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HomeLifestyleA Protected House for All Mothers: Katie Krause Mork and Hallie Stephens...

A Protected House for All Mothers: Katie Krause Mork and Hallie Stephens Drake Speak About Motherhood and Podcasting, Whereas Nonetheless Retaining Issues Between the Motherhood Group

Two entertainment reporting journalists  and Emmy winning moms joined forces to create a space for all mothers to be able to  listen and talk to one another. These two star-power mothers, who are well known from their experience on Entertainment Tonight,  would be: Hallie Stephens Drake and Katie Krause Mork.  The hosts are now also behind the podcast titled, Between Us Moms. The podcast covers everything from changing  diapers to pop culture  news-with your favorite celebrity mothers also stopping by. The podcast is available on Spotify, Apple and other podcast streaming platforms, and can also be watched on Youtube.  I was able to discover from these two wonderful mothers, what this new adventure of motherhood and podcasting means to them: 

Meghan Forte: In what ways is mother to mother sharing stories and experiences emotionally releasing ? 

Katie Krause Mork : In every way! I think we really started this so that we could have a space to share the good and the bad stories – and to make other moms feel less alone. There really is something therapeutic about realizing so many others are going through the exact same things as you – it’s the validation, empathy, connection, learning, normalizing that all helps. Motherhood is a complex and emotional journey and it’s so nice to do it with a community you trust at the end of the day – I know I couldn’t do it alone –  and it’s even better to have a little fun while doing it. 

Hallie  Stephens Drake: Quickly after giving birth to my first child, I realized the bonds of motherhood are strong and mighty. Raising children truly takes a village and the multigenerational circle of women in my tribe have lifted me up, supported me and offered unwavering encouragement. I know first hand that when women feel safe and empowered to lean on each other without shame or fear of judgment, there isn’t anything we can’t handle. When my daughter turned one, I acknowledged the women who held me up – coining my mama motto… “motherhood is a sisterhood.” Now, we close every episode of Between Us Moms with that subtle reminder to our mama listeners. 

Meghan Forte: What did you look up to in your own mother/family/ or legal guardian?

Hallie Stephens Drake: My mom, who we lovingly refer to as Cricket, is wild and free. She embodies joie de vie, love, tenderness, generosity and acceptance. She is my north star and I can only hope that one day my own daughters love me the way I love her. 

Katie Krause Mork: For me, I looked up to my mom in so many ways. She is the epitome of love and strength and did everything in her power to make our childhoods as magical as possible. There wasn’t a birthday or holiday that wasn’t overly celebrated, and there wasn’t a day that we didn’t know how much she loved us. She worked so hard, and really instilled determination and love in all three of her children. I hope I can be that for my two girls!

Meghan Forte What is involved in some behind the scenes aspects of hosting a podcast?

Katie Krause Mork: We are honestly still learning but there is a lot! You have to find a hosting platform and your niche and go from there – and be willing to wear all the hats! I’m so grateful for Hallie because this is really a team effort and we’re both learning and doing it all, from the editing to the social media management. We do all our own bookings, too, so there is a lot that goes into that as well – pitching guests, scheduling time, preparing questions for interviews, etc. For those wanting to start a podcast I would say find your niche, build it out, and keep going. 

Hallie Stephens Drake: Katie and I are new to the game but we have loved the challenge of starting something new together. Not only are we hosting the podcast,  we are booking, producing, editing, etc too. We are a two woman band so anything Between Us Moms related is the result of our time and effort. One piece of advice I would offer to anyone looking to start any new business endeavor is to choose your partner wisely. Katie is one of my best friends but we met at work so we KNOW we collaborate well together. We know each other’s strengths and weaknesses and we genuinely want to see each other win at every turn. There is deep love and care, but also a friendship that allows for full transparency. She’s a chosen sister and I love that our wins are tied to one another. 

Meghan Forte: What was something before you became a mother that you may have been a little nervous about like changing a dirty diaper, learning infant CPR etc?

Hallie Stephens Drake: I wouldn’t say I was nervous per se, but I remember being at the hospital and the nurses telling us we were cleared to leave and I felt like somehow it wasn’t legal. ‘Like, are you sure? We just go? Like, that’s it? Are you coming with us?’ 

Katie Krause Mork: That’s a good question! I was actually a little bit nervous about the diaper changing but a few days in it just becomes second nature. You suddenly find yourself sniffing your child’s bum a lot to see if they’ve gone… and then you become a speedy ninja at changing diapers.  

Meghan Forte: What would you like to share with new mothers to let them know they are not alone in certain  feelings or to boost their confidence?

Katie Krause Mork: Parenting is a true learning process, and nobody has all the answers from the start. Every baby is unique, and as you get to know your child, you’ll become more confident in your abilities as a parent. Most importantly – be KIND to yourself. No one is perfect so just remember that you are doing your best in a demanding but most rewarding role… and always celebrate  your little victories. 

Hallie Stephens Drake: Mama, you are human. You will make mistakes. You will have moments where you feel like you’ve failed. But God made you to be your baby’s mother. You know your child better than anyone and the best resource you have is your gut. Find your people. Lean on them. Celebrate all the victories, big and small and know that Katie and I are rooting you on every single step of the way. You’ve got this mama. 

Meghan Forte: What do you like to do in your “me time”? 

Hallie Stephens Drake:  In my ‘me time’ I love to dance up and down the aisles of the record store, try the new restaurant in town, have friends over for coffee or dinner or a cocktail, take yoga classes and bake. But most days you’ll find me snuggled up with my kiddo and the hubs, enjoying the sweet and slow moments.

Katie Krause Mork: There is nothing I love more than to binge-watch a good show with Jason, go for a hike on the weekends, or make dinner with a glass of wine in hand (while not pregnant of course!). I have also been trying to read more, which has been a nice escape at night after Kaia goes to bed. Jason and I are both trying to be better about reading over scrolling on our phones! And of course, I love working on my fertility company, Novalynn Fertility!

Thank you to Hallie Stephens Drake and to Katie Krause Mork, for both being an inspiration and for building a community for  moms with your podcast. Your children will know you both are the coolest, I am sure!  Many listeners will find humor and joy while connecting with the experiences that you share with those listening  along to the Between Us Moms podcast. Episodes will air every Tuesday and Friday, according to the YouTube Channel. Readers, be sure to tune in, and you will also find joy in listening to the adventures of motherhood. 


Listen In: 

Between Us Moms Apple Podcast Link 

Between Us Moms Spotify Podcast Link

Between Us Moms Art 19 Profile, An Amazon Company 

Between Us Moms YouTube Channel

Follow on Socials:

Between Us Moms Instagram Profile 

Hallie Stevens Drake Instagram Profile

Hallie Stevens Drake IMDB Profile 

Katie Krause Mork Instagram Profile 



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