ॥
This is the enjoyment of wealth and is enviable even by the gods; on the contrary, the wealth becomes the fuel (cause) of misery (calamity) and repentance later on (for him who does not follow the regimen of drinking). The person who does not spend any money on wine, is laughed at as deprived of enjoyment. He will be laughed at as a stingy person, or as a protector of wealth. Hence drinking wine should be done in a disciplined manner always only this method is good, over the sense organs always engaged in their objects and setting them independent this regimen is for the rich and those who are going to become rich. One should make changes suitable to them; wine should be drunk in comfortable, modest quantity,

Methods of consuming wine in proper ways

यावद्दृष्टेर्न सम्भ्रान्तिर्यावन्न क्षोभते मनः ।
तावदेव विरन्तव्यं मद्यादात्मवता सदा ॥ ९४ ॥
The disciplined person in the mean time should always stop drinking wine before his vision gets altered and the mind gets disorganized.

Wine for Vata predominant persons

अभ्यङ्गोद्वर्तनस्नानवासधूपानुलेपनैः ।
स्निग्धोष्णैर्भावितश्चान्नैः पानं वातोत्तरः पिबेत् ॥ ९५ ॥
The person with the predominance of vata (in his constitution) should drink wine, indulging in oil-bath / massage, dry massage, bath, dress, fumigation, anointing perfumes and food, processed with / endowed with unctuousness and hotness qualities.

Wine for pitta predominant persons

शीतोपचारैर्विविधैर्मधुरस्निग्धशीतलैः ।
पैत्तिको भावितश्चान्नैः पिबन्मद्यं न सीदति ॥ ९६ ॥
The person with the predominance of pitta, drinking wine, while indulging in cold services (comforts) of different kinds, food processed with sweet, unctuous and cold things, does not suffer.

Wine for kapha predominant persons

उपचारैरशिशिरैर्यवगोधूमभुक् पिबेत् ।
श्लैष्मिको धन्वजैर्मांसैर्मद्यं मारिचिकैः सह ॥ ९७ ॥
The person with the predominance of kapha should drink wine, indulging in comforts which are not cold, partaking Hordeum vulgare and Triticum aestivum, meat of animals of desert-like regions processes with Piper nigrum.

Wines suitable for different dosha personalities

तत्र वाते हितं मद्यं प्रायः पैष्टिकगौडिकम् ।
पित्ते साम्भो मधु कफे मार्द्वीकारिष्टमाधवम् ॥ ९८ ॥
For persons of vata predominance wine such as which is prepared from flour and prepared with jaggery/molasses are generally suitable, for those of pitta predominance wine mixed with water and honey; for persons of kapha predominance, wines such as mardvika (prepared from Vitis vinifera), fermented decoctions and madhava (prepared from honey) are suitable.

Time of intake of wine in different dosha personalities

प्राक् पिबेच्छ्लैष्मिको मद्यं भुक्तस्योपरि पैत्तिकः ।
वातिकस्तु पिबेन्मध्ये समदोषो यथेच्छया ॥ ९९ ॥
Person of kapha predominance should drink wine before lunch, of pitta predominance after lunch, of vata predominance in between (lunch and dinner) and he who has the doshas in equal proportion at any time he desires. Treatment of intoxication and fainting by other causes

Principles of treating intoxication and fainting

मदेषु वातपित्तघ्नं प्रायो मूर्छासु चेष्यते ।
सर्वत्रापि विशेषेण पित्तमेवोपलक्षयेत् ॥ १०० ॥
For intoxication and fainting; the treatment desired are for the mitigation of vata and pitta, generally; in all of them predominance of pitta only, should be taken care of especially.

Principles of treating intoxication and fainting

शीताः प्रदेहा मणयः सेका व्यजनमारुताः ।
सिता द्राक्षेक्षुखर्जूरकाश्मर्यस्वरसाः पयः ॥ १०१ ॥
सिद्धं मधुरवर्गेण रसा यूषाः सदाडिमाः ।
षष्टिकाः शालयो रक्ता यवाः सर्पिश्च जीवनम् ॥ १०२ ॥
कल्याणकं महातिक्तं षट्पलं पयसाऽग्निकः ।
पिप्पल्यो वा शिलाह्वं वा रसायनविधानतः ॥ १०३ ॥
त्रिफला वा प्रयोक्तव्या सघृतक्षौद्रशर्करा ।
Coolant poultices, wearing precious stones, pouring warm liquids on the body, fanning (cold) breeze, sugar, juice of drākṣā, ikṣu – Vitis vinifera, Saccharum officinarum, kharjūra – Phoenix dactylifera and kāśmarya – Gmelina arborea milk and meat soup processed with herbs of sweet taste, soups mixed with juice of dadima (Punica granatum), paddy grown in 60 days, red variety of rice, yavāḥ – Hordeum vulgare medicated ghee such as ghrta prepared from herbs of jivaniyagana (chapter 15 of sutrasthana), kalyanakaghrta (chapter 6 of uttarasthana), mahatiktaghrta (chapter 19 of cikista sthana), satpalaghrta (chapter 5 of Chikitsa sthana) or milk processed with agnika Plumbago zeylanica pippalyo vā – either Piper longum, silajatu, triphala used in mixed with ghee, honey and sugar and used in the rasayana method-all these are to administered.

Principles of treating intoxication and fainting

प्रसक्तवेगेषु हितं मुखनासावरोधनम् ॥ १०४ ॥
पिबेद्वा मानुषीक्षीरं तेन दद्याच्च नावनम् ।
मृणालबिसकृष्णा वा लिह्यात्क्षौद्रेण साभयाः ॥ १०५ ॥
दुरालभां वा मुस्तं वा शीतेन सलिलेन वा ।
पिबेन्मरिचकोलास्थिमज्जोशीराहिकेसरम् ॥ १०६ ॥
धात्रीफलरसे सिद्धं पथ्याक्वाथेन वा घृतम् ।
During the bout (of intoxication or fainting) it is beneficial to cause obstruction of the mouth and nose, drinking of human milk (breast milk) and instilling it into the nose, with honey and Terminalia chebula, lick the (paste of) either of mrnala (Nymphaea stellata), bisa (Nelumbo nucifera) or krsna (Piper longum) durālabhā  – Fagonia cretica, mustā – Cyperus rotundus with cold water; consume the (paste of) marica – Piper nigrum, kola asthimajja – seed marrow of Ziziphus mauritiana, uśīra – Vetiveria zizanioides, ahikesaram – nagakesara – Messua ferrea drink ghee prepared with juice of dhatriphala or decotion of Terminalia chebula.

Principles of treating intoxication and fainting

कुर्यात्क्रियां यथोक्तां च यथादोषबलोदयम् ॥ १०७ ॥
पञ्च कर्माणि चेष्टानि सेचनं शोणितस्य च ।
सत्त्वस्यालम्बनं ज्ञानमगृद्धिर्विषयेषु च ॥ १०८ ॥
Treatment appropriate to the aggravated dosha as required by the strength of the doshas should be done; it is also desirable to administer the panacakarma (the five purifactory therapies) and bloodletting. Upholding the satva (mind) proper knowledge and avoiding desire in the objects (of the sense organs) are also needed.

Principles of treating intoxication and fainting

मदेष्वतिप्रवृद्धेषु मूर्छायेषु च योजयेत् ।
तीक्ष्णं सन्न्यासविहितं विषघ्नं विषजेषु च ॥ १०९ ॥
When intoxication and fainting are very severe it is necessary to do treatment prescribed for sannyasa such as tiksna nasya (strong nasal medication etc) and in those (intoxication and fainting) due to poison, anti poisonous therapies should be done.

Sannyasa Chikitsa: Treatment of coma

आशु प्रयोज्यं सन्न्यासे सुतीक्ष्णं नस्यमञ्जनम् ।
धूमः प्रधमनं तोदः सूचीभिश्च नखान्तरे ॥ ११० ॥
केशानां लुञ्चनं दाहो दंशो दशनवृश्चिकैः ।
कट्वम्लगालनं वक्त्रे कपिकच्छ्ववघर्षणम् ॥ १११ ॥
उत्थितो लब्धसञ्ज्ञश्च लशुनस्वरसं पिबेत् ।
खादेत्सव्योषलवणं बीजपूरककेसरम् ॥ ११२ ॥
लघ्वन्नप्रति तीक्ष्णोष्णमद्यात्स्रोतोविशुद्धये ।
In coma, immediate administration of strong nasal medication and collyriums to the eyes, inhalation of medicated smoke, blowing of powder of herbs into the nose, pricking with needles on the nail bed, plucking the hairs, branding with fire, bites by incrusts such as scorpions, trickling inside the mouth application (rinsing) the mouth with herbs having pungent and salt tastes, smearing the inside of the body with (the pods of) Mucuna prureins should be done. After he wakes up, regains consciousness, he should be given fresh juice of Allium sativum to drink, eat the tendrils of Citrus medica, mixed with Trikati and salt; easily digestible food in very little quantity and drink strong and hot (heat producing) wine to clear the channels.

Sannyasa Chikitsa: Treatment of coma

विस्मापनैः संस्मरणैः प्रियश्रवणदर्शनैः ॥ ११३ ॥
पटुभिर्गीतवादित्रशब्दैर्व्यायामशीलनैः ।
स्रंसनोल्लेखनैर्धूमैः शोणितस्यावसेचनैः ॥ ११४ ॥
उपाचरेत्तं प्रततमनुबन्धभयात्पुनः ।
तस्य संरक्षितव्यं च मनः प्रलयहेतुतः ॥ ११५ ॥
He should be treated by activities which cause distraction of the mind,recalling past incidents and things, hearing and seeing of the (men and materials) liked by him,hearing the pleasant sound of singing and musical instruments, practice of physical exercises,therapies such as laxatives,emesis,medicated smoking,bloodlettingtreated continuously (regularly) due to the fear of getting associated yet againthese things should be protected from those which produce destruction of the mind.

इति श्री वैद्यपति सिंहगुप्तसूनु श्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां चतुर्थे चिकित्सितस्थाने मदात्ययादिचिकित्सितं नाम सप्तमोऽध्याय: ॥७॥
Thus, ends the chapter, madatyadicikitsita- the seventh in cikitsita sthana in astangahrdayasamhita, composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.



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