Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeTourismAccelya to Supply WestJet NDC Content material

Accelya to Supply WestJet NDC Content material

WestJet has signed a new multi-year agreement to offer its New Distribution Capability content via Accelya’s FLX platform, Accelya announced Monday at the Global Business Travel Association convention in Atlanta. Accelya did not share when the WestJet NDC content would be available.

“We’ve onboarded a lot of travel agencies so they can connect, and so as you bring on new customers, you can go a whole lot faster in terms of getting them up and running, getting their partners up and running and using the technology,” Accelya CEO Sam Gilliland told BTN. “I think we’re lined up in terms of how do we do everything we can to make sure that the [travel management companies] in particular feel like they’re getting the tech and capabilities they need, whether it’s from us directly or through the [global distribution systems], which a lot of TMCs prefer, so we’re very focused on that, and I think WestJet is as well.”

Accelya claims to have enabled more than half of all global NDC transactions in 2023, based on data from consultancy T2RL. 



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