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HomeLifestyleYour Could 2024 Month-to-month Horoscope by Zodiac Signal

Your Could 2024 Month-to-month Horoscope by Zodiac Signal

May’s astrology brings the soft, sweet energetic elixir we need after the all-out chaos that was the month of April. Not only are the sun and Venus now in the stable, sensuous sign of Taurus (with Mercury joining on May 15), but also, we’ve made it to the other side of eclipse season. There shouldn’t be any major surprises in your May 2024 monthly horoscope, at least until Jupiter enters Gemini at the end of the month (more on that excitement below).

One of the big cosmic moments of the month comes right at the start, as love-planet Venus forms a tense square with Pluto—ruler of death, rebirth, and all things taboo—and Pluto stations retrograde on May 2. The allure of secret lovers, jealousy, and burning passions is loud around this time, so watch what you covet. Between now and the fall, while Pluto is retrograde, we can closely examine our most subversive thoughts, fears, and experiences, especially in the part of our chart ruled by Aquarius (look for the astrological house linked with this sign in your chart).

The new moon in Taurus arrives on May 7 asking the pivotal questions: Are you feeling grounded and safe? Are you financially stable? Are you getting your sexual needs met? Setting intentions around these Taurean themes can move you closer to answering “yes” to each question.

The vibe changes once the sun enters Gemini on May 20, kicking off the wild time we know as Gemini season. Until mid-June, our brains will feel super-saturated with data, and our social calendars, full-to-bursting with options. When the full moon in Sagittarius arrives on May 23, all this social energy could teeter toward the brink of too much—as this is also the moment when sweet Venus meets up with lucky Jupiter, making this a seriously delicious day.

Thinking is the new sexy for the next year, while Jupiter moves through the Gemini: Ideas are the thing that tune us in and turn us on.

But too much is not even close to enough when expansive Jupiter enters chatty Gemini on May 25 for the first time in 12 years. Thinking is the new sexy for the next year, while the planet moves through the sign: Ideas are the thing that tune us in and turn us on. If you’re a Gemini, you will especially feel the positive vibes—it’s the reason you’re one of the two luckiest signs in 2024. And for everyone else? You get a big, bold boost of lucky energy in the part of your chart ruled by Gemini (look to the house linked with Gemini in your chart) for the next 12 months.

May 2024 monthly horoscope by zodiac sign

To get a deeper understanding of what you can expect from the above transits and others this month, keep reading for your zodiac sign’s May 2024 monthly horoscope. (Pro tip: Read for both your sun sign and your rising sign, the latter of which can offer an even more accurate horoscope, as it sets the order of the astrological houses in your birth chart.)

Looking for even more astrology insights? Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.


aries horoscope slide

You’re allowed to rest, Aries, because April was one of the most exhausting months you’ve experienced in a long while. Planets are moving through your second house of finances, which might make you feel like it’s time to grind, but rather than drain yourself to meet the demands of your job, think of this as more of a long-haul project: What are you building for your future? The new moon on May 7 is perfect for setting financial goals for your next six months.

While it’s true that Jupiter is wrapping up its time in the money zone of your chart, when the lucky planet moves into Gemini on May 25, it highlights your communication zone. Cue: all the brilliant ideas for podcasts, books, and other modes of genius you’ll explore during the next 12 months.

Career and money: 
The new moon in your money zone on May 7 is giving you all the ammunition you need to rev your economic engine. Whether you want a raise, a new gig, or to launch an entrepreneurial venture, this lunation is fully in support of your next financial move. This might just mean using the days beforehand to set a new budget for the next six months and figure out which nice things you can afford in the meantime.

Love and relationships: 
Your nervous system is probably still recovering from eclipse season and Mercury retrograde in your sign—so if you’ve been on the defensive in your relationships, you have a pretty good excuse! Now, it’s time to soften into sensuality and let yourself experience safety in body and soul. Jupiter’s move into Gemini on May 25 makes you crave the company of a smart lover who can use their words.


taurus horoscope

Happy birthday, Taurus! With the sun and several other planets in your sign, you’re getting the crème de la crème of astro-seasons in which to indulge, so enjoy it with gusto. Also: It’s the last month of Jupiter’s journey through your sign for the next 12 years, so you need to squeeze every last bit of juice from the biggest, boldest planet in the solar system.

The new moon in your sign on May 7 is a delightful opportunity to set intentions for all you want to create during the next six months. Your planetary ruler Venus is also in your sign for most of the month, bestowing beauty—but whatever you do, don’t sleep on the Venus-Jupiter conjunction on May 23. Do something that brings delight.

Career and money:
Sure, the many blessings of your birthday season will rain down throughout most of the month, and having your ruling planet Venus in your sign should bring you extra abundance. But there is nothing like having Jupiter in your money zone (aka, your second house), which is exactly what begins on May 25, after the lucky planet leaves your stars. The seeds you’ve planted during the last year should begin to bear some very lucrative fruit during the next 12 months.

Love and relationships: 
With your planetary ruler Venus making you feel extra gorgeous (and extra ripe for beauty rituals of all sorts), it’s no wonder that you’re able to magnetize love this month. This cosmic superpower is especially evident on the evening of May 22 and into the morning of May 23, when Venus is conjunct Jupiter in your sign. It’s a moment to treat yourself, have a date night, or both. This is super sexy, romantic, and delicious energy, so dive all the way in.


gemini horoscope

The next big chapter of the rest of your life begins this month, Gemini, and I’m not just talking about your annual birthday season. Lucky Jupiter is set to return to your sign for the first time in 12 long years on May 25, bringing untold gifts and big-time expansion. Think about what you want to grow, and begin gathering and sprinkling those seeds.

But before you get there, take a moment to tend to your psyche. As the month begins, planets are gathered in the sector of your chart ruling the subconscious mind, including the new moon on May 7, which is ideal for setting intentions around self-care and therapy goals. The excitement is coming soon enough—so in the meantime, tend to your nest and your brain.

Career and money: 
You may want to avoid making any big career moves during the first half of the month. Although your ruler Mercury ended its retrograde in late April, it’s still a bit clumsy until mid-month (take note of the retroshade), when it enters Taurus, and details will continue to become clearer. After your birthday season begins on May 20, everything starts going your way, so it’s best to wait to send pitches, follow up on leads, and apply for new jobs until then, if you can.

Love and relationships: 
Along with the golden light and attention that Gemini season bestows on you after May 20, you get the extra support of love-planet Venus, which enters your sign on May 23, letting you shine your own love light at objects of affection without worrying about how you’ll be received. And once Jupiter enters your sign on May 25, you can expect a reception from lovers and potential paramours that feels more like a standing ovation than anything else.


cancer horoscope

With a bevy of planets making their way through your 11th house of friendships in May, you’re set for a month of connection and community, Cancer. Yet, it’s also the last month of Jupiter’s journey through your social zone, so dip liberally into this cosmic antidote for your native shyness. You can set networking intentions for the next six months at the new moon on May 7.

After Jupiter shifts into your 12th house of the subconscious mind on May 25, you may crave quiet and less time out on the town. But you’ll begin having one of the deepest conversations you’ve had with yourself in a long time, so take notes, and talk about those deep feelings.

Career and money: 
You’re coming to a culmination point with work. All month long, planets in your networking zone will help you gather the connections you need to next-level your professional life, but at the full moon in Sagittarius on May 23, your work and wellness zone hits a release point. Perhaps you can let go of a daily burden or obligation that you’ve successfully completed.

Love and relationships:
When Venus squares Pluto in your sexuality zone at the very beginning of the month, one day before Pluto stations retrograde, you can experience a new depth of transformation in your intimate relationships. This could present as jealousy, but it’s the kind of emotion that you should observe, confront, and interrogate, because there is freedom on the other side. Separately, with all the planets moving through your 11th house of community this month, you might find yourself falling in love with a friend (especially around May 23).


leo horoscope

Your career could hit a major milestone this month, Leo. Big, bold Jupiter spends its final month in your 10th house of work and public reputation, along with a bunch of other planets, and it’s well worth taking advantage of this rare opportunity. The lucky planet won’t be back in this region of your chart for 12 years, so get it while the getting is good.

And yet, even after Jupiter moves into your 11th house of social life on May 25, things are still on the upswing for you, especially in terms of networking opportunities—and not just for work. Wherever your life intersects with your community, you’ve got it going on… for an entire year.

Career and money: 
With Jupiter’s warm and auspicious presence in your 10th house of status during the last 12 months, you’ve probably begun to build (or strengthen) your reputation in your field, and May could bring quite a culmination or turning point in this area of your life. This is especially potent on May 23, when the lucky planet joins forces with lucrative Venus: This could be the perfect moment to ask for a raise or apply for a new position.

Love and relationships: 
After the sun enters your 11th house of community on May 20, followed by Jupiter on May 25, your social life explodes with palpable joy. Because you’ll have an increased affinity for all manner of companionship, this could be a perfect time to be on the dating apps. Swipe right liberally if you’re looking for love, because Jupiter is your wing-planet.

Just take note: The full moon in Sagittarius brings big emotions to your love zone on May 23. Drama might ensue, but be willing to let go of anything (or anyone) that no longer serves you.


virgo horoscope

It feels fabulous to start a fresh month with your planetary ruler Mercury in forward motion, plus multiple planets in your sister Earth sign Taurus, sending you high vibes, Virgo.

The new moon in Taurus on May 7 offers an ideal moment to set your travel agenda for the next six months. Where do you want to go, what do you want to see, and what do you want to learn? Also, with whom do you want to experience these adventures? Jupiter will spend its last month warming up the travel and adventure part of your chart before it moves on to your career zone on May 25—and this, too, will be all kinds of awesome.

Career and money: 
After the sun enters your status sector on May 20, professional matters take precedence, and once Jupiter follows on May 25, your career could begin to take off. This begins a once-in-12-years, yearlong assist from the planet of luck and expansion, so think about what you want to create, build, and sustain—and get to work.

Love and relationships: 
Your planetary ruler Mercury remains in your sexuality sector through mid-month, and Mars continues to power up this part of your chart through the end of May. To be clear, this is hot. It means you can communicate your needs and desires to an established partner or potential lover without a shred of shame or shyness.


libra horoscope

Transformation is your keyword this month, Libra, with several planets and your planetary ruler Venus lined up in your eighth house of deep change. Libra season is still six months away, but the stars start to sing your praises on May 25, as lucky Jupiter slides into Gemini, your sister air sign, for the first time in 12 years.

This Jupiter transit boosts your social and intellectual life and could put you on the map—quite literally. There is no transit that’s better for travel, so make sure your passport is up-to-date and your carryon is ready to go. Is May 23 the most beautiful day of the year for you (outside of your birthday season) as your planetary ruler Venus links up with Jupiter in Taurus? Quite possibly!

Career and money: 
When it comes to your work life, it’s time to spread your wings and fly. Whether you’re commuting to the office or working remote, your career may begin to feel more global and less local this month. This might mean that after the sun moves into Gemini on May 20, you connect with overseas colleagues or get a plum assignment that takes you on the road.

Love and relationships: 
A plethora of planets are in your sexuality sector this month, most importantly your ruler Venus, making this one seriously sexy month and one that is ripe for change in your intimate relationships. Communication is a key theme at the full moon in Sagittarius on May 23. Make sure to remain committed to your convictions, and don’t let your tendency to avoid conflict stop you from saying what you mean and expressing exactly what you desire.


scorpio horoscope

Relationships are at the white-hot center of your life this month, Scorpio. Your planetary ruler Mars, co-ruler of Aries, spends the month in the aforementioned sign, keeping you as passionate as ever, especially at work.

As a variety of planets pass through your seventh house of partnerships (including love-planet Venus), Jupiter prepares to enter your sexuality sector on May 25, where it will bring abundant opportunities to explore and expand your intimate relationships. (The lucky planet hasn’t been in this part of your chart in 12 years, and you’ll have until next spring to make the most of it.)

Career and money: 
Your ruler Mars spends the month in your work zone, revving up your fervor for daily activities, rituals, and even the kinds of tasks you usually find boring. Find your passion project, and make it happen, because you can light that match this month and keep it burning. All the planets in your relationship zone can be of great benefit for business partnerships, too.

Love and relationships: 
The new moon hits your relationship zone on May 7, which is your annual opportunity to set intentions around one-to-one romantic partnerships, or to reset if things haven’t been great. It’s an excellent time to initiate couple’s therapy or to start having conversations about what you want out of your love life. And with the sun moving into your eighth house of intimacy on May 20 and bold Jupiter following a few days later, erotic energy is accessible and abundant.


sagittarius horoscope

Getting stuff done is top of mind for you during the first few weeks of the month, Sagittarius, with planets lining up in your work and wellness zone. But after the sun enters your relationship zone on May 20, followed by your bold ruler Jupiter on May 25, partnership could become your number-one concern. Lucky Jupiter hasn’t been in this part of your chart in 12 years, and if you’re single and searching, this is one of the best possible transits: Abundant partnership options could start showing up now and over the course of the next 12 months.

Career and money: 
An auspicious new moon in your work and wellness zone is ideal for setting intentions about job-related matters. Whether you want a new job, a promotion, or a raise, you can manifest change for your daily working conditions on May 7. You may also feel inspired to tune into various mind-body modalities to keep yourself calm, steady, and successful.

Love and relationships: 
With the sun moving into your relationship zone on May 20, you’re up for your annual partnership party… but this year it’s better than ever. Not only will a bunch of personal planets begin to sail through this region of your chart, but also, your auspicious planetary ruler arrives on May 25 and stays for an entire year. If you’re in need of relationship repair, this is your opportunity to make it work.


capricorn horoscope

May is one of your most creative months of 2024, Capricorn, so tap into the magic before it’s gone. With a slew of planets in your fifth house of pleasure and play, it’s important to stop working for a hot second and let yourself feel good. Lucky Jupiter spends its last month in this part of your chart before it moves into your work and wellness zone on May 25—so diving into indulgence is key. After the sun moves into your sixth house of work and wellness on May 20, you may feel extra motivated to get down to business (and with excellent results).

Career and money: 
The first few days of the month could bring some financial stress thanks to Pluto stationing retrograde, but it’s nothing that you can’t handle (and it’s probably more in your mind than your bank account, anyway). Creative, entrepreneurial ideas are likely to flow all month, so keep a record of them, because after Jupiter moves into your work zone on May 25, you’ll be able to take these seeds and plant them, making the year ahead one of your best yet, work-wise.

Love and relationships:
May is one of your most romantic months of 2024. With Venus and an assortment of other planets hovering in your fifth house of love, you’re in your Desire Era—and you’re both the object and the subject right now. When Venus and Jupiter come together in your pleasure zone on May 23, you’ll have so much rizz, you’ll hardly know what to do with yourself.


aquarius horoscope

April was A LOT, Aquarius, but thankfully May wants to wrap you in a soft, warm embrace and let you rest a bit. With planets lined up in your fourth house of domestic activities, you may want to chill close to home as often as possible. If you’re working from home, you’re golden, but if not, you may want to ask your boss to work a few days remotely, if you can.

Spending time with family and getting extra sleep could be super appealing, too. This is Jupiter’s last month in your home zone, so break out your nap dress because that cozy vibe could be fleeting. After May 20, the sun dives into your pleasure zone, followed by luck-planet Jupiter on May 25. And yes, the next year is likely to be full-to-bursting with love, romance, and creativity.

Career and money: 
A stable, quiet environment is super beneficial for your overall success this month. As the full moon in Sagittarius on May 23 highlights your 11th house of friendships and social networks, professional connections could show up in unexpected ways; doing something adventurous could lead to something big. Your creativity gets a major boost after May 20, and even more so after May 25, when Jupiter comes to visit your ideas zone for the next 12 months.

Love and relationships: 
For the first few weeks of May, you’re likely to crave stability over sexiness, but that changes almost overnight on May 20, when the sun enters Gemini, lighting up your house of love, romance, and pleasure. Every night is date night for the next 30 days… and honestly, for the next year, as Jupiter will expand your romantic reach through spring 2025.


pisces horoscope

Communication is your core power this month, Pisces. With a heap of planets moving through your third house of talking, thinking and texting, you’ve got a LOT to say, but as always, you don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. Under the auspices of Jupiter’s final month in this part of your chart, you can get it all out of your system, expressing yourself with the conviction of someone who’s fully processed all of their emotions.

On May 20, the sun enters your home zone, followed by Jupiter on May 25, kicking off a year of domestic bliss. Whether you want to redecorate, up your real estate ante, or move in with an S.O., home is where the expansion is.

Career and money:
Mars remains in your money zone all month, revving up your purchasing power and making you hungry to earn what you deserve. You’re also empowered to speak up for yourself in the workplace, especially because Mercury is now direct and also in this part of your chart through May 15. Consider asking for a raise or pitching a new client around May 23, when Venus and Jupiter come together in your communication zone.

Love and relationships:
The new moon on May 7 is ideal for asking for what you want from a lover or long-term partner. You can access a kind of clarity about your desires that’s rarely available. You may want to write out all your intentions around love and relationships around this time and keep that list handy as you watch your goals materialize over the next six months.



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