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HomeVehiclesThese states have double demerit factors this June lengthy weekend

These states have double demerit factors this June lengthy weekend

Going for a drive this June King’s Birthday long weekend? You better be on your best behaviour, because some states in Australia have harsh double demerit point penalties in force for the duration of the long weekend.

We’ll run through the states (and territories) with, and the states (and territories) without double demerit points, along with some of the fines you can cop in the process if you’re stung on a double demerit weekend.

Some states don’t celebrate the King’s Birthday this June weekend, so this article only applies to Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania, ACT, Northern Territory, and South Australia. Western Australia and Queensland celebrate the monarch’s birthday later in the year.

State (or territory) Double demerit points?
Victoria NO
New South Wales YES
Tasmania NO
Australian Capital Territory YES
Northern Territory NO
South Australia NO

How double demerit points work in Australia:

Victoria: There are no double demerit points in Victoria this long weekend.

New South Wales: New South Wales has double demerit points that apply this long weekend. They come into force at 12AM on the first day of the public holiday long weekend and finish at midnight on the last day of the public holiday weekend.

Double demerit points in New South Wales apply for speeding, illegal use of mobile phones, not wearing a seatbelt, and riding without a motorbike helmet.

Use a mobile phone illegally while driving during double demerits in New South Wales will attract five demerit points as an example.

Tasmania: Tasmania has no double demerit points during holiday periods or at any point during the year.

Australian Capital Territory: The Australian Capital Territory has the same double demerit point offence rules as New South Wales for the duration of the long weekend.

Northern Territory: Northern Territory has no double demerit points during holiday periods or at any point during the year.

South Australia: South Australia has no double demerit points during holiday periods or at any point during the year.

What happens if you travel interstate?

Now, one thing you need to keep in mind is if you travel interstate, the fine amount and demerit point amount from your home state applies interstate.

So if you’re travelling from New South Wales into Victoria during a double demerit period and you receive a speeding fine in Victoria, you will cop double demerit points.

Conversely, if you travel from Victoria into New South Wales during a double demerit period, you will receive a fine without double demerit points, because your home state doesn’t have a double demerit point rule.



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