Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeVehiclesPetrol Hyundai N vehicles to dwell on, even after regulatory modifications

Petrol Hyundai N vehicles to dwell on, even after regulatory modifications

While some countries shift towards phasing out internal-combustion cars, numerous manufacturers will continue to make internal combustion engine vehicles for other countries that aren’t as ready for electric vehicles (EVs).

One company that has signalled its intention to keep making fun internal combustion cars for those regions is Hyundai.

While the brand is committed to electrification (even in the N division with the upcoming Hyundai Ioniq 5 N), it still wants to service markets where electric cars are still a while away due to lagging regulations or infrastructure.

Till Wartenberg, vice president and head of the N brand and motorsport division, told CarExpert Hyundai still wants to engage with customers that may not be ready for an electric vehicle switch.

“You’re always looking at regions where you can sell N cars. And we’re happy with the Ioniq 5 N [full electric vehicle] because they can go to Northern Europe. They can go to Sweden, Norway, Finland. And other cars can go to South America,” he said.

Tightening emissions rules in Europe mean that internal combustion vehicles will no longer be sold from 2035, though Germany has successfully fought for an exemption for vehicles powered by e-fuels.

A number of volume manufacturers will face the issue of double investments to service a global market – internal-combustion cars for countries without sufficient EV infrastructure and electric vehicles for markets with tight emissions controls. It’ll be interesting to see how it pans out.



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