Wednesday, September 18, 2024
HomeOutdoorBeerJunkie: Sipping a Shiner Shandy to Shut Out Summer season '24

BeerJunkie: Sipping a Shiner Shandy to Shut Out Summer season ’24

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“Summer shandies … they’re hit or miss,” expressed Paul Pabst moments before taking his first sip. “Some are too lemonade-y,” he continued. “If I wanted to get a lemonade, I’d get a lemonade.”

Well, if that doesn’t hook you, we’re not sure what will. Shiner Lemonade Shandy is a seasonal beer that comes from the famous Spoetzl Brewery in Shiner, Texas. If you’re not familiar with its lemonade shandy, maybe you’re familiar with its renowned Shiner Bock American Amber Lager.

To directly plagiarize the beer’s description from Shiner’s website, the shandy is brewed with agave, premium 2-row and wheat malts, and Spoetzl Brewery’s very own lemonade. The brewers designed the Lemonade Shandy to take the edge off the summer heat.

Watch to see if the BeerJunkie approves.

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