Saturday, October 5, 2024
HomeLifestyle10 Issues I Love Sunday

10 Issues I Love Sunday

I feel like I was talking about making collages recently and a reader asked to see one. Here’s the only one I have a photo of. I was trying to make a something that spoke to the book I’m writing (and self-publishing soon). Collage is one of my favorite mediums in part because it’s nostalgic for me since I made them all the time in middle school and high school. All you need are old magazines, scissors, glue and spare time. Try it! Thrift some magazines and join my club. 🙂

Here are ten (other) things I’ve been loving lately.

1. I’ve mentioned this on our podcast but I don’t think I’ve mentioned it here yet. We are rewatching Star Trek the Next Generation as our evening TV show (unless we have a movie we want to see, but most nights we just put this on). My dad watched it while I was growing up, so there’s a lot of nostalgia for me in the show. But as a former philosophy major I also just really like it in a nerdy, nerdy way. My favorite episode so far is Season 2 Ep. 9 “The Measure of a Man” in which they have a trail to decide if Data can choose his own destiny, or is he human enough to have rights.

2. I recently bought myself a LED nail lamp for home manicures and I’m INTO it. Helps your polish cure so much faster which is great because I apparently cannot stop using my hands for any amount of time and I always end up with smudges.

3. Bought this cookbook for a kids baking day I’m hosting soon. It’s hilarious! So perfect for Halloween baking with kids.

4. We’ve gotten so many good book recommendations from our podcast email box lately. One day I spent over $100 on Thriftbooks just buying things our listeners recommended because they all sounded so good! Here’s some of the list: Geek Love, Full Dark House, The Enchanted April, The Golden Spoon, Small Town Big Magic, and The Dead Romantics.

5. Bought this shirt in two colors—love it! Simple and shows off necklaces well.

6. Elsie has a pair of these overalls and I immediately was like, ‘send me the link.’ And when she did I bought them in three colors. I love overalls.

7. Our grandma has moved into the pink house! Excited to take Oscar over there tons this coming season!

8. Thinking about making a mini Halloween wreath for our little free library outside my home. She needs a few decorations too, right?

9. I had two ripe bananas the other day so I used this one banana banana bread recipe (double it) to make a dozen muffins.

10. Did you see that Jacki started a website?! Love it so much!

P.S. Here are a some recent posts in case you missed them.



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