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7 Essential Security Tricks to Use When Hitting the Opel Highway – Greatest Promoting Automobiles Weblog

Getting behind the wheel of a car is a major responsibility, but for those who have been driving for years the weight of that responsibility can feel lessened. However, the dangers on roadways around the world are always present. A person can’t rely on others on the road to always follow the law, which means refreshing yourself on general safety tips is always an excellent strategy prior to driving. 

How Many Car Accident Fatalities Occur Yearly? 

While it may not be a pleasant thought to acknowledge, car accidents are extremely common with millions occurring ever year. Unfortunately, there are a large number of fatalities that also occur in these accidents. The Annual United States Road Crash Statistics estimates that over 46,000 people in the U.S. alone die due to a car accident on a yearly basis. 

7 Ways to Protect Yourself on the Road

Given the daunting number of car accidents and fatalities that occur on a yearly basis based on the above, ensuring you remain safe on the road should always be a priority. The best way to go about this is to use the following seven safety tips: 

1. Always put on your seatbelt

While it may seem like a basic rule-of-thumb, many people often neglect putting on their seatbelt due to being in a rush. However, seatbelts have saved nearly 15,000 lives since 2017, and this number will only increase as the years continue. Always buckle in before hitting the road to ensure you reduce the risk of injury in an accident. 

2. Never drive while distracted

As mentioned, driving is a major responsibility which means it requires complete focus when someone is behind the wheel. Rather than getting distracted with your phone or some other device, take the time to handle all business before you actually put your vehicle into drive. 

3. Handle preventative maintenance on your vehicle

Taking care of preventative maintenance tasks is one of the best ways to ensure your vehicle does not break down while you are driving on the road. This type of maintenance refers to the regular and routine maintenance tasks that should occur on a consistent basis to stop major issues from occurring under the hood. Look in your owner’s manual for a comprehensive guide of services that should be performed. 

4. Use the 3-to-4 second rule

Following the three-to-four second rule on roadways is always a smart idea. This refers to leaving a three-to-four second gap between yourself and the vehicle in front of you. By doing this, you can leave adequate space between yourself and another vehicle so that if they slam on their brakes or make a sudden movement, you have time to respond. 

5. Scan the road 12 seconds ahead of you

Additionally, you should always be scanning the road roughly twelve seconds ahead of you. This will allow you to see any potential dangers in the roadway or anything which may require changing your speed, such as traffic or an object in the roadway. 

6. Do not depend on other drivers to follow the law

When you are on the roadway, you can never be sure that other drivers will follow the law. This means that you should not assume a driver will stay in their lane if they don’t have a blinker on, and you shouldn’t assume that they will drive at a safe speed. Always be defensive on a roadway, rather than offensive when it comes to your driving. 

7. Avoid driving in weather you are unfamiliar with

One of the common causes for accidents on U.S. roadways is a driver who is navigating in weather that they are unfamiliar with. This can make for unique road conditions that can cause an accident if a person is not prepared to deal with those conditions. Only drive in weather you are familiar with to avoid this occurring. 

The Bottom Line

While a person may not be able to control the actions of others on the road, they can certainly control their own actions. Car accidents have the potential to be fatal even at low speeds, which is why using the above tips is so important. By bolstering safety on the road, a person can have peace of mind knowing their risk of being in a car accident has been reduced. The risk is never zero, however, so don’t neglect keeping a vigilant eye out for danger. 



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