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HomeTourismHow To Hold Web site Guests Previous the First 10 Seconds

How To Hold Web site Guests Previous the First 10 Seconds

If you’re a frequent reader of our awesome (wink, wink) and informative blogs, then you already know we love opportunities like this one to shine a light on what we do best here at TourismTiger: creating modern, sales-focused websites for travel and tourism operators. But the part we enjoy most is being able to share our knowledge, knowing that you can also benefit from learning about ways in which to improve your business, and the details you read about can be of use when making decisions about your own tourism website.

Just as the title reads, we’re going to take a closer look at HOW and WHAT will keep your website visitors scrolling, even after the first 10 seconds. Let’s say you already accomplished the initial goal of getting people to visit your site. Now comes mastering the art of keeping them on there, and checking out what you have to offer before ultimately clicking that big, bright and juicy “BOOK NOW” button. Check out the six main factors involved:


1. Attractiveness

In short, the way your website looks can influence a user’s perception of your site’s credibility, professionalism, and trustworthiness. A well-designed website can make a positive first impression on visitors, which can increase the likelihood that they will stay on your site, explore your content, and potentially convert into customers or users.

Additionally, an attractive website can improve user experience by making it easier and more enjoyable to navigate and interact with the site. Good design can help organize information, make important content stand out, and create a cohesive and visually appealing experience for the user.

In today’s highly competitive online marketplace, having an attractive website is essential to standing out and capturing the attention of potential customers. A poorly designed or unappealing website can turn users off and lead them to seek out alternative options.

2. Fast Loading

Research shows that users are more likely to abandon a website if it takes more than a few seconds to load, and a slow-loading website can have a negative impact on user experience, engagement, and conversion rates. Furthermore, search engines like Google use page speed as a ranking factor in their algorithms. A fast-loading website can improve search engine visibility and lead to higher search engine rankings, which can ultimately lead to more traffic and conversions.

In addition, a fast-loading website can improve user engagement and satisfaction, as users are able to quickly access the information they need without being frustrated by slow load times. This can also increase the likelihood that users will return to the site in the future. Overall, website speed is an essential factor in providing a positive user experience and driving business results.

3. Mobile User Interface & User Experience (UI & UX)

Year after year, the number of tablet and mobile internet users increases making it necessary for businesses to adjust the layouts of their websites for such devices. We simply can’t deny it, our mobile devices have become a primary means for accessing the internet, and more importantly for making purchases, which is why we expect websites to be optimized for mobile viewing, because frankly, we’re not settling for anything less.

A mobile-friendly website adjusts its layout and design to fit the smaller screens of mobile & tablet devices, making it easier for users to navigate and interact with the site from said devices, which is a win-win for providing improved user experience and engagement. Something else to consider is that search engines like Google prioritize mobile-friendly websites in their search results, meaning that a website that is not optimized for mobile viewing may be penalized in search rankings. This can negatively impact a website’s visibility and ultimately lead to decreased traffic and conversions.


4. Big, Beautiful Hero Image

We humans are highly visual, and when it comes to information that we initially scan over when first landing on a website, photos are some of the first elements we feast our eyes on. A visually compelling image that (truthfully) conveys what your tourism business has to offer can make or break a visitor’s decision to stay on your website.

Whether you offer snorkeling tours in La Paz, kayak adventures in Sitka, canyoneering in Utah, culinary tours in Prague, or bike tours & rentals in Oslo, showing it off with a large, wide, high-quality photo of your tour guests (with their permission) having a blast on one of the activities you offer will have the right impression on the right visitors.


5. What You Do and Why They Should Choose You

The main headline on your website’s homepage should be a strong indicator of what you do, and a sub headline tells visitors why they should choose you. Aside from capturing the reader’s attention and making sure they stay on the site, headlines are also important for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes. Search engines use headlines to understand what a page is about, and well-crafted headlines can improve the chances of a page ranking well in search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords.

A strong headline is an important element of effective web content. It can capture the user’s attention, improve search engine rankings, and help to organize and present information in a way that is easy for users to understand and engage with.


6. Clear Jumping Point in Navigation

Have you ever been on a website that was so confusing you couldn’t find what you were looking for? Not a great experience, right? That’s why having a clear jumping point in navigation is super important! Think of jumping point navigation as your website’s friendly tour guide. It shows you around, points you in the right direction, and helps you find what you need.

Without a clear navigation structure, it’s like wandering through a maze without a map – frustrating and time consuming. A clear jumping point navigation is a must-have. It’ll make your website easy to use, easy to understand, and fun to explore! But a clear navigation structure isn’t just good for users, it’s also good for search engines. By organizing your website’s content and providing clear links to each section, you’re telling search engines what your website is all about, and making it easier for them to crawl and index your site.

Congratulations if you already have these SIX factors down! But, if you need a helping hand, or better yet, a brand new sales-oriented tourism website that masters all these attention-grabbing factors and more, take a look at our portfolio to view real examples of stunning tourism websites, or contact us today for a free quote.



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