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HomeVehicles10 Tricks to Assist You Keep away from Automotive Accidents – Finest...

10 Tricks to Assist You Keep away from Automotive Accidents – Finest Promoting Vehicles Weblog

Most of us take our road safety for granted. We have been riding in cars our entire lives, and no one thinks they engage in unsafe behaviors. However, what might seem like small decisions or harmless behaviors can lead to car accidents.

While accidents might not happen every time you do something you shouldn’t, all it takes is one time for an accident to have a significant impact on your life. Wrecking your car is one thing, but you also have to consider the possibility of injury.

According to a New Orleans car accident lawyer from Chopin Law Firm, “Hundreds of thousands of people are injured in car accidents every year. Many of these injuries are minor, but some can have lifelong effects. There are also the tens of thousands of car accident deaths that occur in the US each year. It is better to be careful and avoid these consequences if possible.”

This post will provide a few tips to help drivers avoid car accidents.

Stick to the Speed Limit

Speed limits are not arbitrary. State and local governments set speed limits based on the type of road and its conditions. The posted speed limit is the maximum safe driving speed for a stretch of road. Driving over the speed limit increases your risk of being in a car accident. The additional speed can also make accidents worse when they do occur.

Maintain Your Vehicle

Vehicle maintenance is also a crucial part of being a safe driver. One of the most important points is to regularly check your tires and have them replaced when needed. You should also have your brakes and steering checked annually. Drivers should check all the vehicle lights and make sure they work. An annual inspection can go a long way toward maintaining a safe vehicle.

Allow Enough Following Distance

Rear-end collisions account for a significant number of car accidents. These collisions often occur because the driver in the rear was following too close. If you want to avoid these accidents, you need to leave enough of a following distance between you and the car in front of you. Most people follow the three-second rule. That means leaving three seconds of distance between you and the car in front.

Don’t Drive Under the Influence

Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is dangerous. Along with that, it is also against the law. Drugs and alcohol not only slow reaction times, they can also distort your perception of reality. If you are intoxicated, do not drive. Even if you feel okay to drive, it only takes a small amount of intoxication to impact your ability to drive safely.

Account for Weather

Even driving on a bright, sunny day can have its hazards. However, weather conditions can make driving even more hazardous. Rain, snow and ice can make roads slippery, making it harder to stop or control the vehicle. Fog and heavy rain can impact visibility. When the weather is bad, you need to exercise more caution. Drivers should reduce their speed and increase the following distance when the weather is bad.

Avoid Distractions

Distractions are another significant hazard. Issues with distracted driving have only gotten worse with modern smartphones and touchscreen displays in cars. All it takes is a split second of distraction for you to cause an accident. That means you need to avoid using your phone when you drive. Make sure to keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel.

Use Your Turn Signals

Proper turning can also do a lot to help drivers avoid accidents. One step toward being safe on the road is to use your turn signals when necessary. When you use your turn signals it lets other drivers know what you are doing. Make sure to signal when turning or changing lanes. You should also signal when pulling into a parking space or parallel parking.

Obey Signs and Signals

The speed limit isn’t the only sign you need to obey when on the road. You’ll find many signs and signals that tell you what you need to do. Be aware of signs for pedestrian crossings, no passing zones, or yield signs. Make sure to stop at all stop lights and stop signs. Also, come to a full stop instead of using a rolling stop. Drivers also need to understand the right of way and yield to the driver who has it.

Don’t Drive Drowsy

So many of us drive when we are tired. While it might feel like a perfectly normal thing to do, it is very unsafe. Drivers have fallen asleep behind the wheel, leading to serious car accidents. Even if you don’t fall asleep, being drowsy can slow your reaction time. If you are tired, get some sleep before heading out on the road.

Be Careful When in Reverse

 A lack of care when driving in reverse can be another risk for car accidents. Whether you are backing out of a parking space or backing your car up to something, you need to give reverse driving your full attention. The first tip is to turn around and look behind you when backing up. You need to watch what is directly behind you, but you also need to see what may approach from the sides. Drivers should also make sure their mirrors are properly adjusted before backing up.

Even with the best efforts, accidents can still occur. However, you can control your own risks and take measures to ensure you are not the cause of a car accident.



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