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HomeLifestyleFull Moon in Aries: Horoscopes for October 2024

Full Moon in Aries: Horoscopes for October 2024

You made it through the eclipse season, but everything is spicier than ever (oooh!) thanks to the full moon in Aries on October 17 at 7:25 a.m. EDT. Aries is the first zodiac sign and is often associated with the warrior archetype. Aries full moons instill you with courage, fill you with passion, and remind you to focus on you. The Aries-Libra axis brings attention to your important relationships. Aries (“me/the self”) is opposite Libra (“we/the other”) and under these full moons, relationship dynamics are front and center. This is an opportunity to reflect on the balance in your relationships and set some necessary boundaries.

Ruled by Mars, the planet of war and action, you may need to defend yourself, stand up for your beliefs, or fearlessly take a risk. Aries’ power is primal, raw, passionate, and doesn’t cower in the face of anger. Aries full moons can be a healthy time to work with your rage or frustration and give them a physical outlet—maybe via exercise, screaming, or some type of somatic release. Accessing this energy, which is oftentimes ignored or repressed, can be cathartic and illuminating.

When is the next full moon in Aries?

The full moon in Aries reaches its peak on October 17 at 7:25 a.m. EDT. This lunation brings you back to the new moon solar eclipse in Aries on April 8, so similar storylines, topics, and themes from that period may resurface.

What is the astrological meaning of a full moon?

When a full moon occurs, the sun and the moon are on opposite sides of the Earth, and also sit in opposite zodiac signs, across the sky from each other. The moon appears at its brightest, which is why astrologers associate this part of the cycle with illuminating topics or information previously obscured.

A full moon also marks the halfway point of the monthly lunar cycle. In astrology, this symbolizes a turning point, a moment of culmination or celebration, or point of release. Whereas a new moon is a time to set new intentions, a full moon is typically associated with intentions materializing or coming to light.

What can you expect from the October 2024 full moon in Aries?

We’ve been experiencing eclipses on the Aries-Libra axis since April 20, 2023, and this is the first lunation that isn’t an eclipse. Even though this is just a regular full moon, it still packs a punch. The moon in Aries will form a conjunction with Chiron in Aries, amplifying your wounds. Chiron is the wounded healer in astrology, a planetary body that represents your deepest pain but also your potential to heal others. You’ll certainly feel tender and sensitive. Vulnerable topics may be up for discussion, or news that’s revealed under these moonbeams may hit more personally.

The full moon will also form harsh aspects with Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn, stirring up tension, drama, projection, and insecurities. Since Mars is the ruling planet of Aries and of this full moon, this planetary face-off is even more impactful. At the time of the full moon, Mars in Cancer will be inching toward an opposition with Pluto in Capricorn. Mars and Pluto are two of the most notoriously challenging planets in the sky so when they come together, especially in a tense connection, they stir up power struggles, jealousy, obsession, clashes of ego, and a desire for control.

This also puts your shadow side front and center. People will be more reactive than usual and may respond or make decisions based on fears or insecurities. Be gentle with yourself and know that surrendering to the unknown and trusting in the process is the best way to work with this energy. With the Mars-Pluto opposition as a cornerstone of this full moon, it will be hard to ignore the confronting, domineering and competitive energy in some area of your life. Ultimately, this can spark a welcomed transformation—you just need to move through the intensity first.

Fortunately, the moon will be near Jupiter retrograde in Gemini, lending support and encouraging reflection. This allows you to reconsider your beliefs and open up to new possibilities, approaches, or solutions. This full moon is taking place at 24 degrees, which sits in the third decan of Aries. (Each zodiac sign is divided up into three decans, which adds details and nuance to that section of the zodiac’s experience and characteristics.) This band of the zodiac is associated with the Four of Wands in the tarot, a card that depicts a couple getting married and is often associated with a period of celebration and stability. This also implies that relationships will be a major topic under this full moon. It’s as if, once you confront what you’ve ignored in the shadows, you’ll find relief and a more solid foundation for the important connections in your life to flourish.

To get a better idea of how this cathartic full moon in Aries will affect you, read on for your sun, moon, and rising signs. Then, pick up a unique self-care practice to help move through this lunation with a greater sense of ease.

What will the October 2024 full moon in Aries bring for every zodiac sign?


aries zodiac sign symbol on graphic background with the moon and clouds

You’re the main character, Aries, and everyone knows it. The full moon lands in your first house of self, identity, new beginnings, and personal goals. You’re ready to debut a new side of yourself. You’re done hiding parts of yourself to satisfy others, and you feel confident taking up space and owning your mistakes, quirks, and desires. You may experiment with your sense of style, take on a new role or title, or express your needs in close relationships. This can also be an exciting time for your personal goals as you reach milestones and explore where you want to head next.

Your full moon self-care practice

Play dress up! Dress up as the future version of yourself and practice embodying that version. What does your morning routine look like? How do you style yourself? Play around with who you want to be.


taurus astrology symbol on graphic background with the full moon and clouds

It’s time to break those bad habits and ditch your limiting beliefs, Taurus. The full moon illuminates your 12th house of solitude, closure, spirituality, and the subconscious. This can be a powerful time to reflect on the way you speak to yourself. How often are you acting as your own worst enemy, but aren’t aware of it? Disrupting any negative self-talk and choosing to change your patterns and routines can lead to feeling more aligned. You may also process some big feelings or move through a period of closure and acceptance. Give yourself space to feel and grieve whatever is coming to an end and trust that new beginnings are just around the corner.

Your full moon self-care practice

Spend some time alone today and get in touch with your spiritual side. Breathwork, a grounding exercise or meditation, or connecting with your inner voice can be extra illuminating right now.


gemini astrology symbol on graphic blue background with the full moon, stars, and clouds

Your sense of community is shifting, Gemini. The full moon activates your 11th house of friendships, networking, allies, as well as your hopes for the future. Perhaps you’ve grown apart from some old friends or social groups you used to spend a lot of time with. This may also free up space for you to find a more aligned group of people who share your similar interests and values. Networking around this time can also bring new career opportunities your way or encourage you to commit to a personal goal even if it doesn’t make sense on paper just yet.

Your full moon self-care practice

If you have the time and privilege to do so, consider volunteering for an organization that’s meaningful for you. Giving back can help you foster community with people who may turn into your forever family.


cancer astrology symbol on graphic blue background with the full moon, stars, and clouds

No big deal—you’re only reconsidering your life path, Cancer. The full moon moves through your tenth house of career, reputation, accomplishment, and milestones. It’s very possible you’ve reached new heights in your professional field, maybe catching an executive’s eye or accepting a new promotion. It’s also possible that a position ends or you’re wondering whether the work feels aligned and meaningful. There may be a personal goal you want to pursue or another calling that you want to prioritize. This can be an important moment to pivot and put your desires first even if they don’t make sense to others at the moment.

Your full moon self-care practice

Resist the urge to people-please! Before making any major decisions, ask yourself: Are you making this choice because it feels aligned with your soul’s calling or because someone else expects you to?


leo astrology symbol on blue graphic background with the full moon, stars, and clouds

You’re feeling empowered, Leo. The full moon lands in your ninth house of communication, perspective, philosophy, wisdom, and adventure. An important conversation you’ve been part of may reach an intriguing turning point today. You can learn news that changes your perspective of the world around you. You may also feel inspired to pursue a new idea, go back to school, or gain attention for your wisdom or talent. Connecting with your voice and sharing your beliefs with a wider audience can feel a little frightening, but you’re willing to gain a hater or two as long as it means speaking your truth.

Your full moon self-care practice

Open your voice memo app and have the tough conversations you’ve been avoiding. Allowing yourself to speak freely, without judgment, will help you refine your message and practice setting boundaries.


virgo astrology symbol on blue graphic background with the full moon, stars, and clouds

It’s time to feel your feelings, Virgo. The full moon illuminates your eighth house of shared resources, vulnerability, fears, psyche, and the past. Emotionally, you’re invited to take the next step on your healing journey. Creating space to embrace the feelings you’ve avoided can help set you free from the past. This is a powerful moment for forgiveness, surrender, and acceptance. Practically, you’re thinking about how you invest your resources and who you spend your time with. Are the people in your life supportive of your dreams? You may need to reconsider how you spend your time and energy.

Your full moon self-care practice

Pick a creative outlet to channel your energy, feelings, and self-expression. Whether it’s through art, journaling or dancing, having some sort of creative self-expression as you process your emotions can feel liberating.


libra astrology symbol on a blue graphic background with the full moon, stars, and clouds

Your relationships are front and center, Libra. The full moon moves through your seventh house of committed partnerships and contracts. If tension has been brewing in your closest connections, it may reach a fever pitch today! Some may choose to leave a relationship that they’ve outgrown while others are fighting to find common ground. This is also an important time to readdress boundaries and expectations with all the key players in your life—lovers, business partners, BFFs, family members, and roommates, too. It’s also possible to experience changes to ongoing contracts—perhaps a project wraps up or you’re presented with a new collaborative opportunity.

Your full moon self-care practice

You’re known for your tact, charm and love of keeping the peace, Libra. But under these moonbeams, speaking up for yourself and engaging in confrontations can be healing and freeing. Don’t be afraid to defend yourself or say “no” to others.


graphic of the scorpio astrology symbol on blue background with the full moon, clouds, and starsYou’re tired of repeating the same old patterns, Scorpio. The full moon activates your sixth house of daily routine, responsibility, and wellbeing. You could have an ah-ha moment or a conversation that helps you recognize a behavior you’re ready to change. You’re more aware of everything—especially the small, daily habits— and how that impacts your long-term goals. You may also be ready to let go of a project or obligation that leaves you feeling exhausted or underappreciated. It’s time to be clear and set boundaries around your availability. You’re not willing to let others push you around or dictate your schedule anymore.

Your full moon self-care practice

Visualize a future version of yourself who has achieved whatever goal you are working toward right now. What daily habits does that version of you maintain? Try to integrate one of those habits now.


graphic of the sagittarius astrology symbol on blue background with the full moon, clouds, and stars

You’re focused on the people and hobbies that bring you joy, Sagittarius. The full moon illuminates your fifth house of pleasure, creativity, and romance. This can be an exciting time for reaching a new milestone with a creative project or one of your aspirations. It’s very possible you feel like there’s something worth celebrating in your life, but also feel some pressure to make a decision about how you spend your free time. Maybe you start to go viral for one of your niche interests on social media or you’re making progress on a creative passion project, but, you think, will this pay the bills down the line? You may need to make a decision to go all-in or step away from a project that’s depleting your time, energy, and resources. This can also bring some drama to your romantic relationships and friendships, too.

Your full moon self-care practice

Ask your inner child or teen for advice! Do a guided visualization or meditation and ask them the questions you feel stumped by. Ask them for guidance on where you are now, and how to get to where you want to be.


graphic of the capricorn astrology symbol on blue background with the full moon, clouds, and stars

There are changes on the homefront, Capricorn. The full moon lands in your fourth house of your private life, living situations, and chosen family. You may decide to move or change up your living space, do a purge of your belongings, or learn important news about a family member. You’re also feeling ready to make a decision about your life direction. As you pursue a path that’s most meaningful to you, it can stir up conflicts in your closest ties. You may need to address simmering resentment or feelings you’ve hidden in some of your relationships in order to charge forward on your path.

Your full moon self-care practice

Release the past by letting go of old items that remind you of people and situations you’re ready to free yourself from. Doing a deep clean of your home and sorting through your belongings can free up physical and energetic space.


graphic of the aquarius astrology symbol on blue background with the full moon, clouds, and stars

You’re direct and to the point, Aquarius. The full moon moves through your third house of communication, learning, and voice. This is a powerful day to set boundaries and to speak your truth. You may also need to say no to an obligation or responsibility someone else is trying to put on your plate. Defending your free time may be necessary today. Conversations you’re a part of also feel illuminating and help you understand others’ perspectives. If you’re in school or studying a new skill, this may coincide with a moment of proficiency or gaining attention for your craft.

Your full moon self-care practice

Sign up for an online class or weekend workshop. Your mind is curious and filling it with new information can help with finding new sources of inspiration.


graphic of the pisces astrology symbol on blue background with the full moon, clouds, and stars

You’re ready to make money doing something you love, Pisces! The full moon activates your second house of income, possessions, and resources. This can often coincide with a change of jobs—maybe you’re applying for new positions, negotiating a raise or promotion, or a contract ends. Consider that any endings may be opening up space for you to pursue another career path that you’re more passionate about. You could also decide to make a major purchase around this time, like buying a car or new home furnishings.

Your full moon self-care practice

Commit to a daily gratitude practice, but focus on the small things: finding a parking spot in a full lot, receiving a direct deposit you forgot about, or even a friend offering to buy you lunch. All the small things will continue to add up and contribute to an abundance mindset.




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