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HomeLifestyleWeek of Exercises: September 2023

Week of Exercises: September 2023

Last week was the first week in months where I’ve managed to work out for five out of seven days. For a while now, three to four workouts a week has been my realistic sweet spot, with plenty of movement (thank you, motherhood), sprinkled in throughout every day, too. It felt nice to feel like I was in a little bit of a workout groove last week and I figured it would be a good week to recap as part of my Week of Workouts series since I have a little more to share than usual!

Last weeks workouts included a variety of at home workouts, YouTube workouts and in-person Burn Boot Camp workouts. Hopefully something below will pop out at you if you’re looking for something new to try this week!

Week of Workouts: September 2023

Monday was Labor Day and since Ryan had the day off work, we swapped hanging out with the boys in the morning so we could both sneak in a workout. Since Ryan’s workouts are a million times longer than mine these days, he did his first (and most was done before any of the rest of us were awake) and then I completed a quick leg workout in our garage and called it a day.

Tuesday was the first day all of the boys were in school! Oh happy day! I wanted to take full advantage of my free morning and opted to complete a quick shoulder workout at home before the boys were awake. I am still loving Caroline Girvan’s YouTube channel and turned to this upper body workout from her channel to target my biceps, triceps and shoulders. It was a great one and definitely left my arms feeling fatigued.

  • Wednesday: Burn Boot Camp Burst Workout

When I see “Burst Training” on the protocol for the day at Burn Boot Camp, it’s almost always a “skip it” day for me. Long gone are the days when I desired lots of plyometric movements in my workouts and since Burst Training days often mean a plethora of jumping lunges, burpees and tuck jumps, I’m out. Sometimes social media can be a handy little tool because I watched my local gym’s Instagram Stories on Wednesday morning and saw exercises that reminded me a lot more of a Burn Boot Camp Metobolic Conditioning workout — aka a workout that gets your heart rate up but incorporates weights to do so. I figured I’d give it a shot and the workout thankfully did not disappoint! It definitely felt like a MetCon day and I mean that in the best possible way!

On Thursday morning, I did a quick workout in the kitchen while the boys ate breakfast and it was another winner from Carolina Girvan. Whenever Rhett sees me doing one of Caroline Girvan’s workouts he always asks me, “She burning your arms, Mom?” Yes, yes, she burning my arms. In this case it was more of a chest and back burn but it was still an upper body smoker!

I had a workout date on the agenda with my friend Lauren which kept me accountable on Friday! We planned to meet up for a morning Burn workout and it was a great one. We went to a camp time that’s not usually crowded which made it so nice to be able to focus and work up a sweat without the chaos of a crowded gym. I definitely felt that booty burn! I forgot to jot the workout down in the notes app of my phone but you can find the full streaming version of Friday’s workout on Burn’s YouTube channel here!

  • Saturday and Sunday: Rest

No workouts happened for me over the weekend!

Questions of the Day

What does your workout routine look like lately? Are you training for anything? Trying anything new? Loving a certain YouTube fitness channel? Please share! 



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