Sunday, October 6, 2024
HomeVehiclesRunaway Golf Cart Dodges Parked Vehicles, Swimming Pool Earlier than Hitting Fence

Runaway Golf Cart Dodges Parked Vehicles, Swimming Pool Earlier than Hitting Fence

People who say gardening and yard work don’t give you a workout have never planted a tree or hauled 70-pound bags of potting soil. That’s why a wheelbarrow or garden cart is nice to have, especially on a humid, hot day. Even better if you’ve got a golf cart. Just make sure to set the parking brake before loading up. 

According to the video’s description, the lady of the house was attempting to do some gardening one evening. She was loading the golf cart and accidentally dragged a bag of potting soil over the gas pedal, which also released the parking brake, an easy thing to do since the accelerator and parking brake are part of the same pedal mechanism. 

The golf cart immediately sets out on its own, pursued by the lady and a golden doodle. Somehow it manages to avoid hitting several parked vehicles, a fire pit, and a fenced-in swimming pool. Heading straight for a horse pasture, it takes out a fence in an area containing six colts and veers right before coming to a stop. Fortunately, no one was harmed, including the horses and the damage was minimal. On a positive note, the family got a good laugh from the episode, and we can enjoy the video. 

It may sound a bit bougie to own a golf cart, but it is a legitimate First World problem. In the US, there are planned communities specifically designed to get around by golf cart. Many golf carts are equipped with headlights and turn signals, and people use them to get their mail or make a short trip to the local swimming pool. 

As a piece of farm equipment, the golf cart makes a lot more sense. If you don’t need the off-road capability of a 4×4 all-terrain vehicle, it’s a much less expensive option and more environmentally friendly if you get one that’s electric. It’s a practical solution if you need a vehicle to transport people or tow a small trailer to haul garden supplies like potting soil or lumber to fix a fence. 

The key thing to remember is to always set the parking brake. We’ve seen several mishaps, like one involving a delivery driver or a driveway incident where a truck rolls out of a garage. These incidents serve as a funny and friendly reminder that setting the parking brake reduces the chance of accidents.    



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