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HomeLifestyleWhat The Full Moon in Leo Means for Your Zodiac Signal

What The Full Moon in Leo Means for Your Zodiac Signal

The sky—and our personal lives—will be anything but quiet on February 5 when the full moon in Leo makes a dramatic entrance at 1:27 p.m., ET. Coming through in larger-than-life Leo, this full moon demands we take up space, celebrate ourselves, realign with our authenticity, and dare to be seen. It’s time to embrace some cosmically sanctioned main character energy.

All full moons carry inherent tension, as the sun and moon sit across from one another in the sky. So, while the moon in Leo encourages us to shine bright, the Sun in Aquarius—the sign opposite Leo—asks us to think deeper about the responsibility of being seen and its purpose. How can we share our light and unique gifts with the world to make an impact on the collective?

This full moon in Leo is built a little differently; expect more emotional reactivity, restlessness, and the courage to leave behind what no longer serves us.

This full moon in Leo is built a little differently than most, given that it forms a tense angle with the unpredictable, change-maker Uranus. You can expect more emotional reactivity in the air and some restlessness, but also the courage to leave behind what no longer serves us—even if that means venturing into the unknown. Uranus smiles when we take risks!

Also on the day of the full moon in Leo, Venus and Mars separate from a tense square, indicating some drama in the love department or perhaps conflict in some of our most meaningful relationships. This planetary duo, coupled with an intense full moon may manifest in relationship issues bubbling up to the surface getting addressed.

While tension is likely unavoidable, Mercury, the planet of communication, is inching toward compassionate Neptune in the sky. This blend of energy creates a supportive environment for discussions and reaching compromises or some type of understanding.

The moon’s next aspect will be with serious Saturn in Aquarius, on February 16. This may stir up feelings of loss, rejection, or disappointment. You may need to set some boundaries, but you can communicate this in a gentle way, thanks to Mercury and Neptune.

The full moon in Leo may offer a preview to what unfolds when the sun and Saturn meet—so pay attention! Ultimately, there is an opportunity to feel liberated under these moonbeams, but, of course, it will come with some growing pains. It’s time to leave our comfort zones so we can realign with a more aligned path forward.

Read on for your rising, sun and moon signs for more insight on how this full moon in Leo may affect your zodiac sign and birth chart. Then, get a bespoke self-care practice to help you make the most of the energy.

What the full moon in Leo has in store for your zodiac sign


What’s going on in your romantic life, Aries? The full moon in Leo lights up your fifth house of romance, drama, pleasure, and creativity. This brings cause to celebrate and to try something new. If you’ve been dating, your love life can expect a few twists and turns, or perhaps a resurgence of pleasure and playfulness. Creative projects also reach a climax. It’s time to bask in the present moment and all you have accomplished.

Your full moon self-care practice: Plan a date! Whether coupled or single, take yourself out on a date night. Consciously celebrate a recent accomplishment in your life or something you’re grateful for.


What’s going on at home, Taurus? The full moon in Leo moves through your fourth house of home, family, and the past. This moon activates both your public and private life, so you may also be experiencing big shake-ups at work, too. It’s a powerful time to release pieces of your past and engage in self-forgiveness and self-compassion. Changes with family members or a sudden desire to move can all pop up. The full moon in Leo brings main character energy for everyone, but especially for you.

Your full moon self-care practice: Go through the photos on your phone from the past year. Reflect on where you’ve been and where you are now. Release anything that no longer serves you and witness your growth.


You’ve always got your ear to the ground, Gemini, but more information arrives under these moonbeams. The full moon in Leo illuminates your third house of communication, information, and learning. If you’re in school, this moon could correlate with completing a course or becoming more proficient in a new skill. If you have siblings, you may learn some news about them or some of your extended family members. In general, this moon will deliver some type of news, so pay attention to topics of discussion, themes, and people you encounter on this day. This is also a great day for self-expression, so speak from your heart.

Your full moon self-care practice: Grab your journal and get writing. Expression is key under this moon, so dump your emotions, ideas, and thoughts all onto a piece of paper.


Have money on your mind, Cancer? The full moon in Leo activates your second house of income, resources, and self-worth. Finances, raises, promotions, and becoming more intimately involved with your budget are all on the table. With wildcard Uranus involved, the full moon in Leo can go one of two ways: an exciting windfall or surprise bonus check, or unexpected expenses or bills popping up. Lean into the gratitude for all you have and don’t be afraid to ask for what you’re worth.

Your full moon self-care practice: Say thank you to the universe every time you make a purchase. Be grateful for the funds to fill your fridge or your gas tank. This will help cultivate an abundance mindset.


A full moon in your sign—what could be more exciting, Leo? The only full moon in Leo this year activates your first house of identity, sense of self, and personal ambitions. This is truly your moment—it’s all about you! But, it can be a reflective and sensitive time. You can make use of this energy to shed old versions of yourself and step into a future version of who you want to be. Relationship changes—either at work or in love—may experience some turbulence or sudden breakthroughs.

Your full moon self-care practice: Time for some mirror magick. Sit in front of a mirror and repeat positive affirmations to yourself over and over. Push through the discomfort; you’re being reborn and ready to embody these new qualities.


It’s time to slow down, Virgo. The full moon in Leo moves through your 12th house of endings, closure, spirituality, and release. Consider yourself at a recharging station. If you’ve been working beyond the scope of your boundaries, this full moon may remind you that solitude can bring clarity and rest is productive. You have deeper access to your subconscious and intuition, so pay attention to symbols and messages in your dreams and waking life.

Your full moon self-care practice: Choose to say no! Decline some invitations! Bundle up with a book or show, and choose to just be in your own energy to reset.


You’re reflecting more on your social circle, Libra. The full moon lands in your 11th house of community, friendship, as well as the sector of your chart that has to do with your hopes and dreams for the future. Networking or social events around this time can lead to meeting some unexpected people who may also be willing and ready to invest in you and your ideas. Drama within friend groups can reach a peak. You’re usually not a fan of confrontation, but today’s moon will give you the encouragement to speak your mind—with tact.

Your full moon self-care practice: Engage in a group activity. Spend some time with friends or start volunteering at an organization that means something to you—just choose to spend time with others. This can feel incredibly restorative.


The spotlight is on your career, Scorpio. Major life changes are underway with the full moon in Leo moving through your 10th house of reputation, legacy, and accomplishments. Even though you’re known for not being a big fan of change, this full moon in Leo could have you ready to make life-changing decisions! Perhaps you’re leaving a job, starting a new position, moving, or ready to share a part of yourself publicly with the world. Don’t be afraid to take risks—this is your cosmic green light!

Your full moon self-care practice: Invite a little more adventure into your life by choosing the unexpected path. Be bold and take a risk. If you want something you’ve never had before, you have to try something new.


You’re ready for something new, Sagittarius. This full moon in Leo moves through your ninth house of travel, expansion, spirituality, adventure, and education. You may be gearing up to take a big trip or ready to explore other realms with your spiritual practice. You’re being asked to zoom out and look at the big picture. What do you want and what actions will lead you there? News and information may also arrive under this moon, so pay close attention to topics of conversation and people you encounter around this time. Fortune favors the bold—so take a risk.

Your full moon self-care practice: Connect with an aligned spiritual practice, like meditation, tarot, astrology, or breathwork. Engaging with your intuition can reveal helpful information as you decide how you’d like to move forward.


You’re in a very reflective state under these moonbeams, Capricorn. The full moon in Leo lands in your eighth house of intimacy, fears, psyche, and shared resources. You may be reflecting on contracts—spoken and unspoken—that you share with others. This can also mark a financial shift (taxes, anyone?) or, on a more personal level, have you sorting through some of your past. You will be rewarded with your vulnerability under this moon. This is the perfect time to extend yourself grace and to work on healing from and releasing parts of your past. You may be in the cocoon now, but your butterfly moment is just around the corner.

Your full moon self-care practice: Visualize your shadow: Get specific with a moment in time when you felt the most embarrassed, shameful, or guilty. Walk over to your shadow and hug it. Envision a pink orb of bright light and love engulfing the both of you. Love and release.


Romance is in the air, and this full moon in Leo is bringing make-it or break-it energy, Aquarius. The full moon graces the relationship sector of your chart, so in matters of love, you may be making a sudden decision. You may also be sharing pieces of your past that you haven’t felt safe enough to share with others for some time. This energy can also signal some potential collaborations or contracts on the horizon in your career sector.

Your full moon self-care practice: Listen to your heart. You’re so logical and analytical and it’s too easy for you to silence what the heart wants. Tune in to your heart space and take action from there.


What’s been brewing beneath the surface, Pisces? The full moon activates your sixth house of routine, work-life balance, conflict, and health. If you’re feeling worn down, it’s more than fair that you express your needs! If there has been ongoing tension between you and someone at work or in your life, this full moon can give you that extra push to address it head on. It’s also a powerful time to embrace a healthier routine and kick limiting beliefs and bad habits. Start small and you’ll eventually make huge waves of change.

Your full moon self-care practice: It’s time to spend more time on yourself. You’re overdue for rest and recharge, so engage in relaxing activities that lower your cortisol levels.



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