Saturday, September 21, 2024
HomeLifestyleShould-Have Merchandise For All Runners, From A Marathoner

Should-Have Merchandise For All Runners, From A Marathoner

People often ask me what I love about running. Aside from the proven mental and physical benefits of running, the exercise has always appealed to me for the mere fact that you don’t need much to get started. For the most part, you can simply step out the door and be on your way to a heart-pumping, mood-boosting workout. 

That said, as I head into my fourth round of marathon training I’ve zeroed in on a few items that make the whole experience way more enjoyable. Truthfully, I credit these products for my fastest race finishes, not to mention my ability to stay healthy (and sane) during peak training season. 

Through a lot of trial and error, over a dozen half marathons, and three world major marathons, I’ve found that I can’t train successfully without these items.



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