Friday, September 20, 2024
HomeVehiclesPrime ten automobile insurance coverage myths busted

Prime ten automobile insurance coverage myths busted

TRUE – If you no longer use your car, and you have no plans to use it in the future, it is true that you don’t have to have an active car insurance policy on that car. However, the story doesn’t end there…

Since the Continuous Insurance Enforcement (CIE) act came into effect in the UK in 2011, all cars must be insured unless they have been declared off-road with a Statutory Off Road Notification, known as a ‘SORN’. This must be applied for via the DVLA.

Your unused car can only be declared SORN if it is kept off the side of the road on private property like a drive or garage. This means that if you park on the street, you will still have to pay for car insurance for that vehicle, whether you use it or not.

Another point worth mentioning is that if you car is under finance, you will almost certainly need to have comprehensive insurance cover, even if you’re not driving the vehicle for a period of time.



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