Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeLifestyleWhy Coenzyme Q10 Is An Anti-Inflammatory Powerhouse For Pores and skin

Why Coenzyme Q10 Is An Anti-Inflammatory Powerhouse For Pores and skin

The coenzyme is a fat-soluble compound that’s found in all your cells, skin cells included! It has a few functions in the body, including its role as an antioxidant. Antioxidants, as we’ve discussed, support the skin by neutralizing free radicals and helping stave off damage. They are one of the most important things you can use in skin care to prevent premature aging (this is why almost every skin care expert will encourage you to find yourself an antioxidant serum). And CoQ10 is distinct in the fact that it also protects against lipid peroxidation2, a process by which free radicals damage cell membranes.

However, that’s not its only role—in fact, its other function is perhaps even more critical for youthful, thriving skin. Cells need the coenzyme to produce energy3. Here’s how: It’s used in the mitochondria, or the “powerhouse” of the cell, where it transports electrons along energy-producing pathways. The energy produced by these pathways is then used for normal cellular functions. Essentially: Your skin cells cannot do their jobs without CoQ10—it’s a fundamental part of healthy skin. 

As we noted, CoQ10 decreases with age, and with it mitochondrial activity and energy formation3 declines as well. Essentially, with time our cells become less capable of doing the things that keep skin thriving—such as producing collagen, elastin, keratin, and more—so it will sag, appear dull, and show other signs of aging. 

However, research shows that applying it topically as part of a formulation significantly improved levels found in skin cells3—while also boosting the skin’s free-radical-fighting abilities. 



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