Today I want to share with you guys how I plan out my day. This step is crucial for me to get the most important things done and it helps me map out my entire week too.
You may have also seen me share it on Instagram Stories & TikTok, but as always, I want to share things that I feel are really valuable on the blog too. So here we are to break it all down.
All you need is a notebook (highly recommend the Smythson one) and the best pen in the entire world.
Anyway, this ‘one sheet’ plan really sets the tone of the day and just helps things run smoothly. Here’s how to do it:
How to Plan Out Your Day:
+ Write the date at the top.
+ List out your podcast, book, workout and music for the day. For example, one day mine looked like this:
PODCAST: Robert Greene
BOOK: Tools of Titans
WORKOUT: Pvolve & walk
MUSIC: TSC Felling Jazzy Spotify Playlist
+ Then write down some things you’re grateful for. I like to do 3-4 things. They can be anything, get super specific.
+ Write down how you want to feel. One day I wrote productive, funny & focused.
+ Next, write down 3 people you’re sending thoughts and happiness to. It can be anyone.
+ Then there’s your ‘must get done’ list. These are different from your general to-do list. These are non-negotiables that need to happen that day.
+ Lastly, your to-do list. Personally, I like to write down 6 things in order of importance. Whatever doesn’t get done is moved to my to-do list the following the day.
The last one is also known as The Ivy Lee Method, which we’ve talked about before. It’s one of my favorite productivity hacks and really makes all the difference.
Why I love The Ivy Lee Method:
+ It’s simple, so it actually works. All you need is paper & a pen.
+ Makes you prioritize. 6 is the magic number here. Don’t overwhelm yourself with 20 tasks- only write down 6.
+ Takes the guesswork out of ‘starting.’ How much time do you waste ‘thinking’ about what you should do first? When you have a prioritized list, it’s clearly laid out in front of you.
+ It makes you SINGLE-TASK. You guys know I’m all about passive multitasking, but focussing energy on one thing at a time is also hugely important.
+ It can encourage a healthier work-life balance. As an entrepreneur this can be really tricky so anything that helps is welcome to be honest.
To sum it up, this productivity hack helps with concentration, productivity, keeps you organized, and allows your brain to marinate on what you’ve done.
Hope those quarantine planning tips bring you value. If you want to see more of a visual, be sure to check out my TikTok where you can see exactly how I lay it out. & for even more of a breakdown you can check out my podcast on the whole thing. Highly recommend doing this, it makes a big difference.
Before we go, I just want to tell you about my favorite planners.
Michael and I love Jesse Itsler’s Big Ass Calendar because you can see your entire year on one big sheet.
Smythson notebooks are superier and customizable. Absolutely love them, but I also love Moleskins which are more affordable.
Anyway, let me know below if you try this ‘plan your day’ sequence and if you notice a difference in mood and productivity. It kind of takes the guess work out of what you have to do. I’ll do anything to get rid of decision fatigue. What have you been doing to set the tone of your day? Let me know below
x, Lauryn
+ Hear from Natasha Oakley on business and routines.
++ Tips for new entrepreneurs.