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HomeLifestyleWeek of Exercises: January 2023

Week of Exercises: January 2023

Hot on the heels of my Week of Weeknight Meals recap from January 2023 comes a summary of last week’s workouts. This is another mini-series on PBF that began as a way to give you guys a glimpse into what workouts look like around here for one week of every month.

My workouts have changed a lot through the years and this post is just a peek into what my exercise routine looks like around here lately. I’m still very much focusing on strength training above all else and last week’s workouts reflect this for sure! You may read more about my exercise philosophy and the major shift that happened in my fitness mindset in this blog post if it’s of interest: A Shift In My Fitness Mindset.

Week of Workouts: January 2023

  • Monday: Metabolic Conditioning Workout (Burn Boot Camp Streaming)

When it comes to cardio workouts, THIS type of cardio is my favorite. It incorporates some weights, fast reps, varied exercises and fast-paced circuits. I admittedly don’t love cardio a lot (how this used to be my focus 6 days a week, I’ll never know) but I do loveee a Burn Boot Camp metabolic conditioning workout! I streamed a throwback Burn MetCon workout on Monday to complete on my own and was nice and sweaty by the end.

For Tuesday’s workout, I took myself through a throwback PBF leg workout. I only had about 30 minutes to squeeze in a workout before preschool pickup on Tuesday morning so I turned to this super-fast 30 minute superset workout. It did the trick and I was in and out of the gym in no time!

  • Wednesday: Burn Boot Camp Upper Body Workout

I do so many at-home Burn Boot Camp workouts these days because my local studio moved their camp times around so they don’t fit nearly as well with my personal schedule and school drop-offs/pickups. This bummed me out big-time but I still love making it to camp when I can and on Wednesday Rhett and I made it happen! After a MyGym class in the morning with Rhett, we high-tailed it to Burn and I squeezed in an upper body workout. There’s nothing like an in-person Boot Camp workout for me and I loved this one so much!

No workout for me on Thursday!

  • Friday: Full Body Workout

full body workout

On Friday morning, I knocked out a speedy full-body workout. I paired a lower body exercise with an upper body exercise and went through three rounds of each superset. It was a really fast workout that had me in and out of the gym in no time.

No workout on Saturday!

No workout on Sunday!

Question of the Day

How many rest days to you typically take each week? What was your favorite workout of the week last week? 



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