Wednesday, September 18, 2024
HomeLifestyleLearn how to Create a Health Plan With Lauryn's Coach, Brent Hruska

Learn how to Create a Health Plan With Lauryn’s Coach, Brent Hruska

You may have met Lauryn and Michael’s personal trainer in his interview on the blog, or from his first HIM & HER Show episode. And if you haven’t, here’s a little recap:

When Lauryn and Michael moved to Austin, they decided to overhaul their entire life. From non-toxic living, to making their home a sanctuary, they also decided to seriously invest their time and money in their fitness. After finding Bodies by Brent close to their home, and loving the idea of his half outdoor gym, Lauryn also fell in love with his approach to exercise: holistic, cortisol-lowering, results-driven.

Now, 3 years later, Lauryn’s body and mindset around weightlifting has completely changed and she feels like a different person. Brent is passionate about providing emotional support, knowledge, tools and long-term changes for his clients based on individual needs and fitness level.

And lucky us, because last week Brent Hruska came on the podcast for a second time, this time talking about something you all want to know more about:


Now, before we go further, let’s just get it out there that Lauryn’s 3-year journey (and total body transformation) with Brent has been extremely personalized. In fact, it was hard for Brent to put into words a blanket statement for everyone to know about Lauryn’s exact fitness plan. But what he did do, is create an eBook specifically for women who want to get into strength training. You can find it right here: Living Lean: A Woman’s Guide to Strength Training.

This episode is full of valuable takeaways for your mindset, attitude toward weightlifting (especially if you’re a woman), tips for getting started and if you’re an beginner, and WHY starting weightlifting right now is a good idea for your overall health and longevity.


Consistency and Goals: Brent talks about how daily habits help you achieve fitness goals. Quick fixes aren’t sustainable and finding a knowledgeable, attentive trainer will help you reach your goals properly.

Training for Quality of Life and Longevity: Most people on a fitness journey have goals of looking and feeling better, but a lot also have the desire to maintain their physical abilities to pick up their kids or grand kids, play with them and stay engaged in daily activities. Also they discuss how better physical strength is a marker of longevity. 
Realistic Expectations and Patience: Results take time and consistency and it’s always better to focus on long-term progress. Brent likes MyFitnessPal as a tool for tracking food and discusses the importance of protein intake and increasing it.

Other Topics Discussed:

Consistency, goals and patience for results

Weightlifting benefits for women

Muscle and strength for longevity

Focusing on body composition opposed to weight

Setting realistic goals

Finding your own personal balance

Managing expectations

Tracking protein and macros

Progressive overload

Lauryn’s fitness journey

Insulin resistance and hormones

The long-term commitment of lifting

As we said, this episode is full of relatable, realistic advice when it comes to getting fit. And the best part? Brent makes it all so simple. When asked about where people should start, he says “Don’t over complicate it. Get a bench, some dumbbells and a weighted vest and get started.”

Sure for some of us it’s not that easy. Are we doing it right? Should we be doing more? What’s a rep? We hear you. That’s why Brent created his 90 day program. As someone who is not a fan of online plans because he feels things need to be more personalized, Brent worked really hard to create a program that he can confidently offer to women just starting out in their fitness journey.

In this eBook you will find everything. And we mean everything. Brent goes into detail on:








So if you’ve been interested in Lauryn’s exact exercises, her nutrition, her consistency, and her body transformation, this book is for you.

As always, go listen to the full episode to hear Brent explain more on getting started with weights, his exercise philosophy, progressive overload, Lauryn’s weighted vest, his Tumbler Tote and why he finally created a program people all over the world can access.

And if you’re into Lauryn’s favorite workout sets, you can shop her latest here on LTK.

x, The Skinny Confidential team.

+ Check out Lauryn’s eating plan that helped her lose 60 lbs.

++ How to upgrade your water: Lauryn’s latest concoctions.




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