Saturday, September 28, 2024
HomeOutdoorSly ‘Males’s Solely’ Ford Explorer Advert Trumpets Girls’s Influence on Vehicles

Sly ‘Males’s Solely’ Ford Explorer Advert Trumpets Girls’s Influence on Vehicles

What features would a car designed only by men display? In an ironic ad spot, Ford invites us to find out.

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“For the first time ever, we’ve completely re-imagined the automobile,” begins Ford’s Explorer ad, launched on International Women’s Day.

Drenched in irony, the voiceover proceeds to describe a dubiously appointed vehicle.

I’ll leave the rest up to you. And just in case nobody told you yesterday: Happy International Women’s Day.

Runtime: 1 minute

Sam Anderson is a staff writer at GearJunkie, and several other All Gear websites.

He has been writing about climbing, cycling, running, wildlife, outdoor policy, the outdoor industry, vehicles, and more for 2 years. Prior to GearJunkie, he owned and operated his own business before freelancing at GearHungry. Based in Austin, Texas, Anderson loves to climb, boulder, road bike, trail run, and frequent local watering holes (of both varieties).



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