Thursday, September 19, 2024
HomeTourismInt'l SOS Courts Small Corp. Journey Danger Market by way of

Int’l SOS Courts Small Corp. Journey Danger Market by way of

Travel risk management platform and service provider International SOS has initiated an exclusive agreement with for Business to provide global medical and security protection services to companies with fewer than 250 employees headquartered in the United States. 

The services, according to a press release, are limited to international business trips and are a three-way partnership that includes Zurich business travel insurance via the ISOS package. 

“The partnership combines International SOS’s industry-leading medical and security assistance service with Zurich’s robust insurance coverage, which offers an all-encompassing annual plan designed to protect and insure team members traveling on business abroad,” the companies wrote in the release.  

Overall, the package provides 24/7 global medical and security assistance, including emergency transfer, evacuation and repatriation support. It covers both catastrophic and minor accidents and illnesses while traveling abroad. It includes traveler access to ISOS’s mobile app.

“This collaboration allows us to address a critical need for this segment of the market, ensuring that companies of all sizes can provide their employees with the highest level of protection and support while traveling for business,” said ISOS chief channel officer Domenic Bell.



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