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HomeLifestyleLife These days (June 2024) - A Wholesome Slice of Life

Life These days (June 2024) – A Wholesome Slice of Life

Our days right now (12 and 10 years old) looks like setting alarms by 8:00 or they’ll easily sleep to 9:00 and beyond. The girls usually make their own breakfast on weekdays and either fry an egg to put on a bagel or reach for yogurt and cherries for an easy option.

We are doing summer school “light” which really is just math and reading time (30 minutes). Kaitlyn found a book series she loves and my mom heart could almost explode watching her plow through them, especially as a child that used to boldly proclaim she hated reading. Lunch is usually at home while I read aloud to them. Afternoons are spent playing with friends, swimming, working out, long walks, dinner, board games, and movies. We watched the Sandlot on Sunday and it was a huge hit.


After a lot of travel in May, it’s been nice cooking at home again. If you make cookies (ever), this cookie scoop is life changing. I haven’t gotten full swing into summer type foods, but we’ve enjoying some of our go-to favorites like Friday night pizza with bread machine dough, crispy chicken and Greek yogurt potato salad, steak fajita bowls, and avocado toast.



Writing my weekly newsletter. I like the personal connection each week and have gotten great feedback. I’m so glad I’ve made that commitment. Join the conversation here. PS: I don’t know why my picture on the page is so darn big. Send tech help 😉

We are in the sweet spot of summer break when the mornings and evenings are cool-ish and the kids want to be outside all the time. They’ve been kayaking and making nature food in their outdoor makeshift kitchen.

It’s a full blown tween mom summer for me and I’m loving it. We’ve been on family adventures to the US National White Water Center (that now has the COOLEST off leash dog park), RV hunting (hoping to pull the trigger on this one SOON), and girls’ days out filled with book shop browsing, hunting for the pair of jean shorts for my 5’4″ 12 year old, and lunches at Cava. We’ve met friends for mid-week music bingo and I’ve gotten in long walks with good friends. Like I said, the sweet spot of early summer!


Need to be doing

While I’m having a lot of fun, I have some things hanging out in the back of my mind, like deciding on curriculum and out start date for our homeschool year. We have a couple changes happening that I’m trying to navigate and also wanting to switch up our writing approach and pick a solid science to dive into.

Family albums are always hanging over me. I’m about 2 years behind, and somehow can’t find (make?) the time to get on it. I keep saying I will and it doesn’t happen. Perhaps this will be my July focus?

Getting the kids’ gear for camp. They are going on their first overnight camp experience later this summer and they are SO excited and a little nervous (me, too). I need to secure a duffle and order some camp gear and just get my head wrapped around it. I have some time but don’t want it to sneak up on me.

Well, that’s a wrap for now. Thanks for letting me spill most of my brain contents onto this page. There’s more we could chat about, but I’ll tie things up here for now. Thanks for checking in and whether you are in full on summer mode or approaching it, I hope the warmer weather and sunshine are bringing you joy <3



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