Sunday, September 22, 2024
HomeLifestyleSummer season Planning - A Wholesome Slice of Life

Summer season Planning – A Wholesome Slice of Life

Today is our end of year field day for co-op. I just wrote down all the swim team meets. I also just minorly hyperventilated about how fast time goes and how big the kids seem. I absolutely love this stage with big kids and the freedom that comes along with it, but per my usual sentiment every time the season changes, I feel time whip by. Fortunately it serves as a sweet reminder to slow down and focus on what’s important.

Our summer will be a mix of swim team and tennis, hopefully getting out on the lake, family gatherings, and a week of day camp in June for the kids. They’ve done it for a few years in a row and really look forward to it. We also have a two week trip in July where we are hoping to spend a couple days in Boston on our way up to spending a week in Maine with my side of the family.

But before we get there, there’s May. And May is CRAY. Our anniversary was yesterday (14 years!), Kaitlyn turns 9, there’s Mother’s Day, end of season soccer tournaments, TKD tournament, end of year assessments for the kids, a piano recital, and swim starts. I know you other moms to activity age kids feel me; it’s a month to rival December.

Yesterday I experienced a mental log jam: so many things in my head that I needed to do, all jumbling around, unorganized. So, I mapped out our summer and then did a brain dump categorized into work to dos, family to dos, and self to dos. At least with it all out in front of me, I can start to prioritize and chip away, so though the list is long (isn’t it always?), I feel more peace about it this morning.

I’m going to reimplement my pick three system, so let’s do it. Today’s three to accomplish after our end of year co-op party:

  1. Swing by H’s allergist to set up treatment (we did testing and found the culprit of her misery- grasses attack her furiously!) and return library books (next to each other)
  2. Finalize and book July trip
  3. Send copy to Click & Grow for a garden giveaway I’m doing next week on IG (!)

Share with me… How is May for you? Are you feeling organized lately? What’s your strategy for handling mental log jams? Any Boston with kids recs? What’s your pick three for today? I hope it’s a great Wednesday for ya!

Unrelated to everything: yesterday I made a slow cooker chicken curry recipe that turned out to be easy and excellent (for everyone but K, who ate a few bites but insisted she could taste the earthiness of the turmeric- lol). Still, I think it’s share worthy, because I definitely want to be able to make it again, so I’m adding it to my “topics to blog about” list.



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