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HomeLifestyleNew Examine Reveals Mindfulness Can Cut back Data Avoidance

New Examine Reveals Mindfulness Can Cut back Data Avoidance

Findings aside, it’s important to understand why mindfulness meditation works so well. 

“When practicing mindfulness, you’re in a state of active, open attention on the present,” Porter notes, adding, “This allows you to observe your thoughts and feelings from a distance, without judging them as good or bad, and without reacting to them impulsively.”

This doesn’t necessarily happen right away for everyone, but you can strengthen your mindfulness muscles with daily practice. As the study shows, it doesn’t take too long to begin seeing benefits. 

As a result, you learn to manage and process your emotions without being overwhelmed by them, Porter says. 

And if meditation just isn’t for you, he recommends practicing mindfulness in other ways: Go on a walk and consciously focus on the experience, take in the sensations of eating whenever you sit down for a meal, practice mindfulness in yoga, etc. It may not have the exact same effect, but still a worthwhile practice.



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