Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeLifestyle5 Finest Winter Face Moisturizers for Mature Pores and skin| Nicely+Good

5 Finest Winter Face Moisturizers for Mature Pores and skin| Nicely+Good

“After 41 years of dermatology practice, I have a very keen sense of what over-50 skin needs. My own personal favorite, Dr. Loretta Anti-Aging Repair Moisturizer, fulfills that need for me,” says Dr. Ciraldo about this moisturizer from her eponymous line. “On the one hand, mature skin needs a moisturizer with hard-working actives that will give us visible improvement in our texture and tone and help to mitigate wrinkles. On the other hand, since the living layers of skin are slightly more sensitive over 50, we need very skin-friendly active ingredients. This moisturizer has the strongest of all antioxidants, Lipochroman, paired with brightening and skin-firming actives. I use it twice a day all year long and find my skin smiles right back at me even in the colder, drier months.”



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