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HomeLifestyleThe Dos and Don’ts of Going Via an Opioid Withdrawal

The Dos and Don’ts of Going Via an Opioid Withdrawal

Opioids have found their way into many households, not just as a recreational drug but also as prescribed medication. Unfortunately, the nature of these substances, especially their capacity to alleviate pain and create euphoria, has also created a dependency crisis. 

For many, the decision to stop opioid usage is life-saving. But, as one embarks on this journey, it’s crucial to be aware of the challenges of opioid withdrawal.

Knowing what to do and what to avoid can significantly improve the odds of successfully navigating this taxing journey. And that’s why this article exists. Here are the dos and don’ts of going through opioid withdrawal.

Dos of Going Through an Opioid Withdrawal

  1. Seek Medical Guidance:

Before embarking on the path to sobriety, you need to seek medical guidance. For example, if you’re in Arkansas or neighboring states, you should seek opioid treatment in Arkansas.

The best treatment centers can offer guidance on medical detox and medication-assisted treatment (MAT) that allows for a gradual tapering of opioids, making the process less daunting.

Keeping your body hydrated is fundamental. Based on research published in Nutrition Reviews, dehydration can exacerbate detox symptoms. Always have water within arm’s reach.

Your body needs all the nutrients it can get during this period. Opt for balanced, nutritious meals. It will not only provide the fuel your body needs but also assist in rebuilding your overall health.

  • Engage in Physical Activity:

According to research published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry   Incorporating light exercises, like walking, can aid in alleviating some withdrawal symptoms, such as stress and anxiety.

  • Lean on a Support System:

Be it family, friends, or support groups, having someone to talk to or lean on can be invaluable during this challenging time.

  • Establish a Sleep Routine:

Sleep is restorative. Ensure you’re getting adequate sleep by setting and sticking to a consistent sleep schedule.

Don’ts of Going Through an Opioid Withdrawal

Quitting abruptly can lead to intense cravings and severe opioid withdrawal symptoms. This approach is often considered the hardest and is not recommended even for those under medical supervision.

  • Don’t Forget About Your Health:

It’s easy to overlook the basics when grappling with withdrawal. Remember that avoiding proper sleep, nutritious food, or sufficient water can make the process even more difficult.

  • Don’t Stay Alone All the Time:

While it might be tempting to shut the world out, isolation can be detrimental. It’s essential to surround yourself with supportive individuals who understand your journey and can offer encouragement.

The road to sobriety is not linear. There will be moments of temptation. However, remembering the end goal and the reasons behind your decision can provide the strength to persevere.


For those exploring opioid treatment, it’s pivotal to approach the journey with an informed mindset. Various resources and treatment centers are available to assist individuals throughout the process.

When considering treatment options, it’s essential to opt for ones with a comprehensive recovery approach, focusing not just on detox but also on equipping individuals with the necessary tools for a sober life.




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