Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeLifestyle4 Should-Have Health Suggestions From Private Coach Jillian Michaels

4 Should-Have Health Suggestions From Private Coach Jillian Michaels

“The No. 1 rule of fitness is consistency,” says Michaels. Before you dive into strength training exercises, HIIT sessions, and the like, it’s important to make regular movement a habit. 

‘Get a standup desk—I literally will go work at the kitchen counter,” Michaels adds. “You can get a little treadmill walking [pad] with your standup [desk]. I would start people with a 5,000 step per day minimum, working up to 10,000.” 

According to Michaels, most of us are way too sedentary during the day (we would agree), so it’s important to commit to consistency before embarking on any specific workout regimen. Not to mention, walking is absolutely free; your body is the best tool you have, says Michaels, so it’s a great way to kickstart a fitness routine. 

“We can get them to a healthy body weight, we can condition their cardiovascular system, we can make them less intimidated, and then we can start to bring them into the things that are a bit more aggressive,” she says of her training method. “Stand up, don’t sit, get your steps in, and we can accomplish miracles.” 



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