Sunday, September 22, 2024
HomeLifestyle2024 Prime Day Deal Suggestions

2024 Prime Day Deal Suggestions

Happy Prime Days to those who celebrate!

If this isn’t your jam, it’s a great time to take a social media break for two days, but circle back to the blog on Thursday for a fun announcement 🙂

But back to Prime Day. I did some thinking on how best to cover it, as there are upwards of 44,000 items on deal during these two days. Here’s my approach: listed below are items I can personally vouch for; they are items I’ve bought and used and recommend. If you have questions on any of them, ask in the comments or on IG and I’m happy to share my experience with any of them. I hope you find it helpful!

As always, I’m always grateful when you choose to shop through my links. Whichever affiliate link you click on last before purchasing gets a fraction of commission on the total sale. It’s an easy way to support your favorite online friends as no extra cost to you, and we are appreciative! If you have any questions about how affiliate links work on Prime Day or any other day, I’m happy to be fully transparent about the process. Personally, I’ve preferred leaning more towards affiliate sale than sponsored posts to support my site. I love that I share the things I love, often with a discount code to pass along, and if it’s a fit for you, it also supports what I do here online.

A few last minute reminders:

  • First a BIG reminder that just because something is on sale, does not mean you need it! I hope that this sale serves you as a way to get a good price on items you need or want. Leave the rest behind.
  • Make sure you check out as soon as you load the item into your cart. Many of these deals expire after a certain amount of time or sales so if there’s something you really want, grab it right away. 
  • As a reminder, you can always delay shipping (which often gives you a digital credit towards renting movies on Prime Video, etc.). This also helps minimize the number of deliveries throughout the next few days on the items you don’t need right away.
  • Memberships are on sale today, too, so if you’d been thinking about becoming a Prime Video member or trying Audible, today is a great day to do so.
  • See all recommendations of mine on my storefront.

Onto PRIME DAY! Follow me on IG today as I’ll be sharing the best lightning deals as they arise as well as items I’m purchasing myself, but as for here, please enjoy perusing me recommended items from the 2024 Prime Deal Days and again, thank you for your support!

Kitchen Deals

Household Deals

Health Deals

Tween Deals

Travel Deals



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